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Changes in research nodes - conveyor belts/chute

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All latest changes put conveyor chute in solid space transport nodes which makes it unreachable before rockets and interstellar research. This makes conveyor belts almost not usable and makes early dupes with mechatronics starting skill pointless.

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Having the sweeper and auto dispenser in smart storage (before even solid transport!) makes it much easier to automate many midgame tasks like ranching. It is early enough that getting enough refined metal to build them, or the skill points to use them, might actually be the critical path now.

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19 minutes ago, goboking said:

There's no need to be an ass, friend.

There's no need to rush the forums to complain about features you havent even attempted or tested or even thought about for less than 5 seconds either, yet here we are.

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1 hour ago, n_t_p said:

There's no need to rush the forums to complain about features you havent even attempted or tested or even thought about for less than 5 seconds either, yet here we are.

You mean you thought about your suggestions after testing the game a lot..? :lol: Doesn't seem that way to me. :roll: You seem to whine a lot about what is and isn't right in the current build of the game. But that's just me playing the game as is and enjoying it :love_heart: 

I just hope any changes Klei does is in game's favor and not for a certain group of players

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On 4/1/2021 at 10:28 AM, Ravien said:

All latest changes put conveyor chute in solid space transport nodes which makes it unreachable before rockets and interstellar research. This makes conveyor belts almost not usable and makes early dupes with mechatronics starting skill pointless.

The DLC has a much longer development path than the base-game so this is probably as intended. Starting skills save you morale requirements. They are not really about getting you skills early.

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21 hours ago, SamLogan said:

We need a "sweep by the auto-sweeper arm only" on the automatic disperser. As well, we can associate both without Duplicant try to refill it continually.

The "No Manual Delivery" mod is a godsend. And it's even been updated for the DLC.

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I'm testing every dlc major update this is just my opinion coming from gameplay. Picking specialist dupes is for using their skills early, and chute is no rocket science - its just a piece of bent metal.

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9 hours ago, Ravien said:

its just a piece of bent metal

I'd agree with this. It feels like a complication introduced to create artificial difficulty which makes absolutely no sense. The other items in the box sure. But a end of a belt that just drops things on the floor? This is non-sense as a third tier space research item.

Others artificially gated that make no sense: Soda fountain, landscape portrait and marble block.

I adored this game pre-release. But I have a hard time not getting bored before rockets other things now. Both pre-expansion and in my expansion alpha runs. Adding artificial difficulty gating is not going to fix this, and may make it worse. The new swamp biome though was fantastic.

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45 minutes ago, Hechicera said:

I'd agree with this. It feels like a complication introduced to create artificial difficulty which makes absolutely no sense. The other items in the box sure. But a end of a belt that just drops things on the floor? This is non-sense as a third tier space research item.

Others artificially gated that make no sense: Soda fountain, landscape portrait and marble block.

I adored this game pre-release. But I have a hard time not getting bored before rockets other things now. Both pre-expansion and in my expansion alpha runs. Adding artificial difficulty gating is not going to fix this, and may make it worse. The new swamp biome though was fantastic.

It does seem like the swamp biome had a lot of thought put into it and I really enjoy it. I hope they go back over a lot of what's come out recently to give the same kind of thought to. Like for example the sulfur biome. It has a ton of oxygen, with the only other gas being some carbon dioxide. It's a little warm but not uncomfortable for dupes at all and create a impact on the rest of the map temperature wise if you open it up. It basically just seems like a biome designed entirely around where you get your mid game food source from and that's it. There's no reason not to go there or a challenge to overcome like how the slime biome has slime lung, or the caustic biome has gases you can't breathe and is hot, its just there. The food source is pretty decent and plentiful but it doesn't require a much in the way of temperature or resources, just sulfur which on the first asteroid you will eventually run out of but that will take a while. Just seems kind of boring to me.

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