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Comparison and Mechanics of Winter Warmth Strategies

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My first non-beefalo forums guide! I've been doing a lot of research about winter temperature, thermal stone, insulation, etc via testing and looking through code and I now have too much knowledge and power that I must release through forums. Now updated with insulation and heat source comparison tables!


How to properly warm up thermal stones

Since most of y'all won't give up your rock no matter what possibly better options I present, might as well learn to use them properly. The only realistic ways to warm up a thermal stone to it's max of 90 degrees is burning trees and lava ponds. A 4 furnace set up can also warm them up to a good 80 degrees. Most people keep the stone on them and warm themselves up until they overheat. Don't do it this way. YOUR temperature doesn't impact the thermal stone, and by the time you're overheating the thermal stone still can use more time. For every extra second you can heat your stone you'll get 5 seconds of warmth. Set it on the ground right next to the burning tree when you're warming it up. 1 tree won't burn long enough either, you'll want to burn a second one afterwards. A 90 degree thermal stone should last about 8.5 minutes. Wearing insulation clothing won't help an orange or yellow thermal stone. But when the thermal stone runs out, you will have about 20 degrees left which you can get some value out of with insulation. If you're wearing a tam it'll give you another ~80 seconds at the end and therefore more of a warning before you start freezing. You could even pop on a beefalo hat right before your thermal runs out to give you an extra ~160 seconds.


How to properly warm up without thermal stones

Insulation clothing is amazing. It's really simple and straightforward, and can stack to last a really long time. A beefalo hat gives you 9 seconds of warmth for each second you warm yourself up, keeping you warm for up to 10.5 minutes! A beefalo hat + puffy/hibearnation vest gives you 17 seconds for each second you warm up, lasting almost 2.5 days if you overheat! Not to mention characters with beards getting even more. I especially like using insulated clothing on a beefalo because you often don't have as much competition for the equip slots. IMO, clothing easily wins over pet rocks if you're not switching or bundling them.

Insulation Comparison/Cheatsheet/Whatever



-1 degree every 1 seconds

Up to 70 sec.

Rabbit Earmuffs

60 insulation, -1 degree every 3 seconds

3.5 minutes

Winter hat/tam

120 insulation, -1 degree every 5 seconds

5.8 min.

Beefalo hat

240 insulation, -1 degree every 9 seconds

10.5 min.

Beef hat + hibearnation vest

480 insulation, -1 degree every 17 seconds

19.8 min.

Full wilson beard

+135 insulation, +4.5 sec to lose 1 degree.

+5.25 min.

Full webber beard

+67.5 insulation, +2.25 sec to lose 1 degree

+2.6 min.

Woodie beard

45 insulation, +1.5 sec to lose 1 degree

+1.75 min.

Wes or Willow WITHOUT Bernie

-30 insulation, -1 sec to lose 1 degree

-1.2 min.

Willow WITH bernie

+30 insulation, +2 sec to lose 1 degree

+1.2 min.

*to be clear, Wes and Willow’s insulation penalty doesn’t do anything when they don’t have any insulation

Bundling and Switching Thermals and Sunfish

Bundling thermals is amazing. They won't cool down while bundled. Bundle them at max temperature or close to it and when 1 runs out swap it with a fresh hot stone in the bundle or your 4 furnace heating station if you're nearby. However, scorching sunfish are even better! You'll have to go sea fishing in summer and catch one. Each one lives for 2.66 days in winter in an insulated pack, and they keep you warm as long as they're alive with no complications. Swap the fish with a fresh one in your bundle or in your tin fishin bin if you're nearby.

You theoretically can also use thermal stones or sunfish to warm up, then bundle them and use double clothing to stay warm for a while, and repeat to theoretically last the whole winter without needing to go to base to switch or stop to warm up. But you need multiple thermals or ideally sunfish (warmer) in your inventory to warm up to a decent temperature, and at that point you might as well just do the above. 


Hot Food

This is obviously not generally recommended but it is technically viable. Living off of spicy chili (2 per day) with double clothing gives you exactly enough warmth and hunger to survive! Also 2 warly chili spiced foods a day work the same and is exactly enough to give you a perma 20% damage boost. And of course there's hot dragon chili salad that can actually keep you warm. Everything else loses it's heat over time if you're wearing an insulated pack and you can't wear a hibearnation vest if you're wearing an insulated pack. EDIT: apparently spicy chili is also susceptible to losing it's heat over time. So only Warly's chili spiced dishes or hot dragon chili salad is reasonably doable because of this.

