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Caves Beta - November 5th Update

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How to change the host default save location



In addition to what @Tiax said, you can use -conf_dir NewSaveDirectory to just change the subfolder within the klei/ folder. Whichever one makes more sense for your situation.  :-)


I want to change the default save path

For example:    E:\klei\....

thank~ :)

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i have new crash on my server cave today


someone have same crash or only me?


or maybe it's from mods?

[string "scripts/prefabs/worm.lua"]:165: variable 'chance' is not declaredLUA ERROR stack traceback:=[C]:-1 in (global) error (C) <-1--1>scripts/strict.lua:23 in () ? (Lua) <21-26>   t = table: 0xb1d6728   n = chancescripts/prefabs/worm.lua:165 in (upvalue) fn (Lua) <154-174>   inst = 199227 - worm (valid:true)   haunter = 168849 - webber (valid:true)scripts/standardcomponents.lua:992 in (field) onhaunt (Lua) <980-1000>   inst = 199227 - worm (valid:true)   haunter = 168849 - webber (valid:true)   result = falsescripts/components/hauntable.lua:101 in (method) DoHaunt (Lua) <99-125>   self =      no_wipe_value = false      flicker = off      panictimer = 0      onhaunt = function - scripts/standardcomponents.lua:980      inst = 199227 - worm (valid:true)      cooldowntimer = 0      usefx = true      cooldown_on_successful_haunt = true      _ = table: 0x15212328      panic = false   doer = 168849 - webber (valid:true)scripts/actions.lua:1069 in (field) fn (Lua) <1061-1072>   act = Haunt 199227 - worm (valid:true)scripts/bufferedaction.lua:24 in (method) Do (Lua) <20-34>   self (valid:true) =      forced = true      action = table: 0xa6bf190      doer = 168849 - webber (valid:true)      onfail = table: 0x1466a1d8      doerownsobject = false      onsuccess = table: 0x10daf810      target = 199227 - worm (valid:true)      distance = 2      options = table: 0x1466a200      pos = (-40.88, 0.00, -102.56)scripts/entityscript.lua:1232 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1224-1242>   self (valid:true) =      DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (0x14c85240)      inlimbo = false      GetMoistureRateScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:86      bufferedaction = Haunt 199227 - worm (valid:true)      SetCameraDistance = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1202      ScreenFlash = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1264      player_classified = 168850 - player_classified (valid:true)      playercolour = table: 0x187ac0b0      AnimState = AnimState (0x1d1519f0)      Light = Light (0x1e1323e8)      deathcause = cold      _isrezattuned = false      OnRemoveEntity = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:568      pendingtasks = table: 0x11201fa8      ShowHUD = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1184      ShowGiftItemPopUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1196      sg = sg="wilsonghost", state="haunt_pre", time=0.50, tags = "doing,busy,"      IsHUDVisible = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1174      ApplyScale = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1279      SetGhostMode = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:476      ShowActions = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1178      old_rotation = 13.250352795282      OnWakeUp = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1099      Transform = Transform (0x1498f9a0)      actionreplica = table: 0x11fd7bb0      event_listening = table: 0xbfe6420      actioncomponents = table: 0x192c3598      lower_components_shadow = table: 0x192c3570      GetMaxMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:76      prefab = webber      updatecomponents = table: 0x1759df80      ShakeCamera = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1222      OnDespawn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1117      Physics = Physics (0x190884d8)      MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (0x19de7480)      event_listeners = table: 0xbfe6388      replica = table: 0x18b2ca30      GetTemperature = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:36      OnSleepIn = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1071      OnSetSkinAndClothing = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1144      ghostenabled = true      EnableMovementPrediction = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:437      worldstatewatching = table: 0x12301668      SetCameraZoomed = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:1208      Network = Network (0x160a22f8)      GetMoisture = function - scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:66      LightWatcher = LightWatcher[string "scripts/prefabs/worm.lua"]:165: variable 'chance' is not declaredLUA ERROR stack traceback:    =[C]:-1 in (global) error (C) <-1--1>    scripts/strict.lua:23 in () ? (Lua) <21-26>    scripts/prefabs/worm.lua:165 in (upvalue) fn (Lua) <154-174>    scripts/standardcomponents.lua:992 in (field) onhaunt (Lua) <980-1000>    scripts/components/hauntable.lua:101 in (method) DoHaunt (Lua) <99-125>    scripts/actions.lua:1069 in (field) fn (Lua) <1061-1072>    scripts/bufferedaction.lua:24 in (method) Do (Lua) <20-34>    scripts/entityscript.lua:1232 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1224-1242>    scripts/stategraphs/SGwilsonghost.lua:193 in (field) fn (Lua) <192-194>    scripts/stategraph.lua:562 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <530-574>    scripts/stategraph.lua:601 in (method) Update (Lua) <593-621>    scripts/stategraph.lua:123 in (method) Update (Lua) <107-146>    scripts/update.lua:205 in () ? (Lua) <146-219>	SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen	CURL ERROR: <url> malformed


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@IPSquiggle:  I'm not sure if this is new, a bug, intended, even when it started, but....


