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Cookie Cutter Cap is Useless

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You can craft cookie cutter cap with 4 cookie cutter shell and 1 rope. Actually there is no need for this, because it will never be preferred over a football helmet. Which mentally ill go to sea and he is hunting for cookie cutter cap. Wouldn't it be nice if an axe that worked like ham bat was made instead of a helmet? Beautiful and different things can be considered on top of this but we prefer to make a helmet. What was the reason?


I wanted to say that it should be used as a tool because it is called 'cutter'. It's not a weapon I want


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Cookie Cutter cap is basically a football helmet for those that are at sea, usually having a surplus of cutter shells on their boat. I personally forget about bringing pig skin with me while i'm sailing for salt, so cookie cutter cap is a decent alternative.

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3 minutes ago, Charesque said:

Cookie Cutter cap is basically a football helmet for those that are at sea, usually having a surplus of cutter shells on their boat. I personally forget about bringing pig skin with me while i'm sailing for salt, so cookie cutter cap is a decent alternative.

You right, may be an alternative for those who forget to carry pig skin. I mean, why this item, which is partially difficult to obtain, is so simplified with a single item craft. You have a creature that can cut the boards with its mouth, but you using just to make a helmet.

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7 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

Ok, the drop rate is so low but another weapon will be more useless, we have more weapons than armors.

A thing i like from hamlet are the mantmask so im happy having in dst another kind of helmet

idk I think the ocean could really use a weapon of the tentacle spike variety.  Something with better damage without going to the lengths of making a glass cutter and easier to access than a strident trident.  It doesn't have to be as great as the cutlass supreme, but a cookie cutlass or wailance with like 55 damage and 100 uses would be pretty handy.

For dedicated boating a hambat isn't as readily available as living on land, neither are dark swords (shadow creatures don't spawn on water).  Thing is - pig skins aren't the problem so you can keep making football helmets for a while, but a hambat is gonna spoil quick, and a glass cutter is just bad unless you're fighting shadows...  Maybe I eventually run out of pig skins and an alternative would be helpful, but really its the weapon I feel I need most often.

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23 minutes ago, Shosuko said:

idk I think the ocean could really use a weapon of the tentacle spike variety.  Something with better damage without going to the lengths of making a glass cutter and easier to access than a strident trident.  It doesn't have to be as great as the cutlass supreme, but a cookie cutlass or wailance with like 55 damage and 100 uses would be pretty handy.

For dedicated boating a hambat isn't as readily available as living on land, neither are dark swords (shadow creatures don't spawn on water).  Thing is - pig skins aren't the problem so you can keep making football helmets for a while, but a hambat is gonna spoil quick, and a glass cutter is just bad unless you're fighting shadows...  Maybe I eventually run out of pig skins and an alternative would be helpful, but really its the weapon I feel I need most often.

You can bring with you living logs and fuel. Is not like you are fighting the whole time (just the opossite)

But yeah, im open to recieve more weapons and armors (but not more powerful that we already have)

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24 minutes ago, Shosuko said:

idk I think the ocean could really use a weapon of the tentacle spike variety.

What for? As of She Sells Sea Shells, there are 3 non-boss mobs to fight at the sea: Cookie Cutters, Skittersquids and Gnarwails. The former two can be easily killed with a spear due to their low health (100 and 170 respectively) and low damage output. The latter's only worthwhile drop can be obtained from snapping its horn off, which has a measly 130 HP.

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I'd like it more if you could craft the cookie cutter cap with possibly 1 less shell but make the football helmet itself needed to make it. That way it could be useful to "repair" your football helmet like the mant armor in hamlet.

I guess that does remove the whole point of it being good if you forget to bring pigskin and your football helmet breaks though, so maybe not.

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lasts longer, a lot longer than f helmet thanks to it's low damage reduction and since hp is so easy to recover might as well use it if you get one of those while sailing for salt, great if you hopped in a public server and don't like breaking pig houses but is already sailing on day 3-4 without any armor, but in reality who even needs armor if you're not killing any of the more annoying bosses to begin with or ruins rushing

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9 minutes ago, Sweaper said:

lasts longer, a lot longer than f helmet thanks to it's low damage reduction and since hp is so easy to recover might as well use it if you get one of those while sailing for salt, great if you hopped in a public server and don't like breaking pig houses but is already sailing on day 3-4 without any armor, but in reality who even needs armor if you're not killing any of the more annoying bosses to begin with or ruins rushing

when i farm salt i always come with shells enough to make 3 or 4 helmets. His durability+ bone armor makes it last so long

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Armor instead of helmet would be nice. Little more than the wooden one. Plus a certain % of damage receive to the enemy due to cutters. Because what's the alternative to the wooden armor ? Marble is now cheaper, but still hard to keep it for long time. 