Heat source comparison table


Heat source


Max temp raised (with -20 ambient)

Magma (500)

Up to 7.5 unit distance


Burning tree (220 heat)

Up to 3 unit distance


Level 2 campfire/fire pit (85 degrees)

1 unit distance


Level 4 campfire/fire pit (115 degrees)

1 unit distance


Dwarf star (100 heat)

Directly underneath


Scaled furnace (115 heat)

1 unit distance b/c furnace hitbox. Same as level 4 fire pit.


1 scaled furnace (115) + thermal on ground (60)

ONLY for players; thermals can’t warm other thermal stones.


2 scaled furnaces (115)

Both 2 units (.5 tile) distance


3 scaled furnaces (115)

All √8 unit distance


4 scaled furnaces

All √8 unit distance


Carried orange thermal stone (60)



Carried yellow thermal (40)



Carried sunfish (70)



2 carried orange thermals (60)



2 carried sunfish (70)




*Generally, as ambient temperature decreases to -25 and -30 during night, most of these temps will decrease by 2-6 degrees during the night.



World Temperature

In winter, the world temperature is around -20 degrees, but it can dip to -30 and even beyond during night. Generally, the player temperature (and thermal stone temp) is trying to match the world temperature.

Player Temperature

While above 70 degrees, you take 1.25 overheating damage each second, and the warning for this of orange color around your screen happens once you reach 65 degrees. At 5 degrees, frozen marks appear as a warning, and below 0 degrees you take 1.25 freezing damage each second.

Thermal Stone Temperature

The thermal stone also has it's own internal temperature, actually separate from the temperature of the heat it emits. It has a range of -20 to 90 degrees. It turns yellow when it cools to 30 degrees above the world temperature (~10 degrees). And turns white when it cools to 10 degrees above world temp (around -10 degrees). This means the thermal stone actually stays yellow a bit longer while world temp is lower, and during the very middle of the winter night when world temp is just under -30 degrees, it can't even run out because it can't go below -20 degrees. While orange it keeps you at around 35 degrees and while yellow it keeps you around 20 degrees (a fixed temperature throughout each stage, not directly dependent on it's own temp). It works exactly the same as a player with 120 insulation in terms of warming up and cooling down.

Warming up

While within 2.5 tiles of a heat source (fires, hot thermal stones, burning trees, etc), the heat source can warm players and thermal stones. While above 0 degrees, the player is always warmed 1 degree per second (5 degrees per second when freezing/below 0 degrees). The maximum temperature that the heat source can warm the player to is determined by world temperature, distance to the heat source, and how hot said heat source is. The way this is calculated seems weird and inconsistent so I'm leaving this for @Hornete to figure out.

EDIT: A few notes about thermal stones: they act as 2.1x weaker heat sources when on the ground instead of in your inventory, and thermal stones can't warm other thermal stones for obvious reasons. Oh and they don't warm up faster on the ground, idk where that myth came from.

In this VERY technical and thorough post I explain how to calculate the temperature that heat source(s) can warm a player or thermal stones to.

But here are some actually potentially useful notes:

  • With additional heat sources, you're not only warmed to a higher temperature, but it's a more consistent temperature because ambient temp shifts have less of an effect. So lets say ambient temperature decreases by 15 degrees. 1 furnace would be able to heat you up 7.5 degrees less. 2 furnaces would lose 5 degrees. And with 4 furnaces, players and thermal stones would only lose 3 degrees of what they could otherwise get to with a higher ambient temp.
  • The heat thermal stones emit in your inventory is also less based on ambient temp, and therefore more consistent.
  • How close you are to the heat source has a pretty negligible effect as long as you stay within a couple units of it; there's very little difference between being directly on the heat source (which you can't do with many) and being 1 or 2 units next to it.

Cooling down

While not near a heat source during winter, players and thermal stones cool down at a rate determined by insulation. This loss is very straightforward and easy to calculate. Just add 30 to your total insulation and divide by 30 (willow and wes also have -30 insulation with clothing). This value is how many seconds it takes to lose 1 degree. So a thermal stone or player wearing winter hat loses 1 degree every 5 seconds (120+30)/30. A fully bearded Wilson with a beefalo hat and hibearnation/puffy vest loses 1 degree every 21.5 seconds (135+240+240+30)/30 lasting over 3 days.

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Hello, sir. 

May I introduce you to our god and savior, the star caller staff?

It loves you and very much wishes for you to only take up 1 inventory slot, use 0 bundles, have you fish 0 times and not waste any rocks or sowing kits.

