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  1. Well, i m still around sometimes seems like there are still many subscribers and comments comming in on the workshop ^^
  2. i think ur chicken is very beatiful and i m happy u bonded with it reminded me of my childhood
  3. I d love that I await u and ur new skillset! just painting over some of the stuff for portfolio reasons, but i ll always find time to slowly make progress on this in the future
  4. Thank you, now I feel really bad about not fixing the forts animations Finishing all the artworks (lots of things, some more complexe and time consuming) that go into the mod has priority over redoing stuff i guess, but i wouldnt mind giving those huts some love afterwards they arnt really outdated, the artists just had problems with matching the look of the lineart of dont starve, even after 8 months or so i dont feel like i can reproduce the original look, just went there and made something as similar as possible
  5. I made a lot of HD ones (also a new wooden one), they arent in yet i guess
  6. did we use placeholders for those or is my stuff already in?
  7. I guess when the leather robes/ hats are done the wizard will get one as starting equip Sweet someone took the time to comment in such a manner to our mod!
  8. when u ever have to cut characters or items from background use feather function on the magic wand tool or whatever u use just a tiny bit better. but ur work on the wiki is just superbe !!
  9. Where would u like to slap those on ?? scrolls or just for the wiki? http://chaosweb.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/chart.gif i found this, the tiny red ones seem to be the mini-icons for schools
  10. got the same, seems easy that way yup, but i must admit that i m used to capacity for 1-2 weeks with the current projects
  11. i think a dropped image of all the stuff is needed anyways, pretty much forgot about it when i did the weapons, but an extra img for all of them on forge is just super eyecandy category
  12. Did the spawning of the weapons on the forge work out btw?
  13. the ingredients/recipes for the machines match the designs very well i feel like i could build em in my garden now sword feels a little huge, but mighty wizard is might, idc
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