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  2. This isn't a result of the lack of resources, I used to religiously play DS and call DST easier for this exact same reason... and eventually realized that I was pretty much always hovering at 20-30 grass/twigs at all times in either game. Dying more often in DS is because of many other factors, such as small engine/world gen differences or literally all of the shipwrecked DLC in your third example there.
  3. In lore, it makes more sense for it to be in cave. As for utility, maybe the play can turn costume used into a bone helm (ignored by shadow, without the sanity loss) with a duration of like 3 days Recharge at each play.
  4. I haven't tried with magma but rovers could move water around like that since day one. I made airlocks using that before moving dupes to new asteroids
  5. In terms of loot yes but in terms of travel I'd say no. I'm not naive enough to think 1 qol update will fix this but hey they're trying at least.
  6. I think this should extend to work actions as well having to run away from them to get them to stop working is just silly.
  7. It runs alright on my macbook. Though I can't say how well it does on longer standing worlds as I primarily play on my PC.
  8. Today
  9. It surprise me more when they can't do Move to errand
  10. if their attacks weren't fair I wouldn't have been able to have a response for every single one of them
  11. What do you mean by armies? the pigs from wx cinematic? or did I miss something
  12. her birthday candles stay lit her wish is clear
  13. Wait hold on, so your telling me in a recent update Klei added a world Gen option to have your world instantly deleted upon death just like in Solo Dont Starve, but yet the rest of the game still has to be scaled to multiplayer just because lol it’s a multiplayer game?? I think Klei probably needs to look into not just boss scaling but also world content scaling…. And this means that the world sizes and food and resources spawn to accommodate 6 players, so if you’re playing alone or with 2-3 people there’s an over abundance of food/resource supplies. To truly understand what the differences between DS and DST are (outside of ridiculously higher enemy health stats) one would need to play Solo Don’t Starve. I am not at all ashamed to admit that I have on several occasions in fact actually starved to death in Solo DS, or ran out of resources to craft a torch, or ended up stranded out at sea with a degrading boat I could not repair in Shipwrecked.. I don’t think I have EVER managed to starve to death in DST or run out of resources to craft a torch… because the game and it’s resources are scaled for multiple players and anything less than that is an over abundance of resources. Yet…. There’s still now a world Gen option to like Solo mode instantly erase your world the moment you croak. I think it’s pretty fair for me to want changes to bosses to accommodate for this. We can increase damage taken from all sources to 40% more or decrease them to 40% less.. But I think what Klei REALLY needs to do is add more options here… maybe for example I want to take 100% damage and die instantly if a boss hits me…. But I do not want to take 100% more damage from Freezing/Overheating. And IF I could change a boss to dealing 100% instant killing damage, obviously I’d also want options to lower its health so it isn’t a grueling hour long fight. In short: I want more immediate danger, but I want to be able to reasonably adjust the difficulty of that more immediate danger. And since Klei has already added options for 40% less or more damage taken from all sources, and an instant world deletion upon player death, then I logically don’t see why they CANT add more options for things like boss difficulty or health scaling. I’ll repeat this sentence over and over again until I either get banned of these forums cause the devs got sick of hearing it, OR they actually take it to heart. ”In a game already full options, we really do need more options.”
  14. Is there a bait I can use for bunnymen in caves? Due to asid rain powcake is useless, and I haven't had a holiday in my world yet. Anything nonperishable they'll eat?
  15. The mind control attack, hello? That's the whole reason you even need to go insane. So he could potentially stun you.
  16. Relaxed mode exists now, If you are playing with a group that doesn't want to learn the curve you can always play on that dificulty to make it more accessible.
  17. I don’t understand the point of this topic, if you’re wanting a reward, congratulations I guess, you did good & you deserve your cookies! But if your using this thread to try and justify that bosses don’t need any changes to become more enjoyable or more accessible to a wider variety of players then this is absolutely not the way it should be looked at. For me personally when I play with my group of significantly less skilled friends my view point is this, They’re trying to play and enjoy content that requires a steep learning curve which by all means COULD and SHOULD be made more enjoyable by becoming more accessible. Now let me explain that I’ve played bullet hell shooters where on hard or sometimes even default mode, enemy projectiles would fly across the screen very fast and deal significant damage to you should you end up caught in the line of fire, however… that very same game also has options to significantly lower the skill threshold by doing things such as reducing the amount of projectiles, the speed on which they travel (giving more time to less skilled players to see & Dodge) and of course not insta killing you on hit. What you’re showing here is someone who has become so familiar with the game and it’s mobs that they can literally avoid taking damage from the mobs. But that does not automatically equal that those mobs are fair or even balanced. I can proudly say I once held #4 on the global world wide leaderboard scores for Arkham Knight (the 3 scores above mine were hacked and couldn’t be beaten) I successfully could string together a flawless 450 hit combo without ever being hit or missing an attack, but again…. That didn’t mean the game didn’t need balance changes and difficulty adjustments for less skilled players. So please don’t try and use this topic as a way of exclaiming bosses are fair and don’t need changes. That’s pretty much all I’ve got to say, and again congratulations on your self imposed challenge or whatever. <3
  18. Yes, we will also definitely get more convenient controls for boats in solo and improved moon hail
  19. Ah yes Willow, the one we see in animated shorts working in alliance with Maxwell to capture people and bring them into the constant. Shady as Ever… But Nontheless I guess she deserves a birthday cake.
  20. Now try that again but getting hit every single time, with Wes. All bosses. You have to tank all hit from boss without dodging. Sound harder?
  21. I don't understand your argument, because a few people defended a bad boss my positions aren't valid? I've gone into extreme detail in previous threads explaining why many of the bosses are amazingly designed, they're just unintuitive and have a steep learning curve, but that can be fixed without dumbing down the fights
  22. Whohoo! Cheers to one of the Constant's original and finest! Long live the firestarter!
  23. I gave me reason, I said "I think randomness should be part of the sport." You get skills to counter all kinds of random maps, bad loot table luck, bad unexpected accidents. They are all valid factors in a game. Assuming you get what you want from the first try and assuming you have all the good luck is not random and not realistic gameplay. If we are talking about challenges, or breaking records, or being competitive, those are valid factors for all sports in the world. You make your own rules and think you didn't break any, well, it's your rules. I came for sport, I commented on sport, I thought it was more sporty, and I left it there. I admire your effort, and I didn't attack you. It was nothing personal.
  24. Congratulations! I'm going to say some stuff but I don't want to give the impression I am diminishing your accomplishment.You have completed a challenge that few would try and fewer would succeed. I frequently see no hit/ no "cheese" boss fight videos or strategies used to justify a criticised boss. It ludicrous to expect what you displayed in this video, particularly the raid bosses, as practical experience for any other player. You are so good at this game you have become the exception, not the norm. There might a few hand raises that claim they could do this too and I am sure of it, but its a tiny minority of the forum goers. Forum goers are generally more aware of strategies and game mechanics than the average player will ever know. There is always resistance to boss changes because some players are able to kill it, as if the boss dying suddenly makes the fight fair/good. My favourite example is the old pre-nerf Toadstool defenders: Source:
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