Thank you for your time.

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2 hours ago, HowlVoid said:

Hello, sir. 

May I introduce you to our god and savior, the star caller staff?

It loves you and very much wishes for you to only take up 1 inventory slot, use 0 bundles, have you fish 0 times and not waste any rocks or sowing kits.

Thank you for your time.

I've been trying to formulate a response to this tomfoolery for way too long. I don't even know where to start so I am going to explain what a star caller staff is. A star caller staff allows you to summon dwarf stars at the cost of 5% of it's durability. 1 dwarf star can generally warm you to a maximum of 40 degrees during winter [(-20-40)+100-40=0]. Like all heat sources, it is less effective the further you are from it. A dwarf star can keep you warm in about a 2 tile radius.

Could you elaborate, please, on how being able to afk next to a heat source invalidates every method of staying warm?

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1 hour ago, Friendly Grass said:

I've been trying to formulate a response to this tomfoolery for way too long.

I hope you arent mad cuz I was trying to be funny with my suggestion.... XD


I don't even know where to start so I am going to explain what a star caller staff is. A star caller staff allows you to summon dwarf stars at the cost of 5% of it's durability.

Ye. I know of it. That's  20 uses. 


1 dwarf star can generally warm you to a maximum of 40 degrees during winter [(-20-40)+100-40=0]. Like all heat sources, it is less effective the further you are from it. A dwarf star can keep you warm in about a 2 tile radius.

Yes... And its portable! So you go to find klaus with it and your beef hat. When the thermal is getting low you keep by the star. You go about your business and then you collect it when you get cold. Takes a few seconds to place the star and I serch the biomes in a loop so I collect my warm stone on my way out of the biome.


Could you elaborate, please, on how being able to afk next to a heat source invalidates every method of staying warm?

Wait. What? Im not saying your methods are invalid. Just that there is a very cheap, very portable alternative method. Im also surprised you didn't include it honestly. Constantly bundling thermal stones sounds like a waste of grass too...

Also didn't you state that you wanted to not use bundling wraps anymore somewhere in the forum? Not sure about suggestions for methods you may not personally use...

I could be wrong if it wasn't you and I apologize.

Edit: Reading back what I wrote I may have sounded like a jerk so Ill clarify.

Something things that sound on paper arent very good in actual practice. 

Take the scorch fish method for example. 2.66 days is a short time frame but that Isn't the issue. 

1. Keeping it fresh in a boat. First complications that immediately rises is the cost of boats and how they can only be placed on the ocean. This means you have to place a lot or force yourself to make trips to the boats on the edge of every biome. You might get lucky with some map rng but there will be times where you have to waste a segment or two getting to a boat.

2. Bundling wrap. You mention 2.66 days but will you be able to use those 2.66 days fully? Probably not. You surely don't want your hard earned fish to die. (Wurt is the exception)

Next is bundling wrap placement. You will want to time when you will bundle them sooner than normal so they don't die everytime you unbundle that bundle. Its a lot of micromanaging. Alternatively you make multiple bundles and waste multiple slots.

This includes multiple thermal stones. Lots of micromanaging and having them lose heat when unbundled or using multiple individual slots.

Its a good idea to not just research but also see how well it can be applied in every day use. Sometimes things that look good on paper are cumbersome in practice.


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Nice work on putting this together, this will help a lot. If I may make a suggestion, a chart detailing how many seconds of warmth specific pieces of clothing gives would be really handy to glance over for memorization. I'll add this to my guides section in my signature.

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Might be worth mentioning that Wurt has the best-lasting heat source without refueling/rebundling/whatever with a whopping 5 days of durability on sunfish, meaning there's no reason to bother with thermals or insulation with her once you have them.

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I dont think a star caller staff (living logs, yellow gems (later on you have too much but still), nighmere fuel and sanity cost) can be considere cheap when with few grass and twiggs you can make a torch that will warm your thermal stone and yourself a lot more (you cant overheat with 1 use of star caller staff)


Very good guide!

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Wow, this was just so interessting to read! Thank you so much for this guide, I really loved it! And I think I was doing some things wrong in all my winters. 

So I have some questions, just to clarify, that I got it right and some stuff that wasn´t mentioned: 

1) Did I understand it right, that thermal stones and isulation cloth doesn´t stack? So if I use a fully warmed thermal stone and a beefalo hat, it`s nearly the same as using just a beefalo hat? I always thought that isualtion cloths on top of a thermal stone made the stone last longer and was a good method for containing warmth. 

