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  2. I require 80 different furniture skins NOW It'd also be funny to have ancient relic furniture in real life, like, imagine visiting a friend and they just pull up with a chipped chair.
  3. Today
  4. A -30% discount for family dinner at IKEA with an in-game Square Wooden Table skin.
  5. Must have been Charlie’s canon event on the Ye Olde Water Closet
  6. I’m also a staunch fan of Walter. The suggestions you’ve provided are excellent, and I’d like to share my thoughts as well. In my opinion, Walter, as a long-range marksman skilled in remote attacks, currently has some obvious weaknesses in his abilities. His output capability is relatively weak, and there’s room for improvement in his aiming skills. I propose that his skill tree development could have two branches: one focused on increasing fire rate and the other on enhancing damage (such as headshots). The damage-focused route would be suitable for attacking individual enemies, although it would require longer aiming time. Regarding bullet types, I hope Walter has better control-oriented ammunition (such as stun or immobilization rounds). Frequent movement to maintain distance from enemies can be exhausting, so I’d like to see ammunition that can entangle foes, created using ingredients like man-eating plant seeds and magical materials. The effects of amethyst ammunition are not significant. Additionally, explosive rounds made from gunpowder and flint (miniature cannonballs) would also be a way to increase damage. In summary, I recommend increasing the cost of ammunition production to enhance Walter’s damage output per unit of time.Despite being a young boy, his hands-on abilities seem quite formidable.
  7. I used to think it was the water that goes into them. But it really is just the plant body. Hence make the tiles you plant in the material with the lowest thermal conductivity you have and run a cooling loop though the plant body. That takes quite a bit less cooling than cooling the liquid the plant consumes. One question: Do you need to cool the lowest plant tile or can you cool further up?
  8. Yeah. I think DST's simplicity kind of leads to a smaller meta. Without many stats to consider like range, attack speed, etc, it's hard for a lot of weapons to remain viable or memorable. Planar weapons, cheap but simple Dark Swords, glass cutters, etc kind of make it hard for the Thulecite club to find it's niche. I think 400 uses would be perfectly acceptable. I wouldn't mind if DST looks into using additional stats to adjust tools and weapons for but then again the game would need decent overhauls to account for those.
  9. Firstly, you're missing hand sprite 18 and 19. Secondly, your torso sprites are saved with a bit depth of 8. The autocompiler can't compile images with that bit depth. I recommend exporting them again, maybe with a different art program.
  10. What if they followed enemies? (either by just moving across the ground or popping in and out to stab the enemy)
  11. I was at work and I missed all of this, I don't mind though. To put it back on topic in a way; I wouldn't mind if people I played with used cheese. I'd probably take the stance that it's a bit much to impose a certain playstyle on someone, regardless if you're hosting a server or not. However, if you're someone who doesn't like people doing things you think they shouldn't, a good general rule is to temper your expectations. If you're the host, I guess if you can kick and ban - but, again, I'd probably just try to not put my expectations on others (Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you can't be frustrated or prefer people didn't do a thing) but it's a multiplayer game, if I wanted obedient robots i'd play with AI. Just my take, don't eat me pls :'( Say this happened though - I wouldn't mind, the only irritating thing I find is when people come up to you like 'I GOT YOU A BONE HELM!' That's lovely, and I kinda appreciate it.... but I wanna participate in my own loot haha, I generally just thank them, tell them they've earned it and when the boss is up next say i'm gonna go for it. Does that mean I get next 'dibs' on fighting the boss my way or with my preferred amount of people (NOBODY! >:) MY LOOT), nope. I might turn up and people follow or are already there - it is what it is, it happens. As for cheese in general, I just don't mind haha. I don't have that deep of a thought on it really.
  12. When Weremoose charges to the entrance of Arena of Ancient Fuelweaver, it sometimes gets stuck at entrance.
  13. My only main point is that fighting on boat should be more than tanking as a reliable method. The rest of my op is solutions to that problem. I hope this summary helps.
  14. sorry but all I'm reading here is you find boats unplayable because you can't abuse every monster with walls
  15. Yeah, equipment with lower status becomes less attractive when we get other equipment with absurdly higher status!
  16. Try playing with predictive disabled, playing with predictive that makes it recognize the input immediately and makes it look like there's no lag (even though it's not the case) normally playing with the default settings (predictive on) does that... In the same way I play in dock, Handheld or with a wired Joystick but it's the same... And even though I used to have another Switch that I never put something weird in and still had the same input lag, I refuse to think that I'm the only one considering that this is also commented on other forums and Instagram... Are you sure you play with predictive disabled? And good morning
  17. When you upload your mod using the mod tools there should be a "preview image" file you can upload. Wait a second, isn't that mandatory? Maybe the one you upload is corrupted or not in a supported format?
  18. I already love my club as its a great pseudo walking cane, something that isnt guaranteed on fuller servers, but Id love a durability buff. 400 is a bit high, but still within reason imo as it is ruins treasure. No longer lategame since the rifts but still deserving of being superior than surface gear imo especially with there being a limit to thule (Yes, regeneration, but that can open rifts now, and gets you a better weapon)
  19. The boat is designed that way to accommodate multiple players, also for the reworked sailing, since the shipwrecked "sailing" was walking with extra steps. Concepts look fine and I am all for the ocean having... anything really, more life in it would be nice, though the sting ray one could have issues with the shadow not being visible with the clutter boats usually have.
  20. Like Terrorclaws? Do you like terrorclaws, or do you find them a fun enemy?
  21. I quite like the conclusion you came up to. This is my headcannon until something dismisses it
  22. I have such a problem that in the steam the mod icon is indicated like this: this is related to files modicon.xml and modicon.tsx? or is it related to something else? I don't understand how to edit the mod icon in the workshop. Anyway, sorry for the stupid question.Please help me
  23. I've had luck with the walking cane equipped just hitting them once , then quickly run to roughly where you want them to relocate . Once they de-aggro they don't quite walk back to where they were , repeat one or 2 more times and usually the herd will be a few screens away from their original spot. I had the same problem as you with red ass beefalo killing my bees.
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