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Awesome Spring Cleaning Cover

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Kinda off topic but...

I was just browsing YouTube and this came up. Seriously, how have I never heard of this before, it's awesome.

This guy does all sorts of acoustic covers for all sorts of stuff. You name it, The Rick and Morty Theme Song, Manah Manah from the Muppets, whatever. Also, go and give him a like on YouTube or something, this is pretty cool.



EDIT: Oh yeah... I'm a Senior Member now. Yay?...

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Huh.  Cool.  Has he done a cover of the summer work music?  I ask because THAT'S a song that could use an accordion.  :)  Maybe because my nickname for it is "the evil polka"...but there's definitely something oom-pah-y going on there.

I also ran into a dubstep remix of the main waltz theme...somewhere.  No, I'm not kidding.  In a bizarre, sinister kind of way, it almost worked...

(EDIT: Well, when it comes to mixing Don't Starve with really dating modern trends, it at least works better than Wilson doing a DAB, wtf.)


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2 minutes ago, JimmyJam said:

Oh i didn't know that... Maybe its bugged for me :(

I have seen a few other members with bugged titles, generally Junior Members with over 100 posts. Sometimes though, weird stuff like Senior Members with only 50 posts.

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Spring is my favorite season - after getting out of Winter, you think the worst is all over. It's Spring, everything's growing. How bad can it be?

Well, to your utter demise, it only gets worse! Things are growing a little too fast, meaning that everything - everything - is happening at once. Excuse me, what was that, you just harvested your berrybushes after about 19 seconds of them being harvested? Whups, Frog Rain! Run to the Goose/Goose! Finally, now that that's over, next you need to get an Ice Flingomatic and an Endothermic Fire Pit because Summer is coming! Oh look, more rain! Whups, Lightning just struck your whole base. Oops, more Frog Rain... and I think you get the point.

Props to those dudes for making a cover. They perfectly capture the 'essence' of Spring.

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23 hours ago, CaptainChaotica said:

Has he done a cover of the summer work music?

17 hours ago, Asparagus said:

do they have For the Glory of Spring?!

Only this one. It would be cool if he could do more Don't Starve ones though, DS has such a cool music repertoire.


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2 minutes ago, NeddoFreddo said:

Did you draw that just then? Wow, I'm impressed, never seen that image before :)


Nah, once in a while I manage to upload a reaction with the rest of my art. Just depends on the time I got and if I need a emotion I don't have.

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