2) Does the thermal stone warm up in the inventory with the same rate than on the ground? I understood that the stone can take more wamth than the player and should be warmed longer. But is the rate it warms up the same on the ground and in inventory?
Also I always thought a orange stone was good, but it is only a bit over 10 degree than (and could go up to 90), right?

3) I think a lot of players interessted in such in depth mechanics are longtherm players. I for example have a 1500 days megabase and don´t burn trees or use firepits as much, because I have mushlights and for warmth I have as much scaled furnaces as I want. So could you please add some information on the scaled furnace? How much do they warm the thermal stone and are more of it better? So I think of having stones in front of furnaces and just swapping them out when I´m in my base.

Thanks for your awesome work. 

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4 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

Did I understand it right, that thermal stones and isulation cloth doesn´t stack? So if I use a fully warmed thermal stone and a beefalo hat, it`s nearly the same as using just a beefalo hat? I always thought that isualtion cloths on top of a thermal stone made the stone last longer and was a good method for containing warmth

Using thermal stone+clothes is like you only use thermal stone. The thing is that when the thermal stone gets cold you will keep your body temperature because of the cloths but isnt worth. So, or you use stone or cloths but both is just a waste because your temperature wont be low meanwhile the stone is heating you and the cloths wont do the stone last longer. If you want to use cloths then dont use thermal stone because the stone will need to be recharged (unless you dont mind to repair it) before you get low temperature since your temperature with cloths takes more time to drop than the grey state of the stone

6 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

Does the thermal stone warm up in the inventory with the same rate than on the ground? I understood that the stone can take more wamth than the player and should be warmed longer. But is the rate it warms up the same on the ground and in inventory?
Also I always thought a orange stone was good, but it is only a bit over 10 degree than (and could go up to 90), right?

Idk about this what i can tell you is that, to make the stone heater as possible, you need to burn 2 trees one after the other with the stone just at the bottom of the tree


7 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

3) I think a lot of players interessted in such in depth mechanics are longtherm players. I for example have a 1500 days megabase and don´t burn trees or use firepits as much, because I have mushlights and for warmth I have as much scaled furnaces as I want. So could you please add some information on the scaled furnace? How much do they warm the thermal stone and are more of it better? So I think of having stones in front of furnaces and just swapping them out when I´m in my base.

Idk but the guide says 80°C so just a little less than burning trees

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Star caller staff and moon caller staff are the best temperature management items in the game.

If you use star caller staff 19 times and leave it at 5% you'll have heating for 66.5 ingame days and if you turn it into a moon caller staff, you'll have additional 100 days of cooling, that's 166.5 days of temperature management in one item, so even with the "high" cost you guys talk about, how is it comparable to the use time?

There's a situation where most would argue that they have wildfires enabled go in caves during summer but there's also a lot of players who either have that option disabled or just stay without a care. Even if you go in caves and don't want moon called staff, its 70 days of heating.

That is a single item with a crafting cost of 4 nightmare, 2 living logs and 2 yellow gems, only expensive item here that i see is a living log, nightmare fuel isn't that difficult to farm or obtain in larger quantities and yellow gems don't have many uses, only one other useful item is crafted with them and that is Magiluminescence, so you'll have plenty of yellow gems if you clear caves or kill some bosses that drop them.

Its not really a good excuse that it is stationary temperature management like a fire, when in most cases people use logs or burn trees to heat up in winter once in a while when they use thermal stones anyway.

Fighting bosses for 2 ingame days, you can count how many resources you are using to stay warm or cold, while just one usage of this item will manage your temperature so you don't have problems until the fight is usually over.


I am not saying that some other items like beefalo hat or thermal stones are useless, they are great when paired up with star caller staff, its just that star caller staff outclasses all other items, except maybe furnace and lava pool that are permanent heating sources without resource investment but they can't be moved and lava pool don't provide light for you to survive.

Worth mentioning that having a base in dragonfly desert, there's that perk too of having a place to heat up thermal stones and yourself close to overheating without using wood until you kill dragonfly.

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3 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:


One thing is using it for boss fights or when there is nothing to burn and other is using it when you need to warm your stone. 

Isnt efficient even when later you can turn it into moonstaff because you arent warming that much your stone instead of just burning 2 trees and keep your way without wasting sanity (in late game i prefer to stay sane and dont waste time fighting shadows that wasting one of my 474828484 staffs)

For long periods of time where you will need warming your stone (base, looking for klaus sack in the same biome, boss fights, etc) ofc is very good but wasting one use to just get 40°c is a waste of time, resources and sanity 

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34 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

One thing is using it for boss fights or when there is nothing to burn and other is using it when you need to warm your stone. 

