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  2. Hey everybody! Before we get to our first proper content update we have two more important "Launch Feedback" updates planned. We have one update coming next week and another will follow shortly behind that. The first update addresses two things we want to improve: We want to reward player creativity, but currently that creativity is restricted by your equipment's Attack and Defense values. Early game gear becomes obsolete too quickly, and players cannot take their favourite equipment along with them. Previous changes to make upgrading simpler removed some of the aspirational loot collecting that many players enjoy. Coming Next Week To help address these, we will be adding the ability to upgrade equipment even further than their natural levels, by collecting Ingots. Through these Ingots, you will be able to upgrade the stats of your equipment so you can continue using your Yammo's Noggin-Padder well into the higher Frenzies of The Molded Grave for those heavily boosted Focus damage Cannon blasts. This new upgrade system will apply to all equipment going forward. This will naturally include a few balance changes to account for the fact that all equipment will be viable at end-game, with a focus on maintaining fun and variety. We know that Ingots will not yet fully satisfy the loot-chasing desires of our players (or ourselves!) so know that we continue to think deeply about the different roles that different types of loot will play in Rotwood as we progress through Early Access. Lastly, we will also be including a few Quality of Life upgrades: for example, the ability to check the status of your Masteries during a run. Thank you for playing, and thank you for your feedback!
  3. For people who missed the stream- further armor and weapon upgrades are coming next week. You will be able to upgrade starter stuff to be on par with later-game equipment with new special resource
  4. I also think the body slot should be split in a backpack slot and a clothing/armor slot. I see how this was a good idea for balance back in the days of Don't Starve, where there weren't that much items. But in DST it leads to not using body clothings ever, as no one want to wander around without a backpack. And I don't see any challenge in dropping the backpack for armor, as fights are always very local. I really don't know, why some people would like to keep this. I think DST could take a different direction here and there than the original game. Btw: I've never used this mod, as I don't like mods which change something in the game (gameplay wise). But I would love to have a solution for this in the game (also for Geometric Placement and a temperature display in the hud, as this would also be important for console players).
  5. People want the hamlet and shipwrecked worlds in base DST. The problem is more than 2 shards is alot more taxing on servers So what if we could replace the ROG surface/caves with SW/Hamlet. Along with that turn the single player boats into RoT boats. Yes theres a few issues that would appear, namely with: the bosses from the unpicked shards, integration of the shadow and lunar end end-games, and SW's volcano. As for the resources form the unpicked that could easily be done by making special crafting station what would alot the transmutation of one shards resources into a different shards resources. These could be in place of the seaworthy/skyworthy for instance. Then again I don't know what's possible, which only klei really has an idea of.
  6. Today
  7. I think rather than a 20% spawn chance for tentacles it can be a guaranteed tentacle every five hits, and its durability could be increased just to 300.
  8. I like the new equipment that you have come up with for the most part, but the way it is procured is not my favorite. I'm also not sure if it is thematically appropriate. Wortox isn't exactly depicted as an artificer. I haven't put a lot of thought into individual traits for Wortox, but something that might work for his skill tree is to have a branch that benefits his consumption and exploitation of souls and another branch that benefits the releasing of souls and have the two trees mutually exclusive. The idea being you would need to pick between being Wortox trying to maintain his kind nature or his further corruption. The kind nature branch could give bonuses to the number of souls Wortox can hold, introduce secondary buffs to releasing them, or reduce (not eliminate) his regular food penalties. The corruption skill tree could give bonuses to the hunger gained by eating souls, reducing or eliminating the sanity penalty for eating souls, augmenting his soul hop ability, or giving him additional ways to utilize souls.
  9. I would just like to suggest a thermal stone twitch drop skin. As we have a lot of skins related to Charlie's roses, I believe that a thermal rose stone would be really cool, especially as it would change the color of the rose with different temperatures.
