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How do YOU define the difference between "cheese" and "cheating"?

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4 hours ago, Well-met said:

what does this even mean lol

You can mess with the packets your pc sends, use a workaround to add console commands without admin, or do code injection.  You could also attempt to access the server its self, change files, gain admin persmission on your play account, ect.

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with how available mods are on Steam DST. Its hard for all mods to be considered cheating. But where i draw the line on cheating with mods is if its not openly accessible to any person. If I cant go onto the steam workshop and get that mod. Then its probably cheating.

Mods that fall into this are the mods that let you see whispers from anyone, anywhere. Or mods that let you place structures as close as you want. Or mods that let you use any character specific skin on any character (Using say... wilson elegants on maxwell)

And a common thing with all these mods are that they are client side mods that the people using them dont like to share any info about them.
Say if it was a server mod. (Like "Realistic placements") Then thats okay. Because anyone on the server can use it on that world.

But yeah, if it is not openly accessible and gives you the ability to do something that absolutely cant be done under normal circumstances in game. Then i consider it cheating...

This obviously only applies to DST on PC

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Well, almost all of my mods are server-side or have a server version available as well...I think the main one I use that's client-side is the Dusk and Night Music, and the reason I don't use the server version of THAT (there is one!) is some people don't like it.  : P

Anyway yeah I gotta stand up for team #notallmods here.  Not everybody uses them for the same purpose!  Some use them to make the game HARDER, make it..._different_ in a sideways, not really harder OR easier kind of way, or just _look_ different. 

So...using mods does NOT automatically = cheating.  You gotta look at each individual case, and make your own decisions.  Yeah, it's something that console players can't access at all and that's unfortunate, but they don't always impact actual _gameplay_ at all.

...and when they do it's not always for the easier!

EDIT:  When it comes to Forge mods, the only one I ever used was the Darkest Dungeon one.  I COULD have used some actual-advantage ones as I suuuuuuuuuucked at the Forge, but nope.  I just had The Ancestor occasionally yelling things like "Press the advantage!  FINISH.  THEM.  ALL." in my ear.  XD


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On 7/1/2020 at 2:44 PM, Viktor234 said:

Cheese: Achieve something in an unnatural way. (e.g. creating a Tentacle Trap, abusing the AI of a boss)
Cheat: Achieve something with the help of console commands or by abusing some missing lines in the Klei Code. (e.g. No-Collision Wortox (already fixed), [...])

Out of interest, what is this "No-Collision Wortox".

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14 minutes ago, thegreatJash said:

Out of interest, what is this "No-Collision Wortox".

It was just a Wortox related bug which allowed you to ignore any kind of collision, which includes mobs, walls, map borders, etc. you could just walk and nothing was able to stop you at all. All of that was caused by a missing line in the Klei code, but that has been fixed weeks ago.

An example here, you could literally stand on the Pig King since that exploit allowed you to ignore his collision:


But watch out not to use it to walk on water, since that will just cause instant drowning. I had to learn it the hard way, because the first thing I did after applying that exploit accidentally was trying to jump on a boat, without the knowledge that I lost my collision. Of course I kept drowning afterwards, trying to understand what exactly happened.

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For me it is as follows:

Cheese = using exploits or glitches in base game.

Cheating = using mods that makes the game significantly easier, using console commands or roll backs to correct mistakes.

Cheesing is when you are using your knowledge of the game to make it easier, cheating is when you are lazily "unnaturally" trying to make the game easier.

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I always figured with cheeses like the Pinecone glitch or the Fuelweaver/lureplant trick, there’s no way Klei isn’t aware that they’re strategies that players use, and the fact that they don’t patch them out is a conscious desicion. Things that do get patched out, like the Wortox glitch, were noticed and decided to be not kosher by the devs.

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