And in fact, everything. Weapon, helmet and armor would be nice. The axe idea is also good too, ham bat style.

Such a new ressource derserve more purposes, more possibilities.

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10 hours ago, Shosuko said:

idk I think the ocean could really use a weapon of the tentacle spike variety.  Something with better damage without going to the lengths of making a glass cutter and easier to access than a strident trident.  It doesn't have to be as great as the cutlass supreme, but a cookie cutlass or wailance with like 55 damage and 100 uses would be pretty handy.

For dedicated boating a hambat isn't as readily available as living on land, neither are dark swords (shadow creatures don't spawn on water).  Thing is - pig skins aren't the problem so you can keep making football helmets for a while, but a hambat is gonna spoil quick, and a glass cutter is just bad unless you're fighting shadows...  Maybe I eventually run out of pig skins and an alternative would be helpful, but really its the weapon I feel I need most often.

The glass cutter shouldn't be too tedious to make. After you've run out of moon glass to mine, you can fish lunar wobsters for the moon shards instead of relying on bath bombs and full moons. 

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29 minutes ago, Well-met said:

Give it spoiling durability like the cactus shirt.

also give it bramble armor perks

how a shell made helmet can rot?

the only change i would do is to increase the % drop or change the recipe to shells+footballs helmet as said before for PrezPara like matmask for hamlet. At this moment is not worth to go to farm exclusively these for the time to get the shells but as secondary helmet (you are force to kill cookie cutters when farm salt and you get shels from treasures) its balanced

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9 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

The glass cutter shouldn't be too tedious to make. After you've run out of moon glass to mine, you can fish lunar wobsters for the moon shards instead of relying on bath bombs and full moons. 

You can say that, but its only 75 uses per craft and you have to return to the lunar island to make them.  The item is tedious to work with.

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57 minutes ago, Shosuko said:

You can say that, but its only 75 uses per craft and you have to return to the lunar island to make them.  The item is tedious to work with.

If you're regularly fighting things out at sea, definitely; 5100 damage for 6 lunar wobsters and a plank is very underwhelming. But you shouldn't be swinging at most things all that much out at sea in the first place, and if you are Wendy/have a Wendy companion, you shouldn't be swinging your weapon AT ALL unless you're fighting one of the two sea bosses. 

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27 minutes ago, Rinkusan said:

If you're regularly fighting things out at sea, definitely; 5100 damage for 6 lunar wobsters and a plank is very underwhelming. But you shouldn't be swinging at most things all that much out at sea in the first place, and if you are Wendy/have a Wendy companion, you shouldn't be swinging your weapon AT ALL unless you're fighting one of the two sea bosses. 

Ok so like - I don't like playing characters with strong mechanical advantages.  Sorry.  I played Wolfgang for like a week and have never touched him again.  The bosses were so trivial it felt more like cheating then employing some exploitive cheese machine.  I enjoyed Wendy's rework, I think Klei did an amazing job... but she is WAY too much for me.  I typically play Willow or Wes.  Right now I'm working on a Wes play through :\

The hambat fills a pretty important niche between a low damage spear, and a high damage but frail dark sword.  The glass cutter is no better than a dark sword but even more frail.  The sea could use a weapon that fills the same spot as the hambat.  Looking at the options I am going to focus on the glass cutter because it seems like the best option at this point.  This will be my first play through focusing on glass cutters, we'll see how it goes.  So far my experience with them has been pretty bad.  They break quickly, require a trip back to the lunar island to craft, and even fishing up wobsters glass is probably going to take a while to re-up.  Since they have such low durability I'll probably have a chest of just glass cutters so I don't run out without warning.  They're great for fighting Fuelweaver because they don't come with sanity loss, and have double durability keeping them in shape longer than a dark sword, but that's all they're really good for.

