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November 19th Update

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  • Developer

Build: 157080 157132

Beta Build: 157081 157136


  • Added an official Steam Controller configuration
    • To access this, open Steam in Big Picture Mode with a steam controller attached. Select Don’t Starve Together -> Configure Controller -> Browse Configs. Then select the official configuration in the Recommended section. Enjoy.
    • The configuration maps the Steam Controller to the same layout as the XBox controller, plus using the paddle buttons as mouse wheel up and down.
    • If you would like to change the layout of the controller, it is recommend to use the official configuration and use the Don’t Starve Together options menu.
  • Improved mod caching functionality. Mods are now cached during the updating as well as when temporarily downloading them on joining servers.
  • The mod version_compatible specified in the mods modinfo.lua, will now allow clients to run the latest mod from the Workshop and the server be on an older version if the modder has setup the mod to be compatible between the two versions. This can be used to reduce the need for hosts/servers to be restarted with the latest version of the mod.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in saving combat components
  • Fixed a bug in saving Goose nesting grounds



  • Fixed crash when digging up Spiky Trees and Bushes
  • Fixed crash when exiting caves from a different portal than the one you entered from
  • Fixed crash when picking up a depleted Trap
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local function dig_up(inst, chopper)    if inst.components.pickable and inst.components.pickable:CanBePicked() then        inst.components.lootdropper:SpawnLootPrefab("twigs")    end    inst:Remove()    inst.components.lootdropper:SpawnLootPrefab("dug_marsh_bush")end

this in the marsh_bush triggers the assert

function EntityScript:GetPosition()    --#V2C #TODO remove this after we've fixed most of the bugs    --           since it's expensive to assert in something as    --           common as :GetPosition()    assert(self:IsValid())    return Point(self.Transform:GetWorldPosition())end

here, when you dig it up.



    inst:Remove()    inst.components.lootdropper:SpawnLootPrefab("dug_marsh_bush")
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I checked the syslog file in my server here it is it gives same error...

Nov 19 09:30:29 DSTmultilayer postfix/smtpd[9933]: error: open database /etc/aliases.db: No such file or directoryNov 19 09:30:29 DSTmultilayer postfix/smtpd[9933]: warning: dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabledNov 19 09:30:29 DSTmultilayer postfix/smtpd[9933]: connect from unknown[unknown]Nov 19 09:30:29 DSTmultilayer postfix/smtpd[9933]: lost connection after CONNECT from unknown[unknown]Nov 19 09:30:29 DSTmultilayer postfix/smtpd[9933]: disconnect from unknown[unknown]
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So since it is now "skins beta" i have couple things:

0. Why when we are testing drops and thing around them Klei NEVER stated how it works, how many, how, when, etc.?


1. Looks like there are 4 skins per week tops - at least for me and i have been playing A LOT. Is this true?


2. Also i speak with some players that are "godmoding" the sh1t out of drops and they are getting 8 drops per week? You need to DEAL with this because more and more players will only run the game with godmode to get drops and with this system why not? Even im thinking about this BS a little although im against stuff like this


3. For now looks like drops are: first two drops really fast, third drop is in next day, fourth drop day after so in 3 days we have all drops for whole week and other 4 days is without drops. I think you should tune this a little. Maybe add 5th drop (legit one) and make those 4 drops little further apart from each other and that 5th drop will be for players playing lot more than others hm?


4. What about skins? (actual skins not these clothes) Are they coming soon or? Will they work like drops? If so it will be even less chance to get it as those animal backpacks? Because i am playing on server with at least 3-4 guys every day since you add drops but i never seen any animal backpack and only few backpacks/trenchcoats


5. Is there a way to force our items in game inventory AND in steam inventory to be sorted? (type of tiem, rarity, color) Because after couple weeks we have plenty of drops that are all around that place and it is HARD to actually know what items/doubles we have. Can you update this plz?

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Why when we are testing drops and thing around them Klei NEVER stated how it works, how many, how, when, etc.?


Probably because it may change. And also because casinos don't explain to you your chances at the slot machine.


Also i speak with some players that are "godmoding" the sh1t out of drops and they are getting 8 drops per week?


Most likely, four drops between monday-wednesday, and four drops between thrusday-sunday.

Thursday is reset day, so eight drops a week, technically.

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Even im thinking about this BS a little although im against stuff like this

If you do that and get all the clothing it might make it so you don't feel like playing anymore at all kind of like achievements, but I really like the clothing cause it looks so nice, and really great when you can find clothing that matches each other.

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0. Why when we are testing drops and thing around them Klei NEVER stated how it works, how many, how, when, etc.?
 Probably still in beta until they find out how to release the REAL skins (let's be honest they need to make two "tabs" for clothing and skins/outfits) that we found the portraits for here. http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/58444-the-skins-are-actually-in-the-game-no-the-clothes/
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xkcd noted that a couple could mean up to 5.....


(I believe the usage of couple is actually a regionally varying thing, where I grew up "couple" was mostly two, but could mean more, my wife is from the eastern US and for her "couple" has a very precise definition of "two, no more, no less".  As the mouse-over indicates, the topic can prove remarkably contentious in conversation, though I'm not entirely clear on why that is.)


{EDIT:  Oh goodness, never mind.  I missed that there was a point #0, making the number of point = 6, not 5.  Thus even xkcd would agree that you were right Mobbstar, my bad.  Even a Minnesotan wouldn't, typically, use "couple" to mean six.}

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Probably because it may change. And also because casinos don't explain to you your chances at the slot machine.

I know you have always answer for everything but plz dude dont be ridiculous. We are not in casino and ALSO casino is not doing BETA TEST on their slot machines. How we should provide feedback if we dont know how things work? Anyway i feel that this "drop system" is not good (hows that for feedback)


If you do that and get all the clothing it might make it so you don't feel like playing anymore at all kind of like achievements, but I really like the clothing cause it looks so nice, and really great when you can find clothing that matches each other.

I would never do that i was just saying that is wrong. Also i don't play because drops it is just nice addition and something new after NOTHING for ages in DST .)


xkcd does not agree with that statement.

What? :grin: Looks like that with that "0" i cheated there im ok? Anyway english is my third language so excuse me if i typed something wrong :)

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Got a strange bug.

My main world server settings.ini has been reseted by some unknown phenomenon to:

[MISC]CONSOLE_ENABLED = trueautocompiler_enabled = true[NETWORK]server_intention = cooperative

It happenned somewhere between those two restarts, Paris time:

11/20/15 04:05:07: [DST02main] Shutdown done. Players? = there-was-SOME-players. Reason: Mod update = false; Game update = true.11/20/15 04:05:11: [DST02main] Game launch initiated.11/20/15 05:01:53: [DST02main] Shutdown done. Players? = there-was-SOME-players. Reason: Mod update = false; Game update = true.
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  • Developer
Got a strange bug. My main world server settings.ini has been reseted by some unknown phenomenon to:


We've noticed this once as well but haven't been able to track it down yet. Thanks for bringing it up, and if you ever see it again please let us know!



@t0panka, Drops are distributed algorithmically and at this time we haven't decided how much detail we will be providing about the specifics. Right now we are aiming towards the average player getting about 2-4 items per week, people who play more than average will get more, and people who play less will get less but still probably get something if they play more than just a few minutes.


But, a person using godmode to afk items isn't at any more of an advantage than any of our players that play on the higher end of weekly playtime.





A new version has been posted, please continue the conversation in the new thread!


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