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Stupid Mistakes you made

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Hopefully mistakes you can laugh about now.


Lost my Thermal Stone about 5 days into winter, found it at the edge of my base blending in with the snow because it was on the coldest stage. Picked it up and ran to the fire pit as fast as i could so i didnt freeze.


Accidently made a extra backpack.


Almost ate a piece of ice when trying to drop it on the ground. (This was in Winter)


I didnt see the thread about this in general discussion, excuse me while i facepalm. Dang search feature.

To seperate (hopefully) this from the other thread, these will be reign of giants mistakes only.

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Jumped back on a wormhole as soon as I landed on the other side making my sanity veeery low...


Hit one of the new spiders as Weber and they attacked me, making my loyal spiders attack them creating civil war. 


Had meat on me when meeting bunnies.



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after a day of digging graves i headed home feeling completely crazed. But before i arrived the hounds came for me. There was a beefalo herd on the way back, so i went to them hoping to get some help with the hound attack. Unfortunately the beefalo were in heat, and i took heavy damage from the combination of hounds and beefalo. I barely managed to survive, but survive i did and managed to limp home. When i got there, i grabbed a taffy out of the crockpot, chowed down on it and immediatly died... lesson learned!

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I went to caves as Webber and there was a rabbithutch right next to me, and i didnt destroy it so far.


I tried to tank the Dragonfly, at first i was like 'wow look how little damage hes doing' a few seconds after it i was like 'why is my health going down so fast? WHY AM I DEAD!?'


I spent 5 days as Wendy without eating any vegetables or fruits because I've been playing as Wigfrid for a long time and forgot about that shes the only character who cant eat non-meat food.

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I spent 5 days as Wendy without eating any vegetables or fruits because I've been playing as Wigfrid for a long time and forgot about that shes the only character who cant eat non-meat food.


Oh yeah that reminds me- neglected to build tent or lean to for over a year with wigfried because i'm so used to playing wickerbottom that i forgot all about sleeping.

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Went into cave.  Spider Queen spawned at the entrance.  Left cave.  Ended up returning to cave a few days later.  Became spider food.


Tried to cook meat, ended up eating it instead.


Chopped down a birchnut tree in an area full of trees just before nighttime.


Burned trees too close to camp.

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Went into cave.  Spider Queen spawned at the entrance.  Left cave.  Ended up returning to cave a few days later.  Became spider food.


Tried to cook meat, ended up eating it instead.


Chopped down a birchnut tree in an area full of trees just before nighttime.


Burned trees too close to camp.

Burned trees too close? Your base turned into ashes, didnt it?

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Was playing at evening, had to put my volune WAY down. Didn't hear the firefly coming, which then spawned near my base. Tried to make it follow me till beefalos, failed and died ;_;

But it's not all to waste; I found the Webber's skull before and unlocked Webber. I think I'm kinda not pro enough for this game and I ask for too much. Any tips?

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I was wearing a krampus sack as Maxwell, with a miner's hat. I lowered my volume to the lowest and a tentacle popped out and killed me. Then I tracked the warg and didn't know how to handle him because I lost my equipments- instant feed. 

Another one: Spelunking during Summer=suicide 

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I had found Maxwell's door on one of my RoG saves and decided to try Adventure Mode. During King of Winter I put my thermal stone down by the campfire to heat up and left to gather some nearby saplings....I came back just in time to see a moleworm eat it. 

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Few day in as Webber I had a full backpack and a full Chester, I dropped a campfire near some spider nests only to have them all start attacking Chester in the night, I put on some log armour dropping my backpack on the ground and went to Chester's aid, he died scattering all the stuff inside on the ground which caught fire from my campfire which then spread to my backpack :(    

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Few day in as Webber I had a full backpack and a full Chester, I dropped a campfire near some spider nests only to have them all start attacking Chester in the night, I put on some log armour dropping my backpack on the ground and went to Chester's aid, he died scattering all the stuff inside on the ground which caught fire from my campfire which then spread to my backpack :(    

That's some bad luck friend, sorry that happened to you. Hopefully they will make the spiders get over their Chester jealousy in the next update like they did with Abigail.  


I made a mistake playing today while I was planning my escape on Sandbox with Wendy. Keep in mind that Abigail was not present at the time.


It seems like as soon as you decide to move on to World ll and start preparing to leave, nothing can stand in your way. It was day 96 I think and I was camping out in a pig village. I hear the growling of the hounds and know that I am screwed; this pig village only had four houses and they all burned down.


The pigs only pulled two or three of the dogs, and I am left running towards the huge Beefalo herd quite a ways away near my camp. Halfway there I start freezing. I knew winter had been coming. but this was a bad time. I manage to leave all but two Hounds with the beefaloes and throw a board on my firepit as I start losing health from the freezing. The hounds have got in some bites by this time and I am on low health. Finally, I make a stand. I don my only piece of armor (a 36% log suit) and kill the remaining two hounds. Even as they fall, I start losing health from the cold again, and make it to my firepit with 4 health left. This incident sure taught me that you can never let your guard down in this game, even when you have your mind set on a goal. 

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Decided to follow a couple of tracks while doing really well as Wigfrid. Subsequently killed by a warg, which proceed to camp out on top of all my supplies, kill chester and then carefully guard all four of my things. Then they killed me again.

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Tried to open a Fire Staff setpiece with a base stats WX-78.

Attacked a Pengull.

Ate ice at winter when far away from my base, ran out of food.

Shaving Beefalos at night, day comes and they're in redbutt mood, I had no beefalo hat.

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Found a herd of beefalo in mating mode, agroed one to move him away and kill him. Returned to the herd to pick poop forgetting that they were in mating season. That was the same run were I survived starting in summer.

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