That's all okay though, I play the game for the struggle.  But my feedback is still - the sea needs access to a better mid tier weapon.  Something above a spear and below a glass cutter / strident trident.  This is where the hambat fits on land, and the sea needs something similar.  Currently there isn't that much fighting on the sea... but we'll see if that continues to be the case as RoT content expands.  I doubt new updates will come without new challenges, enemies, and bosses...  Unless they take a left turn from their current design and feature ship board weapons or some other paradigm shifting mechanic I think this lacking mid tier weapon problem is only going to be felt more.

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Just now, Shosuko said:

Ok so like - I don't like playing characters with strong mechanical advantages.  Sorry.  I played Wolfgang for like a week and have never touched him again.  The bosses were so trivial it felt more like cheating then employing some exploitive cheese machine.  I enjoyed Wendy's rework, I think Klei did an amazing job... but she is WAY too much for me.  I typically play Willow or Wes.  Right now I'm working on a Wes play through :\

The hambat fills a pretty important niche between a low damage spear, and a high damage but frail dark sword.  The glass cutter is no better than a dark sword but even more frail.  The sea could use a weapon that fills the same spot as the hambat.  Looking at the options I am going to focus on the glass cutter regardless.  This will be my first play through focusing on glass cutters, we'll see how it goes.  So far my experience with them has been pretty bad.  They break quickly, require a trip back to the lunar island to craft, and even fishing up wobsters glass is probably going to take a while to re-up.  Since they have such low durability I'll probably have a chest of just glass cutters so I don't run out without warning.

That's all okay - I play the game for the struggle.  But my feedback is still - the sea needs access to a better mid tier weapon.  Something above a spear and below a glass cutter / strident trident.  This is where the hambat fits on land, and the sea needs something similar.  Currently there isn't that much fighting on the sea... but we'll see if that continues to be the case as RoT content expands.  I doubt new updates will come without new challenges, enemies, and bosses...  Unless they take a left turn from their current design and feature ship board weapons or some other paradigm shifting mechanic I think this lacking mid tier weapon problem is only going to be felt more.

I think a potential solution to your problem if glass cutters are intolerable for your playthrough would be to either place an anchored boat out at sea with a few pig houses or make a pig house on your own fancy boat. Pig houses are a type II structure, and since you can fit up to 7 type II structures on your boat, you can replace one of those structures with a pig house. The endo fire pit, regular fire pit (or scaled furnace if you rushed dfly), crock pot, flingomatic, and bird cage are a MUST for long-term sea survival, but anything else is honestly just for convenience.

You can "portabilize" your tackle receptacle by making the lures and floats you want, hammer the tackle receptacle, and prototyping it for later use because you get ALL the ingredients for the receptacle back when you hammer it. For me, my 7th structure is a Sisturn for aesthetics and sanity maintenance out at sea just so I don't have to experience the mildly annoying insanity visual effect while I'm fishing. Neither of these two structures are actually vital to sea survival, so you can just replace one or maybe even both structures with 1 or 2 pig houses. It's basically on-demand ham bats whenever you want, AND it's free meat whenever you DON'T want a ham bat. 

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Warly's Garlic Spice grants 33% internal damage reduction that is calculated after the armor's damage reduction (IE: if you're hit for 75 dmg, your log armor [80% reduction] would absorb 60 of it, and then the spice would reduce the remaining 15 dmg by 33%). This is important because of a few quirks about the Cookie Cutter Cap.

The Cookie Cutter Cap has 525 durability and absorbs 70% of all damage, whereas both the Log Suit and Football Helmet has 315 durability each and both absorb 80% of all damage. If a character were hit by a Deerclops while wearing a Log Suit they would take 15 damage, and the Log suit would take the remaining 60. If the same character were hit by Deerclops while wearing the Cap they would take 22.5 damage, and the Cap would take the remaining 52.5. Lastly, if Warly (or any character) using the Garlic Spice wore the cap and took a hit from the Deerclops, they would take about 15.075 damage (almost exactly the same as a Log suit) and the suit would STILL only take 52.5 durability damage.

A new Log Suit would be destroyed after 6 hits from a Deerclops at 75 dmg each hit, whereas a Cap would be destroyed at 10 hits instead; this means that the Cap would always survive longer than a suit or a helmet at the cost of the player's health, but the latter is negated by the spice that effectively increases that 70% dmg reduction to 79-80% instead while also being able to preserve the durability of the Cap itself. So in short, using Garlic Spice when fighting with this cap on makes it technically a more durable Football Helmet.

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