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Basically, awarding people for doing things eventually makes them less likely to do cool things that aren't achievements. The devs decided that they wanted people to make their own goals, so that people don't become dependent on achievements.


When Don't Starve was put on the playstation it was forced to have achievements. So they made unlocking the characters achievements and added the "Accomploshrine" (or something). It was a trophy that costed lots of materials and made the player click it a ridiculous amount of times. Once the player clicked enough, the trophy broke, the achievement was earned, and the character announced, "I feel accomplished."

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Klei never wanted Achievements. When they were making it, they didn't want to include achievements into the game. The only version that has achievements is the PS4/Vita versions of DS due to the fact that Sony wants all the games on their consoles to have achievements (or as they it's called on their system, trophies).

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I agree with all of you, achievements are unecessary, but, for anyone who thinks diferent there is a mod that adds the weird trophy-thing. I suppose the mod includes the fireworks and that stuff

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I randomly ran until I found to the mosaic biome, mined the golden stones, cut the exact number of logs, burnt the exact number of trees, built all the stuff, and finally set my crock pot in the first time segment of Day 2. Disappointed, I started again, failed again, tried a third time and finally succeeded.

(I have a screen of that, but you can say it is consoled)

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Achievements are nice, but I will admit it does deter me from trying something new, unless I am bored enough to do so.

Perhaps a way to combat this is after so much time playing a game like this, I dunno what the hour margin would be, but after say.... 50 hours, achievements can become viable.

This way you'll have played the game in your own way, but also now have achievements to get as well.

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And the description of the Accomploshrine explains well what Klei thinks of achievements.


"A sense of accomplishment for those with nothing else to live for."


This is so glorious. Also, there are two trophies for the shrine, whose name are "Look on my works, Ye mighty, and despair", a reference to a poem about arrogance and megalomania (among other things). Total respect here, Klei.


Fornicate artificial game longevity, even if trophies names are often funny and well thought.

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