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Has anyone been able to sucessfully solo the bee queen?

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I have a solo Bee Queen speedrun scheduled for this Thursday. Besides the method I used in the speedrun, I've come up with a couple of different solo strategies. Not sure if I'll end up making a separate video explaining them, but at the very least there will be the speedrun. 

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1 minute ago, BluesyBuesy said:

I have a solo Bee Queen speedrun scheduled for this Thursday. Besides the method I used in the speedrun, I've come up with a couple of different solo strategies. Not sure if I'll end up making a separate video explaining them, but at the very least there will be the speedrun. 

I was wondering when I'd see the bee queen slain by your hands. Glad to know it's coming soon. I'm certainly looking forward to it.

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37 minutes ago, Weird Wanderer said:

Other than an absolutely absurd amount of bunnymen I don't think anyone's found a way to defeat the Bee Queen solo.

I saw at least 2 other ways that works on youtube.

Method 1 you need 1 eyeplant, 2~4 beekeeper hats and some dragon pie. Wolfgang can kill it in 8 mins.

Method 2 you need star caller staff and ice flingo. The fight can take longer if you really wana be careful and avoid getting hits, but it works.

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18 minutes ago, Mday said:

Method 2 you need star caller staff and ice flingo. The fight can take longer if you really wana be careful and avoid getting hits, but it works.

I thought about that after seeing someone doing that to toadstool, but won't the bee queen just run away and get out of range of the flingos and star?

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Just now, Sinister_Fang said:

I thought about that after seeing someone doing that to toadstool, but won't the bee queen just run away and get out of range of the flingos and star?

Bee queen will run away, yet you don't have to chase her. She will come for you eventually, as long as she still has aggro on you.


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7 minutes ago, mathem99 said:
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I've always had a hard time hitting things with gunpowder. Plus that's a massive amount of gunpowder. I can't imagine getting enough eggs and nitre only to miss my target.

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7 minutes ago, Sinister_Fang said:

I've always had a hard time hitting things with gunpowder. Plus that's a massive amount of gunpowder. I can't imagine getting enough eggs and nitre only to miss my target.

P.S You'd best use 110 gunpowder, if you use 113 Bee Queen will die and you'll get sweet sweet ashes... I found out the hard way due to a calculation error.

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4 hours ago, Sinister_Fang said:

I've always had a hard time hitting things with gunpowder. Plus that's a massive amount of gunpowder. I can't imagine getting enough eggs and nitre only to miss my target.

I killed it with gunpowder too. It's not that difficult, I put the three stacks close to each other, than hammered the hive and lured the bee queen to the gunpowder. I put her to sleep very close (this required some practice, but I didn't lost any gunpowder), and as she was close enough, I lit the stack with a fire staff (it's much faster and safer than a torch). After the first explosion the bee queen doesn't go away, but makes her battle cry (?), so there is enough time for the other stacks to explode. The funny thing was that I used 119 gunpowders, becaus I thought she has exactly 22k hp... 

Alternatively, you can use a tamed beefalo, with an ornery you can deal quite good damage without injuries after some practice. But it takes extremely long, as you can imagine... :) so after a few thousand damage I just gave up.

Also, one can use other giants. I managed to aggro a Goose on her, so I only had to run from her grumble bees... maybe I'll try it with bearger and deerclops too, I'm curious how that works.

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I've seen a video of a dude soloing her with the help of 3 eyeplants. Basically, when she spawn her minions, the dude would just run in a way her minions would run into the eyeplant's eyes and would either kill them or keep'em busy while he hits the Queen.




Seems tedious af

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I was thinking about herding beefalo around the hive and waiting for them to go into heat. The Queen would target me while the beefalo shredded her minions and her health. I have yet to put that into practice yet, but I figured the beefalo would be unaffected by the Queen screeches.

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14 hours ago, Weird Wanderer said:

Other than an absolutely absurd amount of bunnymen I don't think anyone's found a way to defeat the Bee Queen solo.

I wish the video included the beginning of the fight. Don't mobs still recognize you if you aggro them before you hide?

