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Caves Beta - October 16th Update

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Is there already a listed bug that allows you to ditch the incoming depth worm and hound attacks if you traverse between caves and the overworld? When you come back into the cave or the overworld you will still hear the audio cue, but once it's over nothing will show up.

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OK posting my third log file with tons of disconnects. Still random BUT for some reason when i was fighting (DF, Moslings, worms, hounds, tallbirds, etc.) i didn't disconnect. I did tho when i was fighting Beefalos - weird i know. But overall playtime just random disconnects - i didn't stay longer than 15min in server.


Also it is for sure Mac problem because my bro playing on PC with Windows on same router didn't have any problems.


Looking forward to this fix .)


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 Yes please, thanks for reporting this! :-)


I can't see any crash in that particular log, though... If it happens again, could you send another log right away? I think what might have happened here is the server had already been restarted or something like that.


yeah I might've re-started server at that point, this one should be one saved right after crash. I wish there was a multiple file backlog so it doesn't get overwritten every time.


Also I am worried about how people can "hide" in caves with the loot they wanted and reset overworld with someone dying there on purpose, with people in caves staying intact.


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I have to admit I find the strategic use of alternate planes-of-existence (caves/surface) to carry resources over worlds is intriguing to me.  I don't object to it per se, but I'd rather see it explicit -- like in a Wilderness surface with a Survival cave.


It feels kind of like how wormhole colonization in EVE felt when the first corporations moved into the WH network to stay.  (I ran a corp of colonists in alliance with two others)


But I get that it certainly is not in-line with the direction Klei needs to go in unifying the worlds into a seamless front.

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Sorry, the language in the guide isn't super clear. It actually specifially recommends hosting the from separate folders, the first from DoNotStarveTogether (i.e. no command line flags) and the second from DST_Caves (-conf_dir DST_Caves). You can of course supply a conf_dir for the first server as well, if you want to keep it separate from your client settings.


Thanks for your reply, but I think there's a misunderstanding:

  • The game binary and the mods folder is located are what I call the "game dir" (usually steamapps/DST). This is implied in the install guide to be the same both for main world and for caves.
  • The conf is located in the "conf dirs" (usually .klei/DoNotStarveTogether and .klei/DST_Caves). This of course must be different.


My point is that when we run:

cd ~/steamapps/DST/bin./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether# Separate terminal/screen:./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -conf_dir DST_Cave

We are actually performing a mod update in the same directory (steamapps/DST/mods), at the same time, by two different processes. This may result in conflicts.


I think we can avoid this risk by:

  • Either running the game in separate game folders:
cd ~/steamapps/DST/bin./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether# Separate terminal/screen:cd ~/steamapps/DSTcopy/bin./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -conf_dir DST_Cave
  • Or running mod updates separately (-skip_update_server_mods):
cd ~/steamapps/DST/bin./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -only_update_server_mods./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -skip_update_server_mods -conf_dir DoNotStarveTogether# Separate terminal/screen:./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer -skip_update_server_mods -conf_dir DST_Cave
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  • Developer

Is there already a listed bug that allows you to ditch the incoming depth worm and hound attacks if you traverse between caves and the overworld? When you come back into the cave or the overworld you will still hear the audio cue, but once it's over nothing will show up.


Nope, new bug. Thanks for reporting it. Hmmmmmmmmm.....



yeah I might've re-started server at that point, this one should be one saved right after crash. I wish there was a multiple file backlog so it doesn't get overwritten every time.


Also I am worried about how people can "hide" in caves with the loot they wanted and reset overworld with someone dying there on purpose, with people in caves staying intact.


That log doesn't seem to have a crash in it either. Could you run this command:


...and PM me the result? It will give us an idea if there might be a hardware issue.



Everything works fine on my part when it comes to Overworld and Caves merging, however whenever I try to transcend from Caves > Overworld my game would disconnect itself and give me an error code: Direct connection timed out.


Not sure how to fix it myself, any help would be appreciated.


We'll be putting out an update shortly that may help this, stay tuned!




Thanks for your reply, but I think there's a misunderstanding:

  • The game binary and the mods folder is located are what I call the "game dir" (usually steamapps/DST). This is implied in the install guide to be the same both for main world and for caves.
  • The conf is located in the "conf dirs" (usually .klei/DoNotStarveTogether and .klei/DST_Caves). This of course must be different.


Oh oh oh oh, I understand. This is a really good point, we'll chew on this one. Thanks!

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@noice, it turns out we have a solution in place for this, some command line flags:

-only_update_server_mods : this will force the game to synchronize subscribed mods, then immediately shut down. Run this once after you change your dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua.

-skip_update_server_mods : prevents the server from syncing mods. After the above, run your servers with this to keep them from conflicting over the mods foder.



OMG I'm the worst sorry. You said all this... So yeah. That's the recommended solution.

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I found some visual and audio glitches, and while they might not deal with caves, this seems like to be the best place to report them anyway.


Wes' blush marks seem to duplicate whenever he does certain emotes like /angry or when he builds something.






Tallbird eggs also make the shattering noise as if they were freezing, even though none are currently hatching. I'm not certain if this glitch happens because they're near the fire but not close enough to start hatching, or if it's just because they were on the floor after the server restarted. The shattering happens all day and all night, no sound of overheating. 

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@t0panka Guilty for sure. We've had a bunch of issues with the build distribution system and Steam, but those have just been resolved, the new update is finally out!


Wes' blush marks seem to duplicate whenever he does certain emotes like /angry or when he builds something.       Tallbird eggs also make the shattering noise as if they were freezing, even though none are currently hatching. I'm not certain if this glitch happens because they're near the fire but not close enough to start hatching, or if it's just because they were on the floor after the server restarted. The shattering happens all day and all night, no sound of overheating. 


Cool, thanks for reporting these!




An update has been posted, please continue the conversation in the new thread!



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