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New pigs

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Pigs were quite lazy before, now they are much more efficient for lumbering. I think it was a great change. 

Lumberjack pigs have a lot of cons anyway: they will stop working at dusk and night, treeguards will murder them effortlessly, they don’t uproot tree trunks, etc. I think it’s fair they can now do as much cleaning as possible on a good day.

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Sounds like Wurts Merms. And they BOTH now equally share the same problem of not being able to get them to STOP once they start..

More things in this game need to be like Soothing/Riling up Abigail.

Because sometimes.. I would like for my Merms to actually follow me instead of chop down every tree and burst apart every rock in sight..

I did not know that they changed pigs to be more like Wurts Merms though.. that just makes Wurt a little less unique in my opinion. :( 

But hopefully a nice QoL update will allow BOTH Pigs & Merms Alike to be STOPPED once they go on a whole Forest chopping spree 

(this would also carry over to Maxwells shadow workers when he gets reworked)

Work/Relax.. Work../Relax.. 

Wait no don’t chop down my fully decorated Wintersfeast and Hallowed nights tree’s!

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7 minutes ago, __IvoCZE__ said:

there never was any change.

It was a while ago, pigs and merms would have a short range for wanting to leash to the player constantly.

A patch made it so you could be much farther away from them and they keep on working without wanting to be near you.

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4 minutes ago, Hornete said:

It was a while ago, pigs and merms would have a short range for wanting to leash to the player constantly.

A patch made it so you could be much farther away from them and they keep on working without wanting to be near you.

oh, that patch, i already forgot about it

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30 minutes ago, minespatch said:

So... Shadow choppers from Maxwell?

Yes- and all three of them Pigs, Merms, and Shadow Workers need a Sooth/Rile function.

It would solve a TON of so called “Wurt Bugs” where people think Merms Run off trying to go home- they DON’T, they actually walk (and very slowly I might add) Back home.. and they will even STOP walking to turn and look at you if you get close to them giving you time to Re-Recruit them, they also walk around water to go back home (which people equally claimed they don’t do)

What they DO actually Do however: is become very dedicated to the task you have given them (Chop,Mine,Attack) and during THESE commands they WILL Run, and often times off screen, or just like Bearger… continue to try to run after food you dropped on the other side of a small stream except for with Wurts Merms this applies to Trees, Rocks and enemies you were once attacking but ran away from.

The MERMS (& now also apparently Pigmen alike) have a very large radius of performing their Chopping/Fighting task- and they remain dedicated to it..

So what you are ACTUALLY Witnessing isn’t them trying to Endlessly “run” home they are trying to run to chop a tree/mine a rock that’s on the other side of the water.

When they start to actually Return HOME they walk and very slowly, stop when you approach, and will pathfind around Water.

I assume this is why Wurts “Bugs” were never addressed by Klei- they’re looking for a “Bug” where they actually drop everything they’re doing to try and run at fast speeds back home and continuously run into a edge of water trying to do it.. but what I’m experiencing when I test it myself, they actually DO pathfind around the water when slowly walking home… and only endlessly run into a edge of land whenever they’re still trying to chop/mine/fight/eat something on the other side of the stream.

(again.. just like manipulating Bearger by dropping a stack of Berries on the other side of a stream so it continuously tries to get to the berries)

I predict this Bug could have an Easy fix if you could just Command Merms/Pigs/Shadow Workers to STOP doing the task they’re trying to do and instead follow you.

But then again- I’m on Xbox and can only observe things I see with my own eyes- Someone who actually plays on PC and can look into the games data files will have to confirm if my assumptions are accurate, or if there really is a bug where they try to break their necks to run home and endlessly run into a edge of water trying to do it.

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5 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

It would solve a TON of so called “Wurt Bugs” where people think Merms Run off trying to go home- they DON’T, they actually walk (and very slowly I might add) Back home.. and they will even STOP walking to turn and look at you if you get close to them giving you time to Re-Recruit them, they also walk around water to go back home (which people equally claimed they don’t do)

there is a bug that makes them not come back tho, or at least it happened to me where no matter how many days passed, they did not return home.

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