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    I am a software engineer working with ASP.NET Core at my full time job. I mod Don't Starve Together in my off time.
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    Software Engineer


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  1. I had some free time so I decided to update the tileset based on the new terrains within the game. Please see attached file for the updated tile set for Tiled/Map Editor. Don't Starve Together Tileset.zip
  2. Please wait for the next update. It seems there was a change made to the program and it no longer works as expected. I am working on getting a fix for it. For now use version 0.0.3. I will update to version 1.0.1 as soon as I find a fix for the current issue.
  3. I updated the Texture and Atlas Packer by request from @Fidooop. In an apparent mistake, there is extremely good news. It will now pack Tile Textures properly to be used by both Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together. You can find the updated version here: Please note that Tile Textures are the files located in {root}\levels\tiles not the files located in {root}\levels\textures.
  4. @PanAzej, thanks for taking the time to put this together. I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting it all sorted. Hopefully now we will start seeing mods which will truly impact the game with new concepts.
  5. Hello everyone, I wanted to give a quick update on the current situation. I will be stepping away from modding DST permanently to begin work on a video game of my own. I will be handing the code for the project over to @Fidooop to do with it what they please. I am confident that they will be able to look at my code and understand it do to the complexity of world generation. Regards, Kzisor/Ysovuka
  6. Update: So we have some unfortunate news to share. We'll be putting the port on vacation for a few weeks while we take a break to cool off from the massive amount of work which has been put into the mod. If we continue at it while we're drained we will simply be wasting a lot of time. We expect to take a 2-3 week vacation. What does this mean for the port? We still have plans to make the port work, we're simply going to push alpha testing back 2-3 weeks. This means instead of being end of February/beginning of March; it will take place at a later date. Trust us, it will be worth the wait. During this vacation there will be no updates posted to this thread, but when we return you can expect to see some updated plans. See you in a few weeks! Kzisor/Ysovuka
  7. Update Time: I want to thank everyone for being patient while we build our team and make progress on the mod. The last few days have been the most productive that we've had with the gathering all the symbols for the animations. A months worth of work summed up in single photo. We're now able to completely create new custom animations. Yes you heard that right; don't worry I will be writing a tutorial which will allow YOU to create your own custom animations too. Be warned creating new animations are not from the faint of heart and should never be attempted by a beginner. We'd like to welcome @SrJardel as the Senior Portuguese Translator to the team. He will be maintaining his own translation mod (see first post for link) which will contain all the translations for Island Adventures. What's Ahead? Now that we're moving past the most grueling task at hand, we'll be swiftly playing catch up porting the remaining of the water prefabs getting ready for ALPHA TESTING!!
  8. How do you want the trap to work, like tooth trap or like bird trap?
  9. Naw, just a phrase I learned. Instead of asking 'if something is possible', ask 'does anyone know how to do this'; the difference in wording may not seem like much, but in reality anything is possible, just depends on if someone has done it before.
  10. Anything is possible given enough time and money.
  11. Update: We're pleased to announce our two co-senior writers @Arlesienne and @ImDaMisterL. We've had translators ask if it were okay for them to translate the mod into other languages. We're definitely welcoming when it comes to having translations in other languages. If you're a translator and would like to join our team, please send in your samples for of your translations. Sorry that we don't have more information, but we've been swamped this past week with real life and will continue developing the mod in the coming week. Regards, Kzisor/Ysovuka
  12. Update: We have some good news and some bad news for the mod. Good News: Bad News: Unfortunately this weekend I won't be able to work on the mod any due to a project at my real job. We will have our announcement about the Senior Writer position which will be filled on Saturday Jan. 7th, 2016. Aside from the decompilation process, we've been actively refactoring the mod reducing the amount of functions which are being used by world generation as well as optimizing the functions which are being used. We still have a long way to go, but we still believe we will be able to reach our target goal on time. Regards Kzisor/Ysovuka
  13. Why is he not wearing any pants? Keep it rated PG man!
  14. TLDR: A name does not make a character an original character. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but you should probably re-read what was stated. Specifically the bold italic portion of the quote. This is not considered an original character, it is considered a modification of an official character which falls under the 'official' character clause which @Fidooop stated. Now if @GaborToth were to create brand new artwork it could become an original character even if they used all of WX-78's abilities. It's my understanding is Klei doesn't care if you are creating your own original characters with their own original skins. However, what they do not want is for you to modify an official character by changing only the name and then creating mod skins for them.
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