In single-player moleworm burrows can be dug during non-dusk and the mole-worm pops out.  In DST, current caves beta, if you dig a burrow during the day there is no moleworm produced.  Additionally a homeless moleworm dropped during the day will wait until the next dusk to dig a new burrow rather than making a new one immediately.


I'm guessing these might be changes intentionally introduced, but given how the day-timers have been working, and how you had to fix some issues relating to moleworms in caves, I thought it was worth mentioning here in case you weren't aware of it.


(huge thanks to Karen, if she reads this, for bringing this to my attention, after which I went and googled more on it)



EDIT:  Huh, I just tested this by dropping one in the caves, and it seemed to crawl, rest for a second, then dug a burrow.  Maybe it's fixed after all.  I haven't tested digging a burrow underground during the day, that might work as well for all I know.

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Oh lol that's weird then.

Try disabling all your mods one by one and check of it crashes.

That's how I did it.


Or the developers could simply add an if-statement to check to make sure the component action is not nil and it would prevent further issues with mods and/or the base game. However, I don't think it's caused specifically by a mod as almost all the mods which I use do not add any additional componentactions; which is a known cause for this issue.


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Couple bugs:


1. still have that graphics glitch in menu, loading screen and when scrolling POV far away in game - to clouds. It is here since beginning and it is getting ridiculous :(


2. Invisibility: equip bush hat and right after you click to hide take it from your head slot - bam! invisible


3. Wickerbottom tentacles - we spawned couple tentacles around slurtle mounds and after earthquake they start to attack slurtels BUT after some time they become inactive around mobs and also when i am standing on them. ALSO slurtles after hiding to their shell because of tentacle attack after a while they are STUCK in that shell and wont come out until they die (423947239 hits with best weapon)


5. I don't know if this is feature or bug but nightmare creatures after nightmare cycle ends are not dropping nightmare fuel after they disappear


6. I don't know if shadow monkeys are hostile to bunnies but seems like they are some time and some time they are not


7. 2 updates ago i played as webber and caves/ruins spider were hostile to me! This is why i didn't played as him. ALSO i think spiders should come out of their dens when webber step on webbing. How else should i befriend cave/ruins spiders? Webbers main perk is befriending spiders and if i can't befriend spiders then im just normal character with low sanity and spider hat.


8. You overlooked that there is no number 4 .)


9. Since this update server that im playing on had always 65-67 ping for me. With this last update it is showing number around 5000 although technically that ping is the same


10. Tiny bug: when i pick up someone else backpack some items with durability doesn't have that number on them and also icon of that item is little weird. When i pick that item from slot and put them back that durability number appears and icon is normal again.


11. Little off topic. JUST saying! I was talking to one guy that is godmoding the sh1t out of drops and he said that the cap is 8 drops. Well i play a lot and getting 4 drops per week. Ehm so don't be surprised that people are doing this and not playing normally. I know that you are still tuning this so im letting you know :-)


12. That wormhole bug that is still in DST (freezes whole game and i need to shutdown whole PC) is also happening for big tentacle holes. Also isnt that "superfreeze" of my PC (im on Mac and other than mayor updates i never restarted it in 3 years and never did forced shutdown) because there is no "error window"? I think that it is not normal that DST freeze so much that i cant do anything but force shutdown.



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5 is modified feature.


10 happens everytime...



5. I don't know if this is feature or bug but nightmare creatures after nightmare cycle ends are not dropping nightmare fuel after they disappear


10. Tiny bug: when i pick up someone else backpack some items with durability doesn't have that number on them and also icon of that item is little weird. When i pick that item from slot and put them back that durability number appears and icon is normal again.


11. Little off topic. JUST saying! I was talking to one guy that is godmoding the sh1t out of drops and he said that the cap is 8 drops. Well i play a lot and getting 4 drops per week. Ehm so don't be surprised that people are doing this and not playing normally. I know that you are still tuning this so im letting you know :-)


12. That wormhole bug that is still in DST (freezes whole game and i need to shutdown whole PC) is also happening for big tentacle holes. Also isnt that "superfreeze" of my PC (im on Mac and other than mayor updates i never restarted it in 3 years and never did forced shutdown) because there is no "error window"? I think that it is not normal that DST freeze so much that i cant do anything but force shutdown.




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I played a wilderness server last night. This night I again connected to that server and found these guanos I lefted yesterday became miniature. LOL 


Edited : Err, sorry for your inconvenience about Korean mod.


Edited : Oh, it's from the bird that fed with seeds! I noticed it. Maybe not a bug just a feature.


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