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(twiddling thumbs waiting for opportunity to rear its ugly head)


(. . .agh, screw it.)


Corthias opened her eyes.


She could see a world beyond her own, muddled and distorted. She could see lights, visible with such stark clarity compared to the world around, curling around her, streaks of warmth that were unfamiliar to her. She felt herself drifting towards the warmth; so inviting, so pleasurable. She could hear mutterings, words unfamiliar to her being spoken as she drifted into the light, words of disdain. Reaching out into that distorted world, she touched an orange smear that flared with comfort.


She felt her hand go numb, quickly turning to pain. She felt her fingers being stripped away and, fearfully, she tried pulling her hand away, but the streak of warmth stuck to her, eating away at her flesh. She could see it slowly charring away, the streak of orange blackening the skin until it fell away. She could see the other streaks curling around her, sinking and burrowing themselves under her skin, and she writhed, scratching herself; get them off, get them out, that was the only thing that she could think rationally as she felt herself disappear.


The fire consumed her, burning her flesh and bones away, and she felt her being, her soul, lose grip on this reality.




Corthias opened her eyes, and she tore her eyes away from the book.


Solemnly, she flipped the book, the pages facing the ground, and she shook it; she saw a clear writhing mass fall between the cracks of the pages, falling in large, sickening globs before breaking off and dissipating, leaking away into the ground and the air, singing the ground and making the air reek of smoking glass. Disgusting to the touch, but yet it was so interesting to see it fall in this manner. Corthias almost wanted to look at the mass, but her fear of the scene, along with the nauseous smell, told her otherwise.


The last drop of the mass disappeared with a hiss, singing the ground. She cast away the concept Truth; perhaps that wasn't wise, but she had no desire to look at that horrible scene any longer. She preferred the lie that she saw the 'truth' as she perceived it, not objective truth.


Sighing, Corthias closed the book, now drained and empty, and she lay down on the ground, staring into the sky that was poking through the leaves of the forest. She would say she has set up camp in a clearing of a forest, but it would be generous to call her current situation a 'camp'. The only object set up next to her are the rotting corpses of two rabbits and two charred logs (which were supposed to act as the campfire, but someone or something took the liberty to take the stones and a few of the logs, so it's more of a very badly made attempt at making a torch then a campfire).


She laid on the ground, and didn't bother to get up. She just wanted to lay there, to forget the world, to forget her situation, to pretend that the world was just. . .normal.


(Go make of this as you will. EDIT: Obligatory edit to fix a one word mistake.)

Edited by Percival
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(So the lesson is, truth hurts. So hide yourself in lies and deception because you won't be hurt or damaged emotionally as deeply as you would this way? Huh... I didn't like that lesson.)


(Some of Pecival's other lessons include "Sacrifice those who love you for your own personal gain" and "killing people is fun".  If you want to be a respectable person, don't listen to Pecival's lessons.)


"Sure!  Let's go!"  Vilsig says excitedly to Lefay, bouncing along behind her.

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(let's get back to the RP, eh?)


Fid sits on the ground near the logs and pushes a button on his bat. It shifts and sparks fly out of the bat lighting the fire. "Y'know, one of my first prototypes involving this spark mechanic... Heh... it accidentally caught the bat on fire! Basically, I had to get a new house after that..." Fid says with an embarrassed tone in his voice. "Hey, if anybody needs to sleep you can go ahead... I can keep watch for evil creatures that want to kill us!"

(Fid doesn't sleep very much so he can stay up at night)

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(I am a completely respectable child, Battal. Nothing is wrong in this cranium of mine. Also. . .)


Corthias sat herself up, propping herself against a tree; she felt a pang of hunger course through her being, and she stared at the rabbit corpses next to the 'fire', and, for a second, was tempted to eat the corpse, rot, tendrils, and all. However, her mannerisms are much stronger than her hunger. She will not dare to stoop to that level of savagery. Brushing herself off of loose grass, she stood and grabbed a flimsy spear she made and her book, and wandered outside of the 'camp', looking for sustenance.


(. . .she's going to be doing her own stuff. Perfect for a completely chance meeting.)

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Mina takes the berries and starts eating them one at a time, keeping her rate of eating slow. "I've figured out that you tend to get more full if you eat slowly." she explains "It's like you're giving you stomach time to realize how much food it's getting. I think. I don't really know how it works I just know it helps for me." She pops in another berry. "I don't have much in the way of food myself, just some smelly purple meat from the wolves. It doesn't taste very good, but it's defiantly not the worst thing I've ever eaten... *shudder*"

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(Glares at Fid)

Mark looked behind him. "Nope, no story. But I found some rocks!" "Oh, this?" He held the umbrella in front of his face. "Heh... yeah... kind of... my mother gave this to me some days before..." he zoned out for some seconds. "It's just... really important to me." He clutched the umbrella harder, then sat down a few feet away from the fire, still clenching his dear umbrella.

Edited by ImDaMisterL
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Alex graciously accepted the berries and downed them in one swift motion, then glanced at Mina. He chuckled, shrugging. "Oops." He then proceed to watch Mark as he explained the umbrella. "Why'd she give you an umbrella, though?" He asked innocently. "Do you not like rain, or something?"

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"I actually don't like baseball... I loved technology and engineering as a young boy and wanted to try my hand at inventing a cool multi-tool but all I had was a bat that I stole from... Somewhere... Soon after the slight interest for fun turned into a need for survival... I'd rather not go into details right now...", Fid says trying to play it off cool.

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Vilsig is right behind Lefay, considering how easy it would be to drive his leg through her neck.  S̢he͞ wo̧u͟l̷dn̛'t͠ e͝v̕e̵n b҉e ab̶le͞ t̨o s͜cream̕, t̶hę blo̵od w͘óúld ̛c̷ho͘ke he̶r̶ ̧out...  He thinks, reluctantly not killing her.


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