One huge problem...


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Don't starve didn't teach you how to cook because you make meatballs with a made up meat and ice, somehow, and now that the Gorge is asking it from you, I feel like it should have.

It feels like an inexperienced player will be left to do the log work for buckets and fuel while the others get on with farming and actually making foods because they know what to do. I for instance, didn't know how to make pasta! I've never made it in my life! I buy mine premade irl and don't eat a huge variety of foods. Most people don't nowadays, but I guess making a menu of chips, chips and nuggets, chips and a burger, a kids meal and ice cream wouldn't do much good for the event >.>

Gitting gud isn't going to work if all you can do is read a wiki that doesn't really exist and people won't let you git gud, because you can't sit in a corner to do it, you have to play with others. People will probably shun you for failing them, we already saw that in The Forge (*cough*level 20 plus or gtfo*cough*), but that was a lot less of a problem because people knew what an RPG was and how to play them generally and got used to and understood how to get around things quickly. And other more experienced players could give you a quick tip before the match or shout out what to do next during the match. In the Gorge, it's not that simple.

The timer also cramps down exploration. When you have no time, you forget about exploration and see what you can do with what you have with the knowledge you have. Having to discover food items, but requiring the players to know and understand them is... Well, you need to KNOW HOW TO COOK to LEARN HOW TO COOK, oh boy! And how was I supposed to notice that the seed seller is also supposed to sell me the key that is going to unlock a whole bunch of new stuff for me when TIME IS FOOD?! The moment I got to pasta, the farmer turned into a cook, I, the former cook, was running in circles, asking questions that never got answered, while scrolling through an unofficial wiki that isn't a wiki, and the wood chopper started to go around doing various other things while constantly telling me what needs to be done for what.


I know how to make it in the game now, but the fact of the matter is, it felt like the game expects you to be a cook, while simultaneously wants you to explore? What do you want me to do then?!

Or may be I'm exaggerating, I have no idea. Just thought may be others might get into this pickle. I might just be dumb. Really, really dumb.

Chopping wood also seems like the most boring of tasks; it's extremely repetitive in comparison to the other two jobs. If forager actually had to forage for other things than wood, then may be the third player would have something more interesting to do. Or may be if the jobs weren't so much set out in stone and you could transfer from one to another without any issue, it would be more fun for all players? Just some thoughts.

EDIT: To be honest, it would probably be better if when you give the food before the pasta to the Gnaw, you got the key, so you get a good hint of what you need to do next. What even is the point of having the silver coin be dropped just so you can obscurely trade it for a key? Just drop the key itself, will save some hassle, no?

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I think the way the game expects you to learn is albeit flawed still workable. Whenever someone makes a food you haven't seen before you get it in your recipe book allowing you to look at food your teammates have made. I started my first few games chopping wood and gathering buckets but after a while I started taking the head chef role in some games because of all the recipes I learned over time. It takes a bit but once you learn what you need from others you can take the wheel yourself. Would I like it if the process were less pronounced and specific of course I would. Would I like it to be more fun when being the forager, definitely. Though what we got works well and it only takes a bit of time!  

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1 hour ago, EuedeAdodooedoe said:

The timer also cramps down exploration. When you have no time, you forget about exploration and see what you can do with what you have with the knowledge you have. Having to discover food items, but requiring the players to know and understand them is... Well, you need to KNOW HOW TO COOK to LEARN HOW TO COOK, oh boy! And how was I supposed to notice that the seed seller is also supposed to sell me the key that is going to unlock a whole bunch of new stuff for me when TIME IS FOOD?! The moment I got to pasta, the farmer turned into a cook, I, the former cook, was running in circles, asking questions that never got answered, while scrolling through an unofficial wiki that isn't a wiki, and the wood chopper started to go around doing various other things while constantly telling me what needs to be done for what.


I know how to make it in the game now, but the fact of the matter is, it felt like the game expects you to be a cook, while simultaneously wants you to explore? What do you want me to do then?!

In general, I don't know how to cook in real life. :p But for a lot of the recipes that I discovered, I just used logic. When I was trying to think of something for pasta, for example, I decided maybe spaghetti and meatballs would work, and my thinking process just went like this: based on presentation and appearance of the meal, probably flour for the noodles, meat for the meatballs, tomato for the sauce, and possibly mushrooms. Tossed those in, and lo and behold, I got spaghetti and meatballs. Never made them in real life, nor do I actually know how to. xD

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The trick is really NOT playing cook your first handful of rounds. Which can be hard because the general consensus seems to be that the cook is the funnest of the roles. Just step aside from the spotlight, and let someone who has recipes cook. Then you'll accumulate your own in no time.

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5 hours ago, EuedeAdodooedoe said:

Most people don't nowadays, but I guess making a menu of chips, chips and nuggets, chips and a burger, a kids meal and ice cream wouldn't do much good for the event >.>

Well, chips aren't too bad, and pizza is a great dish for the event, so it's not so far away.

Also, i think a part of the pressure you feel is normal, it's part of the event. The feeling of "what to do, now, quick, quick, time is running away" or "what is the best use for this coin ? and this one ? Who is selling what already ?"


I agree that the knowledge of recipe is important and if you know what the recipe are, you do a lot of job to coordinate the team. But this knowledge could be shared and after one or two games you'll learn and be able to be cook too.

About roles  : these roles are the way people are currently giving task. We saw in Forge that some choices changed over time, for example about the healer. I'm sure that this too will adapt depending of what people find best, so there is no reason to spend all the time to cut wood (especially because with more knowledge it will be easier to adapt the amount of wood needed, so more free time to others tasks).


You go a little blind at first, but i admit that for me it's a part of Don't Starve experience, and i learn the feeling. I don't know how much players are discouraged about it and how to solve it properly.

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You’re just on the steep part of the learning curve and will get better with a bit of practice. I found it helpful to watch some streamers who jumped on it early and have the basics down.

As for the rl expertise you feel the game is counting on, as someone who cooks all the time and has made pasta from scratch on numerous occasions (and even trifle, which is delicious),I can assure you that the recipes in the game have next to nothing in common with making the same foods in real life. I have to disagree about most people not eating a big variety of foods. That’s not my experience at ALL. It’s true I do live in a city where new restaurants are a big deal, but I don’t think cooking shows and celebrity chefs would be so popular if “most people” only wanted to eat hamburgers and chips.

At any rate, you will get the hang of it sooner than you think.

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24 minutes ago, Rellimarual said:

As for the rl expertise you feel the game is counting on, as someone who cooks all the time and has made pasta from scratch on numerous occasions (and even trifle, which is delicious),I can assure you that the recipes in the game have next to nothing in common with making the same foods in real life.


But I've made meatballs with ice before. I tasted it and called it "crap"

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