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Playing on Public Servers

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how do you do it???  WHY do you do it???

I normally play DST alone because it has skins, and tons of content...  but I hate having a public server that essentially resets before I can ever return to it...

No one ever joins my game even though I play with it publicly available, likely because people don't care to join a rando game with someone's own world - but would rather play on a public server.  I decided I wanted to play some with other players over the weekend.  In one game I had some fun rushing Bee Queen with Wickerbottom / tentacles, utilizing other people's bases to cook some food while I just farmed what I needed to get that set up.  As soon as I defeated Bee Queen I had to log out and go to work, of course when I go off work the world was reset.  I played 2 other times, each time I would work with people to set up a base until I had to leave, and then ... it reset before I got back.

So I understand that resetting is part of the game when everyone dies, and I'm actually not complaining about the resetting - but more just wandering - when you join a public server what are your goals?  What do you focus on doing?  Do you just use some bare scrap of a base and dive into the caves?  What could I expect to do in this game if I could only play the first Autumn season, and not through Winter because of time constraints?  Basically I'm just wandering what type of play style I should look at to get the most enjoyment out of the multi-player / public servers?  I'm fine keeping my own saved server for a mega-base ect.

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Host an ENDLESS server and enable a LOCK mod to protect stuffs when offline. Regenerate world ONCE per week. Set up a (steam or anyother) GROUP for instant messaging.


This is the common way in my country.

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I really like to join Klei's servers, even now. I know it's a risky move to join a unmoderated server, but I like the mistery of ''with what kind of players will I play ?''. I've reached the state of my mind where I'm more satisfaying to meet new player(s) and possibly be his/her/their friend rather than having the server running without reseting. I was even able to survive 100+ days. (Thanks again for fixing the voting system) I think the servers keep reseting due to the lack of inactivity because we know that not many are staying to survive Winter or a whole year. I see Klei's servers as a test of ''how fast can I manage to make a base ?'' or ''will I find this time friendly players to co-operate with ?'' Yes, I said it's risky because of trolls which at the current moment they can destroy the base by using different methods, it happened too many times to still cry about my base if I find it destroyed, I will still regret a bit, but the possibility to meet new trustful friends it's making me happier.

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yes, the current problem is not the resetting mechanic when everyone is dead, but the mindset of players that they absolutely are to play survival and there are also no other choices for true hardc0re 420 31337 players

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11 hours ago, Shosuko said:

how do you do it???  WHY do you do it???

For experimentation, streamline of actions towards gaining efficiency; and with a primary setup in Caves - bonus if in Wilds or close to Ancient Pseudoscience Station (that so to bypass the trolls/griefers insanity - pun most intended :rolleyes:). Public servers (co-op survival vanilla variety) are nice for the trill of not knowing what will happen next - most of times being rolf lel deaths from stupid/noobish things done by random Joes/Janes. Yet, with the help of a friend or 2 or even from randoms that know what to do (and this here is the part with meeting new nice people mentioned by previous posters as well), one can make swell bases and take upon challenges (bosses and self-imposed additional goals) from different angles each time - and that is a fun way to, as stated, gaining more experience by trial-end-error means; and just that. If you want something more durable so-to-say (like a mega-base) private servers, even more so if personal, are the way to go.

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For the most part I just go in to see what everyone's doing / has constructed these days. I'd be lying if I said I didn't also troll a bit to see how your "Hai gaiz wheres baze" crowds will respond / die when you say nothing, tell them they are being rude, or say griefer spotted. If I end up playing I try to find what would be the hardest server for a day 1 to survive on and just sick around til I get a gift drop or fight a giant. It can be quite a thrill to see how fast and deep you can go into the harder content with nothing but corpse loot.


My sessions tend to be short though outside of my harder local hosts (which seem to draw the greenest players, warnings be damned).

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As for me i join from time to time on a public server. its more about meeting fun ppl and have fun with them. last time did it, it was realy fun because a lot of more experienced players joined and we could have some fun together. for example defeat dfly early and do klaus and stuff. its not very common, but from time to time you get a nice game. i dont realy care about reseting anymore.

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On 6/4/2017 at 1:07 AM, Shosuko said:

how do you do it???  WHY do you do it???

I normally play DST alone because it has skins, and tons of content...  but I hate having a public server that essentially resets before I can ever return to it...

No one ever joins my game even though I play with it publicly available, likely because people don't care to join a rando game with someone's own world - but would rather play on a public server.  I decided I wanted to play some with other players over the weekend.  In one game I had some fun rushing Bee Queen with Wickerbottom / tentacles, utilizing other people's bases to cook some food while I just farmed what I needed to get that set up.  As soon as I defeated Bee Queen I had to log out and go to work, of course when I go off work the world was reset.  I played 2 other times, each time I would work with people to set up a base until I had to leave, and then ... it reset before I got back.