  10. Who is this "WX87"? I'm only familiar with the survivor designated as "WX-78". Jokes aside, I like your creativity with these ideas. My favorite suggestion of yours would be the loose wires trait. I don't see the need for the damage to scale with multiple circuits used though. I think it should just match the existing elictric multiplier in the game. If there were a benefit of stacking circuits, it could be every 3rd attack/2nd attack/every attack gets the electric modification provided the damage taken threshold is met. I'm not sure how necessary the robot army tree is since any character can already repair broken clockworks in the ruins to get mech chess piece followers. Overall, I think you have some good ideas.
  11. This is the exact thing I’m talking about though.. you only see things one way. But now, let me flip the script- Why does it matter to or concern you AT ALL who chooses to play their game with 40% reduced damage toggled on or 40% more damage toggled on? It doesn’t concern you and it never has… the only time it WOULD concern you is if your in the hosts world playing under their settings (or join the Klei server playing by those rules idk how that stuff works.) Why would you care who picks Wolfgang to instantly cut a bosses health points down to half or who picks Wes to drag the fight out for even longer? Why Would you care at all who chooses to to enable RoG content or play worlds with it disabled? you don’t, you won’t.. and it doesn’t concern you. But by not having options for it DOES concern me or the people I’m trying to play with.
  12. I think upping the thulecite club durability to 400 with no other changes is fine. I think, with the recommended change, the niche it would fill would still be very narrow with all of the other weapon options out there. The ruins crafting requirement is a major downside for the tclub, since weapons are usually the thing you use durability on the fastest. Extra durability would help alleviate but not solve that problem. For me, a change like this would not alter the way I play (very rarely use tclubs), maybe for others it would have a bigger impact and incentivise their use more. Personally, I mostly use clubs as a budget prewinter cane if I get one from AG loot.
  13. Suddenly, after JoeW's post, everyone wants to appear like they are the most polite person on the forum. I'm just waiting for a controversial topic to be created to see if they continue like this.
  14. mike my guy this is violently hypocritical, i'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but it IS hypocritical to say "I don't understand why people fight and argue, except me, I am correct to fight and argue because I am right about wanting things to be more flexible and cater to multiple demographics, and people who disagree with me are wrong" Do you understand why this is hypocritical? you aren't inherently right, others opinions have equal weight to yours, even if their opinion is "incorrect" I already saw the big thread with the back and forth on this topic, and honestly it's an old and boring discussion. my two cents is "I don't want scaling" you can provide 50 arguments on why you want it, but your entire argument is "I want scaling" and that's fine that you disagree with me, but just know, that's all your doing, disagreeing with me. you're not any more correct than I am, even if your answer is more accommodating, I don't WANT the game to be accommodating. so when you say THIS: understand that it applies to EVERYONE who argues with you. you only see things from your perspective. you can't see it from mine, and honestly when I argue with you, you never try to understand the other persons point of view. TLDR: sometimes I am toxic when I argue, but you are toxic too mike. you get too heated when you argue, and you always assume you are correct.
