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Frog rain

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Yeah...I used to think that was in the Bible too, but then I actually read (rather, heard--from "The Bible Reloaded") that part with the plagues and it's not a RAIN of frogs at all.  It's just...a lot of frogs show up.

Still, the "It's raining frogs!  That must be a Sign that it's THE END OF THE WORLD!" idea remains in the popular mythos, and I think that's what the devs were thinking when they put it into the game, especially since they always show up during an especially bad rainstorm too.  Makes it more apocalyptic if there's also lightning everywhere and your character is soaked to the bone and freezing, and especially for new players as well, since they might feel chased and trapped everywhere they go.  I know I used to, when I first ran into this during DS Adventure Mode.

Fun fact:  I once was typing messages to my brother on Steam while playing DST, in spring, (during a relatively quiet moment) and I happened to, no kidding, be talking about things going wrong one after another.  Then I cut myself off mid-sentence and wrote "IT'S RAINING FROGS!"...and HE took that to mean, again, "Ha ha funny metaphor about it's the end of the world, I get it.  Cats and dogs living together, etc."

...It took me a minute, after a lot of dodging, to explain that I meant _in the game_ and LITERALLY.  XD  (He's the one I gave my second copy to, so he does know DST in general.)

So there's an example of how "frog rain" is used as a metaphor, showing up hilariously in real life.  : P


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15 minutes ago, BezKa said:

Fresh, if I knew it would cause such ruckus I wouldn't have mentioned the damn plague.

I meant no harm by my reply to your comment, But nontheless I was issued a warning for it being off-topic anyway.. so I kinda wish you hadn’t mentioned it.

Frog Rain in general can happen in real life but usually it is a rare occurrence that rarely happens and only with Small pond type frogs not Large ones like in this game, the cause of what gets them sucked into the clouds has been contributed to many things, besides a Hurricane, Water Sprouts or a Strong Upward draft of over 60Mph can pull small living organisms up out of nearby ponds/lakes, they can sometimes become frozen within the clouds and later released in hail or rainfall.

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20 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

I meant no harm by my reply to your comment, But nontheless I was issued a warning for it being off-topic anyway.. so I kinda wish you hadn’t mentioned it.

Frog Rain in general can happen in real life but usually it is a rare occurrence that rarely happens and only with Small pond type frogs not Large ones like in this game, the cause of what gets them sucked into the clouds has been contributed to many things, besides a Hurricane, Water Sprouts or a Strong Upward draft of over 60Mph can pull small living organisms up out of nearby ponds/lakes, they can sometimes become frozen within the clouds and later released in hail or rainfall.

Dude I know, it was included in my primary school book, just trust me when I say I don't like going off topic. Especially with things like religion since I have a lot to say myself.

I just wanted to mention that bc DS and DST have plenty of references to various myths and cultures, so I thought it would relevant. Turns out it's not so that should have ended there. 

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3 hours ago, NSAiswatchingus said:

I'm sorry man but this isn't really relevant to the thread. One person mentions the Bible because the plagues are somewhat relevant to Frog Rain, and you feel the need to share you and your entire family's religious beliefs. It's okay to share personal opinions and anecdotes but it should add to the conversation. Not derail it.

It reminds me when people said to stop discussing Lot's wife and pillar's of salt when people where discussing the reason for why the salt pillars are shaped as humans.

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8 minutes ago, ZeeDragon said:

What if it rained Poison Dart frogs?

Now I'm thinking about what would happen if dust devils were so strong they could pickup rattlesnakes and cottonmouths. (If you're wondering, venomous snakes don't usually use venom in warning bites. But it's still pretty scary to think about.)

What if we make the snakes tied up into ropes that attack anything? 

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