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Tips for WX-78

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I am a big fan of WX-78, and was curious about the best tactics to use his advantages well in order to prosper, because he seems like an excellent choice for a character.


Stay out of the rain and eat refridgerator parts.

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I am a big fan of WX-78, and was curious about the best tactics to use his advantages well in order to prosper, because he seems like an excellent choice for a character.

Here is a tip when I occasionally play Wx-78 (WITH FRIENDS)


If you're playing with a Wickerbottom and starting in autumn try to quickly make a shadow manipulator once you've made that Wickerbottom can super charge you for half of winter and you'll never have to worry about freezing to death, dying from darkness, you'll be a great light source for your friends, and won't have waste warm clothes or thermal stones in winter...By the way I don't get why Wx-78 doesn't radiate heat when he's super charged

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So about wx being overcharged by wickerbottom's end is nigh. It seems like it's bugged because I believe wx's overcharge is only supposed to stack to a maximum of 6 days, but when using the end is nigh you can easily stack past 6 days with the longest I stacked with 5 uses on the book being a little over 60 days. I'm not that proficient at reading code though so I'm not sure if this is actually intentional. Maybe someone that knows how to read the code can comment on this?

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the amount of gears you drop won't be the same as the amount you ate, and finding more is a huge pain.
I don't get why they did this, I can understand if he died, and dropped the same amount of gears he ate, but I don't understand why they made it so he drops half the amount of gears he has eaten. 
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I don't get why they did this, I can understand if he died, and dropped the same amount of gears he ate, but I don't understand why they made it so he drops half the amount of gears he has eaten. 

A fully upgraded WX is ridiculously overpowered. I suspect this decision was a way to balance him, because if you manage to die when fully upgraded, then there should be some sort of penalty. 

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I play a ton of WX-78 and here is what I do. First off if your playing with just close friends and i autumn I eat all but 3 gears we find. If your on a public server then only eat gears you find in the desert. Also whilst there pick some cacti so your team wont consider you trash. After being maxed up be expected to tank damage and don't worry so much about the rain since with 400 health its not that bad. If your feeling low on health and have a wickerbottom then let her use the end is nigh on you to be charged. Other than that tank do damage and don't die since you'll have to start right back at the start in the desert collecting gears. Eat the stale and spoiled foods first for your friends. WX is hard to get strong but once he is good luck trying to stop him.

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