  15. I never understand why people fight and argue on these forums. I understand why “I” do it, and that is because certain groups of players feel the game should be one way and their way is the correct way. But I only argue with such people because I have always felt that DST should be flexible. It shouldn’t be a game targeted at one group or skill level, it shouldn’t have just one way of playing in one type of game mode, it is by all means- A franchise that can cater to multiple demographics of players. Now what do I mean by that? Well.. has anyone ever played State of Decay 2? Well to be more exact- have you ever played SoD 2 with it’s adjustable difficulty level changes? See on default mode, vehicles are plentiful, they have a full tank of gas and are in great condition, lootable locations are bursting with resources, etc.. However on a harder difficulty mode- Vehicles are few and hard to find, they’ll be busted down worn out and low or out of gas needing repairs and gas, most buildings will be emptied to simulate other survivors have already been through and looted the area. This is the kind of differences between difficulty changes that by all means DST could and SHOULD have.. It frustrates me beyond belief when Klei releases a content update and at first it’s truly uncompromising, it’s difficult, it’s frustrating and it’s in Klei & this communities words “over-tuned” what happens is Klei ends up Nerfing the high heck out of it and then the feature that I enjoyed for being more punishing, is made universally more forgiving across all game modes. But then when I look in world Gen settings there are toggles for things like choosing how fast or if a resource has a regrowth stage to it at all… I probably shouldn’t have to explain how this shares the same similarities with State of Decay 2 and how playing on a different game mode setting could and should change the games behavior.. I only fight and argue with this community because they only see things ONE WAY.. But that is not and has never been my mindset, Let the megabasers have their indestructible self repairing building structures or “bug-begone” repellants. My only questions to Klei is why should All game modes/difficulty settings have them? When I look at dst I see a game where (depending on which character you pick) gameplay and how you’ll play changes. Wortox can not be healed from eating food items, Wigfrid can not eat butterflies for easy healing methods.. Wormwood can’t heal from eating healing foods, only healing items can do that.. etc. But why is this experience tied exclusively to what character I pick to play as? Maybe I want to for example: Play as Wendy but with Wormwoods downside of only being able to heal using the healing tab of items?? I know most you people skim over my posts and don’t truly read them, but hopefully after I’ve taken the time to type out these long posts.. someone somewhere is reading them and they’ll hopefully with any luck make a difference. Even if the Devs at Klei won’t listen, I’m sure there’s someone who’ll read this and think to themselves “I’m gonna make a game similar to Dont Starve, but I’m going to make it as flexible and enjoyable to the players as that one crazy forum lunatic who’s name escapes me at the moment kept telling the entire world DS/DST should’ve been!”
  16. Im pretty sure this things meant to be used in tandom with a sunfish. •Instantly stops freezeing unless youre standing deadcenter, and even then, will insta warm you the second you step away •Lasts longer from the freeze bonus (although i will admit this is hear-say i heard here on the forums, tho since the bearger pack affects them, im willing to beleive) •Melts any icebergs in the way Heres like a minute showing it off on a farm that takes advantage of the ice eye thingy The frozen brightshade will prevent others from spawning on the farm and grass.
  17. Again, the update isn't even out on Switch. We don't know of whatever was changed will be meaningful. I agree brightshade staff great for console players, provided they can get past CK which has its own console related issues. Or turn on rifts.
  18. lol I clicked this topic thinking I ****ing hate that thing. I kept dying/nearly dying because I'd accidentally go near one my friend was using. If you're 60+ there's a good chance you'll die. God forbid bats or something stupid start harassing you at the same time. Honestly it's really wonky. As Wanda, polar lights can be kind of scary. But like you said, you usually don't freeze for that long. Ice Crystalizer is a different beast. Polar light will get you to -6° but it's not very fast and it's radius is small. Once you notice the freezing animation and start walking away, you'll begin warming up. Usually you leave it's freezing radius around -1° or -2°. Ice Crystaleyezer will get you to -10°. Touching the center instantly sets you to -2°. Otherwise, because the radius is so large, by the time you react to the freezing sound, you're already so far enough “in” that exiting will leave you around -5°. Unless you were already fairly low and began freezing at the very edge of it's range. If you go to a furnace outside of the eye's range, it will not heat you. If there are any beneficial effects, they seem almost negligible. Even with 4 next to each other. You will continue to freeze, as mentioned, for some time. If you put 4 furnaces next to each other within the eye's range, you will immediately go above 0 when approaching. I think even 1 was enough to stop freezing. Also, you can overheart very quickly standing in the middle. Generally speaking, polar light will take away 2 to 5 years. Eye usually takes 5 to 10, with really bad scenarios able to eat away 20 years. The way the furnace works in Summer is definitely not intuitive.
