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Rifts should spawn naturally after 2 years in game.

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I love the new content, but I have 2 issues with the game that can be solved simultaneously:

1. The difficulty of a normal playthrough stops ramping after 100 days.

2. The endgame content is completely optional.

However, if rifts start spawning naturally after the second year, both of these issues are solved!

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2 minutes ago, EatenCheetos said:

I love the new content, but I have 2 issues with the game that can be solved simultaneously:

1. The difficulty of a normal playthrough stops ramping after 100 days.

2. The endgame content is completely optional.

However, if rifts start spawning naturally after the second year, both of these issues are solved!

I don't like this because the rifts are something that's caused by the player killing celestial champion it wouldn't make much sense for the rifts to just randomly start popping up after year 2

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4 minutes ago, EatenCheetos said:

I love the new content, but I have 2 issues with the game that can be solved simultaneously:

1. The difficulty of a normal playthrough stops ramping after 100 days.

2. The endgame content is completely optional.

However, if rifts start spawning naturally after the second year, both of these issues are solved!

How endgame content being optional is an issue that needs to be fixed?

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44 minutes ago, gamehun20 said:

I don't like this because the rifts are something that's caused by the player killing celestial champion it wouldn't make much sense for the rifts to just randomly start popping up after year 2

So? It doesn’t have to make sense.

41 minutes ago, Golden Daemon said:

How endgame content being optional is an issue that needs to be fixed?

Because there’s no incentive beyond getting bored.

14 minutes ago, Capybara007 said:

Sounds like a bad idea


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game need scaled up by things that get beaten not by time
if many newplayer, just like what im used to be, that pass two years easily by just a basic survival ditching bosses then the game just get scaled up difficulty by adding rift on, i think i wont even survive with one flingo base set up. finding out base wont be safe anymore cus 3 bright shade just pop out of nowhere. 
many new player i see is giving up of the game cus deerclops/bearger go rampage their base but atleast that boss can move away either by them self or luring them out of base .. now adding unmoveable mobs that spawn inside their base and camping kill everthing that near isnt really good for newbies. 

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Rifts auto-starting after 2 years is a bad idea.

A much better idea is rift auto-starting after you defeat their respective boss. Without this whole pop-up confirmation crap. You don't see a pop-up window asking if you want to enable winter after surviving 20 days, do you?

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3 minutes ago, Szczuku said:

Rifts auto-starting after 2 years is a bad idea.

A much better idea is rift auto-starting after you defeat their respective boss. Without this whole pop-up confirmation crap. You don't see a pop-up window asking if you want to enable winter after surviving 20 days, do you?

Someone mentioned that the pop up thing will only exist untill the taking roots is in progress, after that, is one and done!

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1 hour ago, Szczuku said:

Rifts auto-starting after 2 years is a bad idea.

A much better idea is rift auto-starting after you defeat their respective boss. Without this whole pop-up confirmation crap. You don't see a pop-up window asking if you want to enable winter after surviving 20 days, do you?

It’s literally asking the player if they’re okay with abandoning the current game and everything they love and enjoy about it, and starting New Game+

I am going to assume that due to a lot of comments on these forums that there’s a large majority of players out there who aren’t actually aware of what a New Game+ actually does..

Its like playing through one of the Batman games and throughout the story mode you encounter new enemy types (such as sniper thugs on rooftops) as you progress through the game (maybe at about 60% complete if memory serves me correctly), however.. when you start New Game+ These sniper thugs are already present and on the map as you replay through the story with harder variations of the games enemies or less reliability on gameplay mechanics you were used to.

The BEST example I can give for this is the boss fight with Mr Freeze in Batman Arkham City, on easy mode you only need to attack him a few times and can use the same type of attack multiple times, but on Hard you will need to use every type of tack down in Batmans arsenal and each time you use one he recalibrates his suit to prevent you from using the same takedown again.

THIS is Why DST has a confirmation prompt of asking if you want to continue…

your literally starting New Game+, old mobs will die, familiar ways of playing the game will change or be rendered ineffective (such as not being able to fish in ponds in caves for eels when Acid rain clogs the pond with Nitre) New Mobs or more advanced versions of existing mobs will take the place of the ones prior to it.

Thats literally what a New Game+ is intended to do…

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2 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Thats literally what a New Game+ is intended to do…

A newgame+ is when you start the game from the complete beginning and new content is unlocked because you have already beaten the game once here everything is still there it's the same world it's more like terraria hardmode than a new game+

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11 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

It’s literally asking the player if they’re okay with abandoning the current game and everything they love and enjoy about it, and starting New Game+

I am going to assume that due to a lot of comments on these forums that there’s a large majority of players out there who aren’t actually aware of what a New Game+ actually does..

Its like playing through one of the Batman games and throughout the story mode you encounter new enemy types (such as sniper thugs on rooftops) as you progress through the game (maybe at about 60% complete if memory serves me correctly), however.. when you start New Game+ These sniper thugs are already present and on the map as you replay through the story with harder variations of the games enemies or less reliability on gameplay mechanics you were used to.

The BEST example I can give for this is the boss fight with Mr Freeze in Batman Arkham City, on easy mode you only need to attack him a few times and can use the same type of attack multiple times, but on Hard you will need to use every type of tack down in Batmans arsenal and each time you use one he recalibrates his suit to prevent you from using the same takedown again.

THIS is Why DST has a confirmation prompt of asking if you want to continue…

your literally starting New Game+, old mobs will die, familiar ways of playing the game will change or be rendered ineffective (such as not being able to fish in ponds in caves for eels when Acid rain clogs the pond with Nitre) New Mobs or more advanced versions of existing mobs will take the place of the ones prior to it.