Isnt efficient even when later you can turn it into moonstaff because you arent warming that much your stone instead of just burning 2 trees and keep your way without wasting sanity (in late game i prefer to stay sane and dont waste time fighting shadows that wasting one of my 474828484 staffs)

For long periods of time where you will need warming your stone (base, looking for klaus sack in the same biome, boss fights, etc) ofc is very good but wasting one use to just get 40°c is a waste of time, resources and sanity 

Why do you need to fight nightmare creatures as you do when you are on day 1 if you are talking about late game? Instead just kill 50 shadow pieces by using a boat and get tons of shadow atrium/nightmarefuel/swords/armor or if that is a bit too cheaty for you, another option is to make a splumonkey farm.

I also didn't emphasize much on 166.5 days of light and not just heating and cooling that the staff gives you. How is it a bad solution for late game unless it is super late and you have the new Enlightened crown from celestial champion that takes so long to get to, even at that point i'll be using star caller staff for heating situations if i am not close to my base or locations where i have furnaces built.

I often kill dragonfly on cooldown and just killing dragonfly is enough for me to have so many yellow gems that i can never use on anything else. Farming living logs has never been easier with Mush Gnomes or using wormwood with wortox combo or even using jellybeans that i have literal stacks of in chest in late game, with the splumonkey farm in caves and i have all the resources in abundance that i don't even know what to do with.


I forgot to mention that i don't like burning trees and ruining the environment of my world if i plan to play on it for a long time, i know that this is a good option for heating in winter and i've survived on public servers that i joined in winter without any help by just burning trees with a torch easily.

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32 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

1) Did I understand it right, that thermal stones and isulation cloth doesn´t stack? So if I use a fully warmed thermal stone and a beefalo hat, it`s nearly the same as using just a beefalo hat? I always thought that isualtion cloths on top of a thermal stone made the stone last longer and was a good method for containing warmth. 

This is correct. Insulation clothing does not extend the duration that the thermal stone stays orange or yellow. It may feel like it stacks because right as the thermal stone dies you'll still be warmed to about 20 degrees. And insulation can slow down the loss of those 20 degrees. If you're wearing a tam then that's just some extra free warmth, but a beefalo hat you're debatably wasting. The challenge with ONLY a beef hat, though, is you can't wear head armor or a miner hat. One option is to just switch to the beefalo hat right before your thermal runs out; while it's still yellow. That will give you an extra 3 minutes or so of warmth.


45 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

Does the thermal stone warm up in the inventory with the same rate than on the ground? I understood that the stone can take more wamth than the player and should be warmed longer. But is the rate it warms up the same on the ground and in inventory?
Also I always thought a orange stone was good, but it is only a bit over 10 degree than (and could go up to 90), right?

Yes. And that rate is 1 degree per second, same as the player. Unless the thermal stone or player is below 0 degrees, then it's 5 degrees per second. And yeah an orange thermal is extremely misleading. If it's just barely orange it will only last a couple minutes. In fact I think it should turn hot red once it's above 70 degrees or something.


51 minutes ago, lionking102 said:

I think a lot of players interessted in such in depth mechanics are longtherm players. I for example have a 1500 days megabase and don´t burn trees or use firepits as much, because I have mushlights and for warmth I have as much scaled furnaces as I want. So could you please add some information on the scaled furnace? How much do they warm the thermal stone and are more of it better? So I think of having stones in front of furnaces and just swapping them out when I´m in my base.

Yes I suggest a station of 4 scaled furnaces. This can warm thermal stones to 80 degrees, or maybe a bit more. I'm gonna add a comparison table of different heat sources and a table of different insulations/whatever.

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17 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

Why do you need to fight nightmare creatures as you do when you are on day 1 if you are talking about late game? Instead just kill 50 shadow pieces by using a boat and get tons of shadow atrium/nightmarefuel/swords/armor or if that is a bit too cheaty for you, another option is to make a splumonkey farm.


If i use the staff to warm the stone as you said then my sanity will drop so or i fight the shadows which is a waste of time or i farm sanity food which is also a waste of time


17 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

Instead just kill 50 shadow pieces by using a boat and get tons of shadow atrium/nightmarefuel/swords/armor or if that is a bit too cheaty for you, another option is to make a splumonkey farm.

