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Christmas Tree thread!

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Well, yes, I get what the TREE is from.  The character, however, looks _nothing like that_!

I don't get why it has to be a big tee-hee secret to begin with, really.  It's just...some mod character. There are _tons_.  He looks vaguely familiar in style, but not quite like anything specific that's coming to me right now.  It's not like saying who it is would be spoilery about the actual game or anything. 



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Another "fun" thing I found out?  The Bearger will freaking DESTROY YOUR TREE if you have food items decorating it!  I came back to my base to find one board, one lump of poop, and--amusingly--a pinecone.  (So, he didn't just break the planter, he _reversed_ the tree's growth back into a seed?  Dang.)

...which makes sense in hindsight, but I wasn't really connecting the _fall_ giant with the _Winter_'s Feast tree in the first place.  : P

Don't know yet if he'll leave it alone if you only decorate it with baubles and such. Probably, but that's not happening any time soon on my server as candy canes are just too perfect as decorations _not_ to put on a tree.  I mean, they already have a convenient hook shape and everything! :D


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