  19. The clutter is a real problem, the low health is a problem, the terrible bumpers is a problem, solo players having 1 slow way of sailing and no maneuverability is a problem. I doubt they'll implement z levels for boats. I think just making the magnets useful would be an easy fix. Let me combine multiple pancakes so I can fight on one that doesn't have a lightning rod, a fire pit, a Pinchin' Winch, etc. The magnets don't do anything useful right now, I say we start making throwaway items useful. But why not go further, let the pancakes be a mobile ocean base and have the combat done on Shipwrecked style ships so we can actually move around again. We could get the iron wind back, we could park the individual ships at docks on the pancake superstructure. Of course that would be insanely board intensive, so I doubt many would enjoy it. Also agree on the drowning. It just makes sailing something I don't want to do more than I already don't. The Trident pushing enemies away or off the boat is also interesting.
  20. =- WX87 skilltree! -= The robot uprising will happen soon! Be prepared! Starter: Energy efficient - Wx charges his battery 25% faster - Branch 1: Elemental liveleak - The basic circuits. 1. Loose wires - With the Electrification circuit equipped, a WX87 below 40% (?) health will deal electric damage when hitting opponents. 1 x circuit: x1,25 dmg, x1,50 wet opponent dmg. 2x circuit: x1,5 dmg, x1,75 wet opponent dmg 3x circuit: x1,70 dmg, x1,90 wet dmg. (Sort of a glass cannon idea similar to Wanda, might be op.) 2. Heat efficient - With the refridgerant circuit equipped, WX87 will convert a little heat into energy, slightly increasing his speed. 1x circuit: 8% increased speed during summer temperatures. 2x circuit: 12% increased speed during summer temperatures. (People love speed, so giving these already good circuits more use would be cool i think?) 3. Mega evaporation - If WX87 has a thermal circuit equipped, he will have minor wetness protection 1x circuit - 20% wetness protection 2x circuit - 30% wetness protection (Idk i needed a use for the hot and cold counterparts) - Branch 2: Stats galore! - The even more basic circuits. 4. Perception V - With the MK II Speed circuit, WX87 will attack faster. 1x circuit: 15% faster attack speed 2x circuit: 22,5% faster attack speed 3x 27,5% faster attack speed (Might change up kiting patterns) 3. Iron guts - With the MK II gastro circuit, WX87 will process food better and retain food buffs for longer (Volt goat jelly, spices, jellybeans, ect.) 1x circuit: 50% longer 2x circuit: 75% longer 3x circuit: 100% longer 2. Hardier - With the MK II hardy circuit, WX87 gains a planar defense boost. 1x circuit: 5 defense 2x circuit: 10 defense 3x circuit: 15 defense 1. Mental robotics - With the MK II processing circuit, WX87 will be able to see farther. 1x circuit: x1,25 viewing range 2x circuit: x1,5 viewing range 3x circuit: x1,75 viewing range (This can be adjusted however you want) - Branch 3: Even less humanity - Pilot a lifeless robot! 1. Michael - Wx can craft a moving mech with a 9 inventory storage space, 15% movement speed, a light and a base 80 dmg. Runs on a gem battery. - Mech recipe - [Thulecite] x 5 [Red and blue gem] x 1 (Mech is fully charged when crafted) [Frazzled wires] x 5 [Gears] x 5 Battery lasts 25 minutes, gems refuel it for 50%. 2. Advancements - Wx87 can craft an addon that adds 3 circuit slots. Battery will however drain faster. - Circuit upgrade recipe - [Gears] x 3 [Red gem] x 1 [Blue gem] x 1 [Purple gem] x 1 3. Advancementser - Another upgrade that adds 3 circuit slots for a total of 6. - Circuit upgrade recipe - [Frazzled wires] x 3 [Green gem] x 1 [Yellow gem] x 1 [Orange gem] x 1 4. Resource scavenger - A pickaxe and axe upgrade that is 1,5x as efficient, drains more battery when used. - Pick/axe upgrade recipe - [Thulecite pick-axe] x 1 [Thulecite] x 5 [Gears] x 5 - Branch 4: Fight the demons! - VIOLENCE! 