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If Chester Ruled the Don't Starve World...

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Silly answer: Who says he doesn't already?


Serious (Ha! No.) Sillier answer: The pigs would be more formal and organized, wearing fine evening wear and using words like haberdashery, quintessence and flatulence. There'd never be clutter on the ground, because Chester and his absolutely enormous family that we never see would have minions bringing them stuff to put in their chest holes, because that's what luxury means. The Sanity meter would be replaced by a meter that measures how many belly rubs you've given Chester lately. I wouldn't recommend letting that hit zero.


I wonder what a world run by Deerclops would be like.

Everything would be made of glass.

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Here's one you may not have thought of.



Remember those rooms in the Goron Mines in LoZ: Twilight princess where you have to walk on magnetic cielings

using iron boots? Well the whole game would be like that. But this is Don't Starve. So the boots would have a durability

limit. And be uncraftable.

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