Yes, it feels way to cheaty. I dont know why you talk about this when im talking about not having low sanity

17 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

also didn't emphasize much on 166.5 days of light and not just heating and cooling that the staff gives you. How is it a bad solution for late game unless it is super late and you have the new Enlightened crown from celestial champion that takes so long to get to, even at that point i'll be using star caller staff for heating situations if i am not close to my base or locations where i have furnaces built.

Isnt a bad solution but isnt a good one either when 2 burned trees gives you more time. I already said that the star caller staff is way too good for long periods of time but i dont see it worth to waste an ise just to warm a little a thermal stone

17 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

I often kill dragonfly on cooldown and just killing dragonfly is enough for me to have so many yellow gems that i can never use on anything else. Farming living logs has never been easier with Mush Gnomes or using wormwood with wortox combo or even using jellybeans that i have literal stacks of in chest in late game, with the splumonkey farm in caves and i have all the resources in abundance that i don't even know what to do with.

You arent taking in count what i repeated,  the staff doesnt warm that much. Also, even if i have 90 yellow gems that i dont know what to do with them i rather prefer to use a torch than wasting slots in my ruins crafting for star caller staffs that will waste my sanity for few °C on my stone. Not warming to 90°c the stone means that you will need to stop often and waste more sanity for it

17 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

I forgot to mention that i don't like burning trees and ruining the environment of my world if i plan to play on it for a long time

Me neither (i dont even hammer skeletons or mine certain rocks even when i need the materials) for that i burn isolated trees. World regrowth is a thing in dst

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8 hours ago, HowlVoid said:

I hope you arent mad cuz I was trying to be funny with my suggestion.... XD

Ye. I know of it. That's  20 uses. 

Yes... And its portable! So you go to find klaus with it and your beef hat. When the thermal is getting low you keep by the star. You go about your business and then you collect it when you get cold. Takes a few seconds to place the star and I serch the biomes in a loop so I collect my warm stone on my way out of the biome.

Wait. What? Im not saying your methods are invalid. Just that there is a very cheap, very portable alternative method. Im also surprised you didn't include it honestly. Constantly bundling thermal stones sounds like a waste of grass too...

Also didn't you state that you wanted to not use bundling wraps anymore somewhere in the forum? Not sure about suggestions for methods you may not personally use...

I could be wrong if it wasn't you and I apologize.

Edit: Reading back what I wrote I may have sounded like a jerk so Ill clarify.

Something things that sound on paper arent very good in actual practice. 

Take the scorch fish method for example. 2.66 days is a short time frame but that Isn't the issue. 

1. Keeping it fresh in a boat. First complications that immediately rises is the cost of boats and how they can only be placed on the ocean. This means you have to place a lot or force yourself to make trips to the boats on the edge of every biome. You might get lucky with some map rng but there will be times where you have to waste a segment or two getting to a boat.

2. Bundling wrap. You mention 2.66 days but will you be able to use those 2.66 days fully? Probably not. You surely don't want your hard earned fish to die. (Wurt is the exception)

Next is bundling wrap placement. You will want to time when you will bundle them sooner than normal so they don't die everytime you unbundle that bundle. Its a lot of micromanaging. Alternatively you make multiple bundles and waste multiple slots.

This includes multiple thermal stones. Lots of micromanaging and having them lose heat when unbundled or using multiple individual slots.

Its a good idea to not just research but also see how well it can be applied in every day use. Sometimes things that look good on paper are cumbersome in practice.


I've done the scorching sunfish in an insulated pack, I think it's great. The bundle for me is just an emergency backup for when I'm far from my boat, and I also have a rider beefalo so that's not really an issue for me. The scorching sunfish goes red in exactly 2 days, which is when I switch/bundle. Sorry if it seemed misleading; as if you can wait 2.66 days before switching the sunfish.

Thermal stones I haven't done because of this micromanaging, but I think it's a fantastic strat for people who are able to.

Notice on how I never said everybody should use one strategy. That's because they all have their own downsides that are a bigger deal for some than they are for others. 

1 hour ago, 00petar00 said:

I am not saying that some other items like beefalo hat or thermal stones are useless, they are great when paired up with star caller staff, its just that star caller staff outclasses all other items, except maybe furnace and lava pool that are permanent heating sources without resource investment but they can't be moved and lava pool don't provide light for you to survive.

Ngl one star only warming you/your thermal stone up to 40 degrees is really mediocre and disappointing. Are you implying you recommend casting a star in a random location just to warm up your thermal stone? Because a thermal stone will last only just over 4 minutes that way. It is nice to throw up a star in an area you'll be working in for a bit, for sure, but it's really just a campfire/fire pit upgrade.

