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Really? I guess that either makes me Gandalf or frodo.


And debugman18 has to be Frodo.

He even looks like him:

Posted Image


I'm always despairing a bit with TEXs and i probably have too little faith to be anyone other than Boromir.

Or maybe Pippin, since i do like my second breakfasts and the whole hobbit lifestyle. But i don't want to be the guy who drops a skeleton down a well and ruins everyone's day.

Edited by lifemare
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Also, SetHUDPause is broken too.I think it has to do with the widget changes.

It's just been renamed to SetPause(). I'm adding a compatibility layer so that code using either the old and new stuff will just work (provided they run inside the wicker environment).
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It's just been renamed to SetPause(). I'm adding a compatibility layer so that code using either the old and new stuff will just work (provided they run inside the wicker environment).


Oooooh. Serves me for not looking. <_<



And debugman18 has to be Frodo.


He even looks like him:

Posted Image


xD I... That picture is amazing. Frodo looks so amazed.


"Oh my god.


It's a flower."


Posted Image

Edited by debugman18
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And debugman18 has to be Frodo.

He even looks like him:

Posted Image

I'm always despairing a bit with TEXs and i probably have too little faith to be anyone other than Boromir.

Or maybe Pippin, since i do like my second breakfasts and the whole hobbit lifestyle. But i don't want to be the guy who drops a skeleton down a well and ruins everyone's day.

Dangit. Who am I then? My third choice was pippin. I'm definitely not one of the dwarfs. Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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It's just been renamed to SetPause(). I'm adding a compatibility layer so that code using either the old and new stuff will just work (provided they run inside the wicker environment).

That's a pretty important change. I'm glad someone mentioned it. Thanks pal.
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Oooooh. Serves me for not looking. <_<

Try not to touch the broken stuff because I'm working on the compatibility layer right now. It's coming along nicely, except that... worldgen broke. I'll fix that first before pushing it.Also, I'm completely replacing the class post constructs (only in the wicker env, or more precisely inside TheMod). Now both just call AddGenericClassPostConstruct, which is a "smart" wrapper around the two functions, jumping through hoops looking at existing file names and defined global variables to try to fix everything before doing the correct call. So, for example, in the case of the MainScreen postconstruct, both formulations for its postconstruct setup (for nightmares and for the public preview) work under both versions.You'd still call the post constructs normally, passing the usual parameters. The fixing and patching happens behind the scenes. Edited by simplex
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Speaking of worldgen, how big will the islands be? (When they get implemented, and the infinite ground breaks up.)

Aesthetically, I would suggest a bunch of smaller Islands (Half the size of ones on the ground) with bridges connecting them in a mazelike pattern.

Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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Fixed compatibility with the preview.

Worldgen wasn't really broken, I just didn't pay enough attention to the log. Yes, the level wasn't being added, but that was due to a much more simple error: my fix for SetPause needed a check to not crash the mod loading at worldgen (but it's strange this crash was silent: it was being logged in log.txt, but it was not actually crashing the game). After taking care of that, all I had to do was add the clock component to cloudrealm (only if it's not there already, to preserve compatibility), because up until Nightmares the clock was added to the "base" world prefab, and now it's added only to the "derived" ones, such as "forest".

It seems that was it. I'll just check if everything really working under Nightmares as well and push it.

Edited by simplex
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For those interested in trying their hand at custom animation:

I've had a bit of a peek at the Spriter software.


It looks fairly nice.


A bit limited in some ways, and I'm kinda annoyed that IK systems are restricted to the 'pro' version... but it's only 25 dollars, right now... might have to buy it... when I'm not so broke...


A lack of IK systems were my first gripe, but at least they're there in the pro version.

The interface is pretty user-friendly, though the timeline itself and especially the framerate were particularly annoying.

My biggest complaint is the complete and utter lack of a graph. Can't see any mention of it being something that is planned but not implemented, or a Pro feature... which is a terrible shame... it's really something that is needed quite a lot... especially with the way it is built to work.


I do like a lot of things about it, but it's not quite there, yet. Looks promising, and fairly easy to use... and with a graph, it would be almost perfect... as long as you're using the Pro version...

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Done, changes pushed. The mod is now compatible both with Nightmares and the public preview.