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1 hour ago, Rellimarual said:

I wish the video included the beginning of the fight. Don't mobs still recognize you if you aggro them before you hide?

Sorry for not recording from the beginning. You didn't miss out anything thou. We were hiding in the bush all the way from the start to observe the bunny and the bee queen. Only to the very end when we feel that the bunny is about to lose, we step in to secure the kill. Yes the mob aggro the guy who hammer the hive at the beginning. Just dodge the first few bees while the bunny take over. Then hide in the bush hat and no bees will aggro you again.

I have another video recorded if you wana see exactly how we set up the bunny and fight the queen.


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14 hours ago, mathem99 said:

P.S You'd best use 110 gunpowder, if you use 113 Bee Queen will die and you'll get sweet sweet ashes... I found out the hard way due to a calculation error.

Or 112 gunpowder. Fire and burn damage won't deal 100 damage to bee queen.

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To fight it solo, Wickerbottom's tentacles book works wonders. I managed to kill it without losing a single tentacle by going through 5 books while standing in the center of a 9x9 wall checkerboard (requires placing 40 hay walls in checkerboard style and closing yourself in the very center - this makes the tentacles very bunched up in the outer ring, effectively making their stunlock stronger, also prevents them from spawning where they can hit you), reading the book 15 times, burning the walls to escape, and then luring the queen bee to the tentacle ring. They took her down very easily. Take extreme care harvesting the drops! Strong stunlock applies to you as well.

- biggiemac42 from reddit.com/r/dontstarve


Break the walls before spawning the tentacles instead of burning them afterwards and this method works perfectly.


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6 hours ago, JellyUltra said:


Break the walls before spawning the tentacles instead of burning them afterwards and this method works perfectly.


The lureplant strat was definitely more satisfying, but since I usually main Wickerbottom, I will give this a go. Thanks for the tip on how to space the tentacles. 

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On 30.11.2016 at 8:18 AM, BluesyBuesy said:

I have a solo Bee Queen speedrun scheduled for this Thursday. Besides the method I used in the speedrun, I've come up with a couple of different solo strategies. Not sure if I'll end up making a separate video explaining them, but at the very least there will be the speedrun. 

Are you streaming somewhere? I would be happy to watch this.

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16 minutes ago, Rellimarual said:

if you break the walls before you spawn the tentacles, how can the walls affect the configuration of their spawning? I don't understand how building this, then standing in it, then breaking it down, then spawning tentacles would accomplish anything

The placed walls, even when broken down to 0 hp still take up the space they were placed upon, thus tentacles won't have enough space and not spawn on top of the walls. So first build the walls, then break them down with a weapon/cane (not with a hammer) then spawn the tentacles while standing in the middle.

I just tried it quickly via the console though, and it seems that the proposed 3 books aren't enough. She killed all the tentacles and danced on their graves. I did it with 8 books, but I assume you can decrease the count. Probably 5 or 6 will do it no problem. Dunno how not a single tentacle died when the person who suggested this tried. When I tried even with 8 books a few tentacles did die. 

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9 minutes ago, pofil said:

The placed walls, even when broken down to 0 hp still take up the space they were placed upon, thus tentacles won't have enough space and not spawn on top of the walls. So first build the walls, then break them down with a weapon/cane (not with a hammer) then spawn the tentacles while standing in the middle.

Apologies for my obtuseness, but I rarely build walls so I'm not that familiar with their mechanics. Are you talking about breaking them down almost but not entirely with a hammer, so that just those bits of stubble are left, or are you saying that completely destroyed and invisible walls continue to take up space? If it's the latter, how long does this effect last?

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When you hit walls with a weapon (you can use your walking cane for this since infinite durability) it takes away from their HP. They change in appearance to looking "broken" and can be fixed with resources depending on the type of wall. When you hit it with a hammer, you remove the wall entirely. That is the difference. 

In order to do the Wickerbottom magic trick as described above, you need to place the walls and then hit them with a weapon till they are down to 0 hp and your character can walk over them but they are still visible. 

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