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3 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

If i use the staff to warm the stone as you said then my sanity will drop so or i fight the shadows which is a waste of time or i farm sanity food which is also a waste of time

-20 sanity to use it, and you get like 25 per min from star that you summoned, so how do you end up losing sanity? Also 15-33 sanity is restored per shadow creature you kill.

6 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

Yes, it feels way to cheaty. I dont know why you talk about this when im talking about not having low sanity

Im talking about nightmare fuel farming because you said that you don't want to use nightmare fuel to craft star caller staff as you felt that it was a waste while you also talked about late game and if we are considering that you are in "late" game, you have options to have a lot of nightmare fuel without fighting shadow creatures.

7 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

Isnt a bad solution but isnt a good one either when 2 burned trees gives you more time. I already said that the star caller staff is way too good for long periods of time but i dont see it worth to waste an ise just to warm a little a thermal stone

Well i never said that you should just use it to only warm thermal stone, its a possibility but its not the best use for it, nothing wrong with doing that because one star caller staff will easily last you almost 3-4 winter seasons, if you just stay close to the star you summoned, which is often not the case but that's just how far you can stretch it if you want. 

Also its fine to burn trees too, but its not that much different from using star caller staff in late game.

12 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

You arent taking in count what i repeated,  the staff doesnt warm that much. Also, even if i have 90 yellow gems that i dont know what to do with them i rather prefer to use a torch than wasting slots in my ruins crafting for star caller staffs that will waste my sanity for few °C on my stone. Not warming to 90°c the stone means that you will need to stop often and waste more sanity for it

How are you going to say that it doesn't warm that much when it is similar to third tier fire which is 180 degrees (70/120/180/220). Will not get extinquished for 3.5 days and never changes temperature, you don't need to keep adding wood.

Sanity is not wasted, often enough you'll profit in sanity from using the star caller staff, especially if you stay whole night close to the star.

21 minutes ago, Friendly Grass said:

Ngl one star only warming you/your thermal stone up to 40 degrees is really mediocre and disappointing. Are you implying you recommend casting a star in a random location just to warm up your thermal stone? Because a thermal stone will last only just over 4 minutes that way. It is nice to throw up a star in an area you'll be working in for a bit, for sure, but it's really just a campfire/fire pit upgrade

It would feel weird to me if it only warmed up the thermal stone for 40 degrees when it is like third tier fire of 180 degrees from star.

I don't really use thermal stone as much on its own, usually its beefalo hat.

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8 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:


-20 sanity to use it, and you get like 25 per min from star that you summoned, so how do you end up losing sanity? Also 15-33 sanity is restored per shadow creature you kill.

Im talking about nightmare fuel farming because you said that you don't want to use nightmare fuel to craft star caller staff as you felt that it was a waste while you also talked about late game and if we are considering that you are in "late" game, you have options to have a lot of nightmare fuel without fighting shadow creatures.

Well i never said that you should just use it to only warm thermal stone, its a possibility but its not the best use for it, nothing wrong with doing that because one star caller staff will easily last you almost 3-4 winter seasons, if you just stay close to the star you summoned, which is often not the case but that's just how far you can stretch it if you want. 

Also its fine to burn trees too, but its not that much different from using star caller staff in late game.

How are you going to say that it doesn't warm that much when it is similar to third tier fire which is 180 degrees (70/120/180/220). Will not get extinquished for 3.5 days and never changes temperature, you don't need to keep adding wood.

Sanity is not wasted, often enough you'll profit in sanity from using the star caller staff, especially if you stay whole night close to the star.

It would feel weird to me if it only warmed up the thermal stone for 40 degrees when it is like third tier fire of 180 degrees from star.

I don't really use thermal stone as much on its own, usually its beefalo hat.

I think you didnt read anything that i said

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Thanks for answering my questions. Also I was missreading the part with the furnaces in the guide, sorry for asking when it was right there :wilson_facepalm:

@00petar00 I think you didn´t get what @ArubaroBeefalo is talking about. No was is saying that staffs are bad. They are amazing and I think everybody here is using them. I use them all the time, but they are only good if I work stationary. Often I have to be mobile and if I´m building I run around a lot and the staff is useless there. Also in a cramped base it can burn buildings or deco or the star is in the way for 3 days.

I think a thermal stone and a starcaller have nothing to do with each other. They are both useful, it just depends of what you do. I also think that just for warming up yourself and the stone, it´s not worth to summon a star when it also is bad at it and you can get much warmer with other methods. 