So I understand that resetting is part of the game when everyone dies, and I'm actually not complaining about the resetting - but more just wandering - when you join a public server what are your goals?  What do you focus on doing?  Do you just use some bare scrap of a base and dive into the caves?  What could I expect to do in this game if I could only play the first Autumn season, and not through Winter because of time constraints?  Basically I'm just wandering what type of play style I should look at to get the most enjoyment out of the multi-player / public servers?  I'm fine keeping my own saved server for a mega-base ect.

I do it for fun to be honest.  It's cool to join different worlds and play with different people.  See which characters go best with whom, combining strengths, etc.  It can be frustrating with trolls and noobs, but it makes it more challenging. 

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Personally, I simply don't do it anymore exactly because of this problem. I really dont like to build stuff in a foreign world and when I have to quit, its over. Not only that, but I still have things to discover and experiment in late game. It gets really repetitive to always start over; eating berries, gathering twigs and grass... ZzZ... 

Not my cup of tea right now. Fixing yourself some quick goals is a good idea tho. I keep that in mind.


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I just join for a short term experience since long term is usually out of the question, it is more about doing stuff with other players than the missions themselves.   Even though I'm a very experienced player I prefer playing with people new to the game or at most at an intermediate level.   Playing with advanced players is boring, the world gets mapped in record time, they are harvesting the ruins within 20 days and killing the ancient guardian, the only thing left is the atrium.   More fun to work in a challenging situation and being with beginners is like taking a friend to a favorite movie, you get to enjoy the game on their level all over again.

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thx for the replies guys.  I guess I was on the right track with my Wickerbottom / Tentacle Trap / Bee Queen play through.  On the "speed run" type goal list I guess I can put up Bee Queen with Wickerbottom, and D-Fly with Wolfgang.  I could also see how quickly I can spring up a sizable base / farm with Maxwell who can get TONS of logs / rocks quickly to build all sorts of structures.

What other types of things do you think are a good / fun goal for a time when I can play just 1 season, and am looking for some of the experience I could reach for in a public world?

14 hours ago, Rellimarual said:

My irl friends don't play DST, so all the friends I play with on my own server are people I originally met on public servers.

Thanks for saying this.  I struggle to get my irl friends to join me in DST, and find it especially difficult now that my work schedule changed, and I'm clocking in nights / weekends.  Maybe I should just join to find some friends / socialize and see who I work well with, and then invite them to my own worlds / visit theirs.  That may be a big missing link here too...  I never really thought about using the public worlds more as a social point than as a gaming point lol.  I feel really dumb for not realizing that -_-

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2 hours ago, Shosuko said:

Thanks for saying this.  I struggle to get my irl friends to join me in DST, and find it especially difficult now that my work schedule changed, and I'm clocking in nights / weekends.  Maybe I should just join to find some friends / socialize and see who I work well with, and then invite them to my own worlds / visit theirs.  That may be a big missing link here too...  I never really thought about using the public worlds more as a social point than as a gaming point lol.  I feel really dumb for not realizing that -

Not exactly social, but just looking for people whose play style matches yours. There's usually at least one person who knows what they're doing.

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I memorize weird things automatically, and for a while I had the processes of starting a world so well memorized that I'd end up in the caves looking for a place to settle with most of a central base prototyped in my inventory on exactly day 11, no matter what the world setup was.
So for me, it's because games get bland once I figure everything out about them, and working with others changes up the process a bit. Or, in the case of one of the modded Endless servers, I can show people stuff, or just set up a nice place and do uncommon things to show off.
Or make various confusing landmarks and wait for the responses.
The main problem I've had with those server's lately is their tendency to crash/cause random issues for random players that make it impossible to rejoin.

Survival's only interesting to me if everyone/most people are cooperating.
It can be pretty hard to find a server like that, though. Understandably, given the griefing/leeching issue.

Competition between separate groups just means that unique resources will be completely unavailable to some players, which feels like griefing more than being 'unique'. So, servers that are split up into factions waiting for eachother to die are an immediate 'nope' for me. I wish PvP was more commonly available on coop servers, if you're going to be a challenge to conquer you can do it without invulnerability c:

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Shosuko, personally to me, its just like opensource programming, 

creating something, leaving it to others, and hoping something great would come out of it (which most of the time most likely wont) 

its a good feeling this.

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Consider the fact that some players own and play vanilla Don't Starve. That's my case: when I want to play alone I play vanilla, and Together otherwise.

But it's strange, I never considered playing Together solo with all these updates.

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