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Behold, the power of cheese. 6v1 Panflute Day 2

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Whaaa whaaa whaaa.  No it should not be nerfed.  Instead of complaining all the time about how this or that is OP why dont you just develop a counter strat instead.  The flute can be countered, quite easily I might add, and just because you haven't figured it out or been shown how doesn't warrant a nerf on 1 piece of equipment that is quite useful and a powerful counter to the Wicker meta.  If you don't like how PvP is being played right now then don't play it but stop saying everything that beats you or everyone else needs to be nerfed.  Consider yourself lucky that these guys weren't the among the many sour pusses that combat log every time this happens.

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Whaaa whaaa whaaa.  No it should not be nerfed.  Instead of complaining all the time about how this or that is OP why dont you just develop a counter strat instead.  The flute can be countered, quite easily I might add, and just because you haven't figured it out or been shown how doesn't warrant a nerf on 1 piece of equipment that is quite useful and a powerful counter to the Wicker meta.  If you don't like how PvP is being played right now then don't play it but stop saying everything that beats you or everyone else needs to be nerfed.  Consider yourself lucky that these guys weren't the among the many sour pusses that combat log every time this happens.


Do you have any idea what you're saying?

One item to be able to shut down all players. Not op, no no.


Let's look at it from the other side. What IS the suppose of the pan Flute, PLEASE tell me?


Pan flute have no sense begin in PvP, that is just imo

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@Mudley, Or perhaps since the earmuffs are easy to craft they could only lesson the effect, such as not knocking you out while wearing them but instead makes you a little groggy.


The flute can be countered, quite easily I might add

The flute has it's counters of course, but I'd argue they aren't always easy. But regardless of that if you look at the item objectively it is too strong in it's current incarnation, at the very least VS players. Remember back in the old days when Sleepytimes and the Flute didn't work on players? Remember how much fun that was? Now it's just a matter of "Whoever gets the uber item first dominates 90% of the lobby" 


It might not necessarily need to be nerfed but there should be some easier way to combat it added soon or in TTA.

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Bush hat should block everything, make bush hat OP. 


New stats for bush hat


-blocks 99.9% of incoming damage

-adds 300 speed multiplier

-gives bonus attack multiplier by 4,000,000,000

-emits aura of light

-increases base health by 6000

-has 3,000,000 sanity regen per second while worn

-stops hunger drain

-when hit makes a force field

-summons random followers every 5 seconds to fight for you

-makes you leave a trail of berry bushes

-blocks panflute sounds

-reflects projectiles

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Bush hat should block everything, make bush hat OP. 


New stats for bush hat


-blocks 99.9% of incoming damage

-adds 300 speed multiplier

-gives bonus attack multiplier by 4,000,000,000

-emits aura of light

-increases base health by 6000

-has 3,000,000 sanity regen per second while worn

-stops hunger drain

-when hit makes a force field

-summons random followers every 5 seconds to fight for you

-makes you leave a trail of berry bushes

-blocks panflute sounds

-reflects projectiles


- No random crits

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The thing is though, once you are asleep they can just play the flute right when you get up. One time I was full health wolfgang with log suit and football helmet and my friend (playing as wes) got close to me offering a trade. He then set me asleep and eventually killed me. Every time I woke up he would run away and play the flute and shank me a  bunch again. At the end of the fight I hadn't got one hit of on him because I didn't have blow darts. the flute may have counters later in the game but you can find the flute day 1, making sleep darts takes a long time if you also have to manage food and shelter because you are just starting out. I think the flute should just make you groggy, so that it's more of a getaway weapon instead of a day 1 nuke.


what is the counter to pan flute cuz idk any good ones on day one, (which is when you need the counter).

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Someone got a panflute on my pvp server once. I suprised them by spawning 2 beargers right as they played.


Once the beargers woke up, they both yawned, which set them both back to sleep and made the player sleep even longer. It was priceless....


And that's why my pvp world has the sleepy time spot with warning signs all around it.

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