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Unique Character Crafts, Together

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So basically every character in the game would have a crafting tab that's accessible by standing by another players character, like a crafting station.


But what's available to craft is dependant on the two characters, the one crafting and the one as the station.


So for example, a Wilson and Willow together are able to craft "Beard Bombs", lol. Just think of Water Balloons but with fire. Either one can craft it, just as long as they are in crafting range and have the needed materials.


And for example a Wilson and another Wilson, they could either have nothing unique to craft or something but I just don't know what.  But two Gentleman Scientist is surely better than one so they'll probably think of something.


Alrighty, just thought I'd share this. What do you think? Any ideas for other crafts for other duos?


Also, something like this so you'll want to play together with others sounds nice I guess. Like a Warly has unique stations and such but you'll want to find him and he'll mostly do what he can only do. But if you have things that can be crafted just by being near them that's like another incentive. It's mostly because not all characters have access to certain crafts or abilities. So something extra just by teaming up with others that you both have access to would be just as nice I suppose. Ha, hope that all made sense!

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7 minutes ago, __IvoCZE__ said:

Yeah but then you have the solo players.

Tbh I play solo online almost all the time too. I was just thinking of everyone else who might enjoy this, and for others who play solo to maybe try and play together with others.

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Maybe being near a Warly can offer every character a unique food to cook, their favorite food. Hunger and health would be decent but sanity would be high. If different characters eat someone elses favorite food sanity gain would just be decent.


Wicker could offer unique books I suppose, not sure what exactly.


Webber, something with webs, lol.

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Seems...a tad unintuitive and prone to placement issues, especially if multiple people are trying to craft at a station and interrupt eachother by getting too close.
But perhaps something in that vein?

For instance, expanding on the 'building upgrade' system that the spawn portal uses.
Winona builds a generator. Maxwell can alter it into a Nightmare Fuel generator.
Something of that nature.

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I was thinking about this too .

The Problem is

1.in what extend do you do it?(every Charakter with everyone is a LOT of stuff to add)

2.what about soloplayers?

(What i saw as a possibility was have only Wilson acts as a Station for others.(Like he is Helping them with their ideas they cant complete alone)

Maybe that is something for a Wilson rework )


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Oh, this reminds me of Binding of isaac with its character and boss combinations; I wonder how many combinations would be there though?
C(15,2) = (15 x 14)/(2x1) = 105? Daym. And  that's excluding the character x its döpleganger combos. but nevertheless I love the idea in concept, it's very nice and expands on the working together with other characters aspect. I have some spare time before lunch break so here are the wacky ideas I came up for Wilson's synergy crafts: 


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