Thats literally what a New Game+ is intended to do…

I think it's safe to say that this game is NOT Batman Arkham City, or fortnite, or minecraft, or that TMNT game you keep bringing up. That's not really what a New Game+ is either Mike.

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1 hour ago, Szczuku said:

A much better idea is rift auto-starting after you defeat their respective boss. Without this whole pop-up confirmation crap. You don't see a pop-up window asking if you want to enable winter after surviving 20 days, do you?

Winter also isn’t nearly as destructive as the new rift content 

I think the pop up being there is fine, megabasers and other players have legitimate reasons for not wanting to deal with the rifts right now and without the pop ups these players would have to just never fight cc and that stinks.

remember that the pop ups were added after player feedback. Even if the rifts don’t effect you negatively they definitely disrupt a lot of other ppl’s gameplay and I think that’s enough to justify the pop up 

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31 minutes ago, goblinball said:

remember that the pop ups were added after player feedback. Even if the rifts don’t effect you negatively they definitely disrupt a lot of other ppl’s gameplay and I think that’s enough to justify the pop up

I really don't understand how you people are so fine with all these band aid fixes and unfinished content, instead of demanding that dst devs actually focus on one thing and finish it for once.

And no, the rift arc is not a 'one thing', I actually do mean one thing. Like, after the taking root update Klei should've spent the next 2 months fleshing out brightshades, adding moontations so that the lunar rifts wouldn't destroy the natural world and so that brightshades don't forbid you from decorating with plants.

Instead they went on to do terrors below and now we have caves littered with boulders everywhere you don't palce a pillar down. And now they are, as always, putting their attention on something completely different, leaving taking root and terrors below to join the ever-increasing list of things that need to be fleshed out/fixed

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There should be a world customization option that will permanently turn on rifts after a certain amount of In-Game days/years, allowing your world to "naturally" progress to hard-mode when customizing it.

While I do agree that the new content is awesome and locking it behind the unrewarding and tedious CC quest line is very annoying and makes me not want to engage with the content at all except on Endgame worlds, forcing new-players to step up the difficulty of what the content brings isn't really fair when most people who own the game struggle to make it past the first year let alone two.

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9 hours ago, Szczuku said:

A much better idea is rift auto-starting after you defeat their respective boss. Without this whole pop-up confirmation crap. You don't see a pop-up window asking if you want to enable winter after surviving 20 days, do you?

That's not a great idea, either. Having people be notified that their world is about to get much harder from now on is a good thing, in my opinion. Solo DS also had confirmations for certain major things, like saving Maxwell from the Nightmare Throne, switching worlds, entering Maxwell's Door, etc.. Not having the pop-up for confirming Rifts would be a detriment to players who would then unknowingly be faced with challenges they didn't know would be activated upon, for example, casually giving Wagstaff that one loose Enlightened Crown Shard because he asked for something special.

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6 minutes ago, GelatinousCube said:

If I had a dollar for every time you bring up Batman on these forums I'd be rich AF

Can you name a better boss fight that has completely different mechanics between normal and new game + mode? If not.. ima keep using it for a reference point.

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2 hours ago, Pumking7 said:

unrewarding and tedious CC quest line is very annoying and

So many people seem to sleep on the enlightened crown. To me it is the strongest item in the game (on console as we don't have these new boss items yet) on par with the new boss drops.

Like if you use it correctly it's permanent light (You really don't need to stay insane anymore to farm huge amounts of nightmare fuel, cheesing the Shadow pieces, farming splumonkeys, ink trio, clearing ruins etc gives you a ton of nightmare fuel) meaning you rarely have to bother with any other form of light saving you so many resources and it gives a huge damage increase against bosses and stationary enemies mainly. I'm biased cause I play Wig who gets a LOT of benefit from it especially with clear mind cadenza (your sanity basically stays full) and her innate sanity gain from fighting but even still it's a beast of an item. No durability or repairs needed. 

It boosts brightshade staff and darts massively too. 

It effectively removes the whole darkness mechanic to an extent. 

37 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Can you name a better boss fight that has completely different mechanics between normal and new game + mode? If not.. ima keep using it for a reference point.

And every other game you've ever played too right?

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2 hours ago, GelatinousCube said:

So many people seem to sleep on the enlightened crown. To me it is the strongest item in the game (on console as we don't have these new boss items yet) on par with the new boss drops.

Oh sorry I should've been more specific, I meant doing the entire questline is unrewarding and still very tedious (IE doing archives, Pearl and Crab King etc), not just killing Celestial and doing the Moonstorms to get the crown. Although I wouldn't say the crown is the strongest item in the game, its powerful but other items already fill it role.

If you want to remain sane all the time you can use the Tam, and if you want infinite light you can use a lantern/star caller/miner hat. Also repairing these items isn't hard either sewing kits and lightbulbs aren't the worst things to come across. Also it providing infinite light is only useful when your not fighting enemies, for the light goes away super quickly after even fighting for a little bit meaning you have to bring an extra source of light with you, defeating the purpose of the crown. 

I feel like I remain a bit disappointed in the crown for I compare it to the alternative questline: Fuelweaver's. I don't like Fuelweaver's questline, but I can admit the loot Fuelweaver gives is very good and supports brand new functions for using it. Whereas the Celestial Champion only gives a crown which is practically a power-creep of the Tam and Miner hat, but doesn't even do that super well, along with a damage function which is annoying to use because you need to keep consuming endless amounts of sanity food. 

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