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So I did some testing in a creative world with thermal stones and furnaces and there is a siginificant difference between one furnace and four furnace. With the four furnace setup the thermal stone lasts nearly double the time before turning white again. 

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Assuming a constant world temperature of -20 degrees for simplicity:

1 furnace can warm a thermal to about 46 degrees. It then loses 1 degree every 5 seconds, turning yellow in exactly 3 minutes, and white in another 100 seconds.

4 furnaces warm a thermal stone to about 81 degrees. Turning yellow in just under 6 minutes, and white in another 100 seconds.

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5 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

I dont think a star caller staff (living logs, yellow gems (later on you have too much but still), nighmere fuel and sanity cost) can be considere cheap when with few grass and twiggs you can make a torch that will warm your thermal stone and yourself a lot more (you cant overheat with 1 use of star caller staff)


Very good guide!

How is making tons of boats to store the sun fish cheeper? All you have to do is find 1 totally normal tree to get a farm started with a mad lab. 

Also using a torch is a lot simpler then all of this bundling micromanaging. 

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9 minutes ago, HowlVoid said:

How is making tons of boats to store the sun fish cheeper? All you have to do is find 1 totally normal tree to get a farm started with a mad lab. 

Also using a torch is a lot simpler then all of this bundling micromanaging. 

Who is making tons of boats? Why you exagerate in that way

In my wurt world i have 1 ONE boat where i built 1 tin fishin' bin for scorch and other for icy fishes. In one single boat, that only takes 4 boards to be crafted and last forever, you can build many tin fishin' bins but isnt neccessary when in one you can store 12 fishes

I just said that, for roaming, is cheaper to make a torch than wasting star caller staffs and bring more temperature 

Mad lab isnt possible in pubs, a torch needs few grass and twigs

I didnt talk about bundle management but if i have to use a star caller stuff i will certainly use that method to waste less time since i will need less stars to keep having warm thermal stones (just warm the 4 at the same time when all are cold)

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22 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

Who is making tons of boats? Why you exagerate in that way

In my wurt world i have 1 ONE boat where i built 1 tin fishin' bin for scorch and other for icy fishes. In one single boat, that only takes 4 boards to be crafted and last forever, you can build many tin fishin' bins but isnt neccessary when in one you can store 12 fishes

As I said before. Wurt is the exception. If a biome you are trying to get to is about 2 days away due too poor wormwhole placement you will need at least 2 boats and thats just for that 1 biome. Wurt is different because they last far longer.


I just said that, for roaming, is cheaper to make a torch than wasting star caller staffs and bring more temperature 

And Im glad you brought up torches because that is probably a lot better than using bundles or boats. 


Mad lab isnt possible in pubs, a torch needs few grass and twigs

Managing multiple boats and having access to bundles 100% of the time is feasible in pubs? I don't play pubs but I cant imagine  them always geared towards fighting beequeen.


I didnt talk about bundle management but if i have to use a star caller stuff i will certainly use that method to waste less time since i will need less stars to keep having warm thermal stones (just warm the 4 at the same time when all are cold)

Why not use the grass to make a torch? Also I think you are limiting the applications in which the star caller is used. As I said previously I am not saying that friendgrass' methods are in valid but that the boat/ bundle strat is cumbersome. Nothing is stopping you from getting a thermal to a very high degree within the methods the guide uses and using a star caller once you reach your destination. 

Star callers are great in situations where you will be in a single location for long periods such as boss fight, mining, wood chopping, etc. 

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1 minute ago, HowlVoid said:

As I said before. Wurt is the exception. If a biome you are trying to get to is w days away due too poor wormwhole placement you will need at least 2 boats and thats just for that 1 biome. Wurt is different because they last far longer.

And Im glad you brought up torches because that is probably a lot better than using bundles or boats. 

Managing multiple boats and having access to bundles 100% of the time is feasible in pubs? I don't play pubs but I cant imagine  them always geared towards fighting beequeen.

Why not use the grass to make a torch? Also I think you are limiting the applications in which the star caller is used. As I said previously I am not saying that friendgrass' methods are in valid but that the boat/ bundle strat is cumbersome. Nothing is stopping you from getting a thermal to a very high degree within the methods the guide uses and using a star caller once you reach your destination. 

Star callers are great in situations where you will be in a single location for long periods such as boss fight, mining, wood chopping, etc. 

again, i just said that for roaming: torch>star caller stuff

all the other things, i dont even care and i didnt even mentioned them in my original post, im not here to be right


pd. people should try thermal fishes more often to understand how they work

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