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[Query] On Turfs

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20 minutes ago, GetNerfedOn said:

Which turfs can be deconstructed aside from Scalemail?

Most importantly on my mind, since i honestly have not seen this anywhere:

Can Moon Turf be deconstructed? 

Im guessing any turf you can craft and also be deconstructed!

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21 minutes ago, Terra M Welch said:

Was this thread made due to my post on the screenshot thread? Sorry it just kinda feels like it was.

no, i was genuinely curious... what if we could deconstruct moon glass turf and thus farm moon shards by pitchforking the entire island?


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2 minutes ago, GetNerfedOn said:

no, i was genuinely curious... what if we could deconstruct moon glass turf and thus farm moon shards by pitchforking the entire island?


I don’t see how you couldn’t. Any and all items crafted can be deconstructed, and crafted turf is not an exception to this. Funny enough, it’s possible to deconstruct character specific items this way, which also includes living logs since it’s technically a craftable item via Wormwood, which I found amusing.

Although, getting 5-10 moon glass from 1.2 green gems isn’t a very efficient idea (for reference, you deconstruct 1 item at a time, even if the item is in a stack). It’s best to just do bath bomb farming for moon glass. It’s not going to be stacks of glass, but you shouldn’t need too much anyways.

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58 minutes ago, DavePlaysDST said:

whenever you deconstruct something that uses health like a heart it doesnt drop anything on the health part (only drops a gland and grass)

the gland and grass is dropped by decontructing the Telltale Heart, right? Deconstructing the living log I think would drop nothing. (But I didn't test)

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16 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Uhh how do you Deconstruct anything in this game??? Lol (Xbox)

You can craft a Deconstruction Staff in the ruins using green gems, living logs and nightmare fuel. The staff lets you break anything into its all of its crafting ingredients with some rules:
- If an item has durability, then the durability will act as a multiplier to what percentage of the ingredients you will get (you will always get a minimum of 1 ingredient)
- Gems will shatter in the deconstruction process, with the exception of the Moon Caller Staff's Iridescent Gem.

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