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Yet Another Art Thread


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On 8/27/2017 at 6:22 PM, minespatch said:

Doesn't sound like "hardcore" more like having a relatable emotional episode.

If having an emotional episode causes you to tear out internal organs... well, you'll soon have bigger problems than the emotional episode :p

I may draw or at least sketch the context I imagined for that one, even though it's kinda silly.


But for now, here's something completely different.


She's not from anything; I just wound up kinda doodling her while trying to start sketching something else and then decided to turn her into a more complete drawing. Is she an alien? A robot? A human in a silly costume? I have no idea.

I'm pretty happy with how the colors and stuff on her dress turned out.

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Oh, cool, that first drawing of my fall semester started a new page...

Anyway, here's something new. Spoilered because I show it again at the end of the post.



This is Lichen, and if the name sounds familiar it's because I drew her once before, but I decided to almost completely overhaul her design. She's supposed to be one of the Satyr frames from Assault Android Cactus, but she's repaired herself using parts from another android. And she's got a symbiotic relationship of sorts with some kind of tentacle robot, because an android with a name like lichen ought to be in a symbiotic relationship.


I used a slightly different process for this drawing, so I thought it might be fun to share some of the in-progress stuff.

Here's the super rough sketch/doodle/thing I started with. Most of the time I start with a like stick figure to get poses and proportions right, but this is the main thing I did differently.




Then, I built off that and sketched almost all of the lines:




Then I trace over that with a pen tool, because the partially transparent lines work great for sketching, but look really bad on a finished drawing. I added some more details here too. This isn't exactly the lines I had before I started coloring, because I didn't save the image like that. But it's pretty close and gets the idea across.




Then I try to experiment with colors until I get something I'm happy with, and I guess I got some advice from @Mobbstar for this one.




Then I color the color the lines (actually, looks like I had the hair outline colored already in the color drawing above.) It's not really necessary but I like how it looks and it's pretty quick and easy to do because I have most of the differently colored lines in different layers.

Then I drew a simple background to get some idea of where I wanted the light to come from and what colors to use...

Finally, I did the lighting and shading, which for a drawing like this mostly consisted of adding a million layers.


That's not even all of them! There's more that needed to go on top of the outlines. But I don't mind because I find this part of drawing fun.



Wow, that sounds like a lot of work. Did I really do all that?

I had some sort of closing thoughts... Oh, right, I just wanted to comment on how I started this drawing differently, with the large brush sketch instead of the usual stick figures. I think it helped me get a cooler looking design for Lichen, but I think the pose is a little weak. What exactly is she doing with her claw hand? I don't think this method will work as well if I'm not designing something and I want a more complicated pose.

I'm also kinda bothered that I wind up having to trace over my sketched lines again for the final outline. Feels like a waste of time.

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This might take a little while to finish. Requires dramatic lighting, but I should use flat colors so it still looks good as a .gif, so that'll be different than what I usually do.

I'm also not sure if this is the final design for the android.

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11 hours ago, minespatch said:

Is there a story behind this one?

Not really, sorry.


Basically, the satyr frame never appears in the game, so the only reference I could find to help with Lichen's design is this one sketch:


... which is from one of the dev's ask.fm (https://ask.fm/ironicaccount).

I realized I kinda liked the light satyr frames and wanted to draw one, and since they'd be relatively fragile I imagined she'd be taking cover.

Of course, for a complete drawing I thought she'd need something to hide from, and I thought the monitors would be a fun way to convey a more vague threat.

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Here's my finalized(?) design for Mulberry!


I expect to redo the lighting when I include the background, but it's been a long time since I finished anything so I decided to make this standalone thing. That, and you probably won't be able to see her colors as well in the final drawing.


Bleh, I think this will have to be the last big project I work on for a while. I'll only have less time for drawing as the semester continues, and I don't like having to wait like a week between finishing drawings!

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23 hours ago, minespatch said:

"All shall belong"?


I'm pretty sure they both make the same amount of sense.


Anyway, it's pretty much done, so...


It's Starch from Assault Android Cactus, with new armor and stuff. She probably appreciates the extra fire power.

Hm, I think I'll mess with some of the shading some more later...

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17 hours ago, minespatch said:

This kind of looks like a promotional image.

Well that's, uh, actually spot on. I used the cover art for Bloodborne a little as a reference.






Anyway, while I'm here, here's the updated version of the drawing. I completely redid the shading on the micromissile launcher, added some more shine, and other minor things.


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On 9/24/2017 at 8:20 PM, DragonMage156 said:

Nice! :encouragement:

Aw, thank you!


Sorry, I really didn't mean to abandon this thread for like 2 weeks. My most recent drawing took WAY longer than I expected, and I'm not even sure this is an appropriate place to post it. Because I drew someone else's character!

It's NikiNazu's patchwork mantis-ish droid, Morello Cherry.


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23 minutes ago, minespatch said:

Is she eating a CD?

Nah, she's just never seen one before, so she's biting it to find out what it is.



Did you draw your avatar?

Oh no, I'd already have posted the whole pic if I had drawn it.

It's NikiNazu's drawing of Mulberry, so I guess this wound up being kinda like an art trade!


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