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Caves SHOULD be fixed DST and here is why

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No, Winter was added before caves. And it's not Summer, it's Autumn. It was called Autumn even before Summer was a thing in RoG.

You were ninja'd :p

And no, it was actually called Summer, and when RoG came out they renamed that season to Autumn, I always saw it as Autumn, though : P

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stop being so close minded and stop it!

hahahahaha, that's a good one!


Why? Because caves are not designed to be able to survive Winter and Summer!

Well, then they are not designed for that XD


What really bugs me is the fact that there are no ways of living inside the caves through Winter and Summer

Ok, noted, you want to live the whole time in a cave, but it is too difficult for you. Unfortunately, the only way I can recommend you, is to enslave a player, who will go up for you to the bright world and collect pig skin and beefalo wool


Everyone relax! Just wait until the caves go out, then we put feedback based on REAL experience and get then eventually patches. Like it happened with DST. Why making this hype?? DST-caves will be anyway experienced different then DS-caves.


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What really bugs me is the fact that there are no ways of living inside the caves through Winter and Summer.


Yes there are.  There are TONS! of ways to survive in the caves through winter and summer.  Like I said originally its not the caves its you.

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What really bugs me is the fact that there are no ways of living inside the caves through Winter and Summer. You can´t get beefalo wool or Pig Skins inside, because that wasn´t originally meant to be a feature. 

But do you actually need beefalo wool and pig skin?  You can actually obtain everything you need to build fire pits, endothermic fire pits, rabbit earmuffs, straw hats and thermal stones down in the caves.  Not ideal, obviously, but the seasons are milder.  For spring you can make a rain hat and rain coat, although if you want both you'll need to fight tentapillars.  Only real deficit I see is the lack of hound teeth for sewing kits.  If tentapillars dropped bones instead of skeletons even that would be solved.  

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yeah, the regular RoG caves are balanced enough. However the devs did say they were re-working a few things for caves such as the difficulty as you go towards the caves' center, but other than that the normal caves are fine as they are. If you're unable to survive long term in the caves, then simply don't. Maybe go down for a vacation now and then? Have a nice fried batilisk wing and a good ol' cup of slurtle slime?

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Yes, IRL caves provide insulation, and I remember this topic being brought up quite a bit when RoG was in beta for singleplayer. The devs didn't want the caves to be seen as an escape from the seasons, so they didn't gear them that way. They instead made the harsh impact of the world above a bit lessened when below ground.  

I don't think it would be a good idea for them to change that now, just because inexperienced players log out during the difficult seasons. The same logic could be applied to "nerf the effects of Summer/Winter above-ground". It just keeps coming back to "people need to play the game continually and gain the necessary experience to survive".

A quick side-anecdote: I work in a tech company that depends consumers for growth and gain, and I gotta tell ya... our business would fail if we catered to the one-and-done folks who don't want to invest energy into our product(s). It costs significantly more to obtain and keep a new, unknowledgable client than it does to retain an old one. We cater to the many, because the many come back. The many in Kleis case are the players who invest their time and devotion into learning the game and thriving on its challenge. The one-and-done are the people logging out when the going gets tough.  

I hear what you're saying about the lack of togetherness - this is a multiplayer game, and there should be multiple people working together. But Klei can't fix people who don't play that way. Content changes won't fix it either. The people who log out, they don't have that mindset, they're looking out for themselves and aren't concerned about the longevity of the world or the community playing it. With map resets, we circle back to the common cry of "host the server yourself", or finding a group of people with an admin who won't reset. If you play on public servers, you will always run the risk of the world being wiped and all of your progress reset. It's their world, their rules.

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Yeah the whirly fan was added in to help with new players directly joining into summer.

My friends and I actually tried this, we started the game in summer and survived the whole season, whirly fan's really help with it until you can get that thermal stone.


Plus, just because a season is hard doesn't mean it's pointless to play in it.  Winter gives the walrus's and ice so you can get the walking cane and extremely overpowered crock pot filler (ice is broken)


For summer, find the desert and harvest desert flowers, those things are all kinds of useful.



Cave's are supposed to be harder to travel in.  The spiders have ranged attacks and are more durable, it's harder to see because of lack of light.  I don't want the cave's to be easier, I'm waiting for the cave's update on DST so that I can have a challenge when I'm playing with my friends, currently we sort of run out of stuff to do after the first year is completed.



Also, cave's aren't broken, your issue is that cave's aren't realistic, which as other's have said is NOT the intended design for them, this game wasn't built to be realistic, it was built to be fun to play and practical.

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