1. Worldview: expand - With a optoelectronic circuit, WX87 will be able to see enemy hit radiuses, attack timers and their health (accounting for vanilla players) 2. Encore - With a chorus circut, WX87 will deal more damage to shadow alligned creatures. 1x circuit: 15% more dmg 2x circuit: 25% more dmg (Like an emergency break, but you could carry a panflute ig.) 3. Burning bright - With an illumination circuit, WX87 will deal more damage to lunar alligned creatures. 1x circuit: 15% dmg increase 2x circuit: 25% dmg increase - Branch 5: Robot army! - Why have an army of flesh when you have stainless steel? 1. Knights of the roundtable - WX87 has a maximum ammount of 4 robots he can build. These robots are friendly and attack anything WX87 does. - Knight recipe - [Gears] x 2 [Marble] x 2 1. Battering ram - WX87 can craft rooks, which take up 2 slots. - Rook recipe - [Gears] x 4 [Marble] x 4 3. Steady shot - WX87 can craft a bishop, which takes up 4 slots. - Bishop recipe - [Purple gem] x 1 [Gears] x 4 [Marble] x 4 - Lunar affinities - Despite your differences, the cryptic founder has rewarded your compliance with upgrades! Option 1. 1. Moon power - During full moons, WX87 will get a speed buff. 2. Titanium alloy - WX87's circuits no longer break. Option 2. 1. Old rules - WX87 can eat 5 gears to increase all his stats by 50, BUT it will deterioate if he is damaged. 2. Play well - Wx87 gets 2 more circuit slots, which function identically to 3rd slot or 2nd slot circuits. =- MY THOUGHTS -= I recently started playing WX87, which means i am legally obligated to make a skilltree for them.
  21. Gonna repost some ideas here to add to the brainstorm session: The Lazy Slinger. Recipe: 1x slingshot, 1x living log and 2x orange gem. Craftable at ancient science station. Function: Using the power of the orange gems it instant reloads therefore has the same attack speed as melee weapons however to balance this it only has 600 durability (enough for 10 stacks of ammo) before breaking and no longer can hit stun mobs. The Double Trouble: Recipe: 1x slingshot, 1x thulecite and 2x green gem. Also craftable at ancient science station. Function: Using power of the green gems it fires 2 rounds simultaneously for the price of one. Effectively double damage but same attack speed as regular slingshot. 600 durability but can still hit stun mobs. Stronger of the two slingshots but also more expensive needing the very useful green gems. Also triggers enlightened crown twice per shot Walter having 2 slingshot skill branches and we get locked into one of them. First branch to create a giant slingshot to attach to big woby which has powerful AoE or very high damage rounds. Second branch is to add my 2 regular size slingshots, the lazy flinger and the double trouble. These could be the lunar/shadow affinities... shadows is lazy flinger/double trouble. Lunar is giant slingshot for big woby. That way we can choose to be able to obtain buffed regular versions of the slingshot or we can choose to craft a bigger stronger slingshot but it requires big woby. Other side skill ideas for walter: to boost hunting and tracking of animals. Skill to allow you to uncover dirt piles while mounted on big woby. An upgraded drying rack that can dry more meat faster- jerky is useful for walter. My ghillie suit idea would be fun. (https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/155564-walter-skill-idea-grass-ghillie-suit-for-stealth-slingshot-action/#comment-1709921) Planar rounds. Skill to make small woby to run and collect items off the ground Skill to make small woby the ability to track resources like wheelers compass Skill to prevent big woby bucking walter when receiving damage Big woby speed buff and duration buff skills Pinecone hat skill to have 35% water resist and tier 2 summer/winter insulation- make it a jack of all trades insulation hat to give it more utility, right now walter players tend to choose head armor or better insulation head gear over the pinecone hat. Skill to enhance camper tent to allow you to sleep during day and cooldown during summer. (Maybe double sanity gain too)
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