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The new farming system needs more automation

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The new system is so strong and and gives so much more. Like a lot of people already said: Even withouth any effort you get more than with the old system. It gives you more in any way. 

So more automation would just be op and where is the fun of getting giant crops when you have to do nothing for them. 

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Hello there
As I was looking for automation you're looking for too, I found something really strong, that exactly means 0 time during plant growth you spend and you'll just take giant plants at cost of some really cheap resources for automation, but what is automation?
For automation you need to automate fertilizing and watering the plot and tending to plants, right?
Friendly Fruit Fly will take care of the third at small farms that we are talking about, and about fertilizing you can easily use self fertilize system of using multiple plants, but the key automation is watering that no one thinks even that could be automate, but I've done that right now.
What we are going to do for watering is very simple that no one can see that despite being right in front of our eyes: Using melting ice
As we can simply stop spoilage/melting time of ice, so we can control it, and by creating a 1 day to melt ice on the ground (1.5 days in inventory) and leaving them in the plot, it will water the plot for you and it works even in summer with most water usage like 6 tomaroots + 3 dragon fruits.
And if this doesn't work well, we can simply add a stack of ice with different melting time, So this is the Water Schedule or may be better to say drop irrigation of DST

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20 minutes ago, Hutch687 said:

I wrote a guide on how to get Giant Crops without having to tend the crops at all after planting them.

You can find it here:  


The "guide" doesn't even work \\. It assumes you're afking at base (What's the point of automation if you can't walk away?) and spend a ton of time getting a bunch of fertilizer. Literally exactly the same as all the other farming guides except you need to waste a bunch of fertilizer.

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The only thing I would complain about the new farming system is that I end up with so much food and seeds that they litter my base. But it's my fault so I started feeding the birds and making guano out of it.
but well,it's a fun new system, I would love sprinklers and a Scarecrow that scare birds but outside of that, I don't see the need of automation,we have it all, literally Reap what you Sow.

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12 hours ago, Cheggf said:

The "guide" doesn't even work \\. It assumes you're afking at base (What's the point of automation if you can't walk away?) and spend a ton of time getting a bunch of fertilizer. Literally exactly the same as all the other farming guides except you need to waste a bunch of fertilizer.

That is your opinion.  Dozens of people understand why my method is extremely useful and almost completely passive.  Now, do you really intend on just hunting me around the forums and harassing me because you don't like a guide I wrote?  Please stop replying to my comments.  You and I disagree on the new farming, and that's fine.  I'm just trying to help people enjoy the game more.

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On 12/14/2020 at 6:01 PM, ZombieDupe said:

Some say that you can use the new system to accrue tons of food. While that is true, this is through tons of maintenance and that maintenance is simply not worth it in the long run because you can just put down a bunch of berries and even more stone fruit as well as plenty cactus to not have to bother much with the farming system at all. These plants require no maintenance other than fertilisation every now and then and that is enough. The new system requires checking in every now and then at minimum and there is no alternative way to simply grow plants quickly so that the engagement with the system stays on par with plants that require no maintenance at all. There needs to be sprinklers, the fruit fly fruit could spawn more flies that follow the fruit instead of one and the two Wickerbottom books need to be one book again. I don't feel like engaging with the new farming system if the yield isn't something that in the mid to late game you can plant, turn on sprinkler, have fruit flies tend to the plants and then simply read Wickerbottom's book for a full harvest.

If the plants are going to rot and be overgrown with weeds, the best way to automate this system is to make it viable to set everything up (sprinkler, use some way to tend to every plant), then grow plants quickly and harvest. Then when you want more crops, repeat that again, never leaving patches of untended crops. As opposed to waiting for them to grow and tending to them every day. Tending should be something you do early on in my opinion, not something that is the best you can do late game, because that is not comparable to the low maintenance plants and simply gets dull to do over time and all I end up seeing is weeds everywhere because none cares about the farming system. It is better than the old, but needs changes to make it fun, engaging and rewarding. It makes more sense to start with a system that requires maintenance, but that not being where it ends. Otherwise getting half a stack of berries, stone fruit and cactus once a season with little effort will always be more used than entire season spent on farming to get you a stack or two of every farm crop because of low maintenance.

I have a bad feeling the new system will stay as is now, because there has been no news on whether anything will be changed past it being released out of beta. I do not like the split of the Wickerbottom's horticulture book and the food growing book itself is just so weak it's completely useless to bother with. The crop book has been nerfed to the point where it just isn't worth the resources you need to gather for it, especially since large crops are not possible with it. If there is only one book and crafting cost stays high but can grow any crops within a certain radius and requires sanity to read, to me that would make it balanced while keeping it fun and useful. Besides, how is anyone going to figure out what each book does separately without being told explicitly, since their function is very similar.

lmao you can just sit there and do nothing

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45 minutes ago, SaphironX said:

I will say i wish they rotted more slowly... it kind of sucks how fast they rot.

That;s probably an early nerf to not alienate game's original mechanisms; If enough people are unhappy with the rotting period it will 100% change.

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