Just note that (at least in Nightmares, haven't checked in the preview) force enabling a mod doesn't quite work during worldgen. That may cause a crash during worldgen just because the mod gets disabled in it (even though it was enabled in the "normal state" of the game). So if encountering a crash (triggered in worldgen_main.lua, line 468), check the Mods screen if the mod is truly enabled.

One thing I noticed is that in the public preview the cloud realm is completely dark. But that's good for us, since it gives us more flexibility to set the ambient color without resorting to hacks. I had asked Ipsquiggle for something like this yesterday, in fact. But, for now, wear a Miner Hat in the preview. ;]

Edited by simplex
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Alright, SO, with the information we've been given, I threw together this little test critter with a little bounce animation.


If anybody is able to get it in game, I'm curious to see if/how well everything works...

It's nothing especially wonderful... but this is just a test.


Posted Imagespritertest.zip

Hey, thanks for that! I think debugman is the man to do the testing.

And, to all of you, what will we rename our eel to?

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The eel? You mean the tentacle like monster? Eelectric? Every mob name should be a bad pun.

Yes. It's just that the new update is adding a mob called eel. So we can't use that anymore, otherwise our eel file will replace the standard one. Also, since eels are fishable from cave ponds, I'm not even sure what would happen when you were fishing and caught a ghostly tentacle (ok, either the game would crash or nothing would happen, since ours isn't an inventory item).And I like eelectric, but... I'm not sure how much. Isn't that too obvious? :razz:
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Yes. It's just that the new update is adding a mob called eel. So we can't use that anymore, otherwise our eel file will replace the standard one. Also, since eels are fishable from cave ponds, I'm not even sure what would happen when you were fishing and caught a ghostly tentacle (ok, either the game would crash or nothing would happen, since ours isn't an inventory item).And I like eelectric, but... I'm not sure how much. Isn't that too obvious? :razz:

 Bad puns are obvious sometimes :p This gave me the idea that there's should be a chance when you fish to catch an eelectric that will swing a few times and then go away.

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i leave for a day and what do i find? new stuff from klei to help our mod and even more interesting things to think about and draw!

i have a feeling this mod is going to be a big nice cloudy project... resulting in success.

Now we can do anything... 

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i leave for a day and what do i find? new stuff from klei to help our mod and even more interesting things to think about and draw!i have a feeling this mod is going to be a big nice cloudy project... resulting in success.Now we can do anything...

Right. I don't think they ever had a mod this big before. It's kinda like hexxit for DS. (But definitely not a copy. I used that mod just to compare how big it will probably be once up and away is finished) Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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Right. I don't think they ever had a mod this big before. It's kinda like hexxit for DS. (But definitely not a copy. I used that mod just to compare how big it will probably be once up and away is finished)

Except Hexxit is a compilation of mods. This is one. :3


Which reminds me, I'm going to test @TheDanaAddams' animation, maybe make a sheep sound, and then try out the new Minecraft snapshot. :o

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i leave for a day and what do i find? new stuff from klei to help our mod and even more interesting things to think about and draw!i have a feeling this mod is going to be a big nice cloudy project... resulting in success.Now we can do anything...

Oh, Willette, you missed so much! New ideas popping all the time, new tools allowing for custom animation and sounds, core mechanics of the mod taking shape... but, most importantly, you missed the Lord of the Rings derailing.But aaanyway, could you share the skyfly atlas with us soonish (even if you still feel like working on it some more)? I'm really itching to put them into the world and see how they fit into the ambiance (now that it's darker, I think they'll look really great).And oh, everyone, since I got no feedback on my suggestion of giving them bright, strong colors I'm guessing this was an implicit no...?
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Oh, Willette, you missed so much! New ideas popping all the time, new tools allowing for custom animation and sounds, core mechanics of the mod taking shape... but, most importantly, you missed the Lord of the Rings derailing.But aaanyway, could you share the skyfly atlas with us soonish (even if you still feel like working on it some more)? I'm really itching to put them into the world and see how they fit into the ambiance (now that it's darker, I think they'll look really great).And oh, everyone, since I got no feedback on my suggestion of giving them bright, strong colors I'm guessing this was an implicit no...?

Oh, no. I just never got around to it, since we never got the atlas. :p I strongly agree with that idea.

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