[Testing] When In Doubt, Use Brute Force


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Here is a bug i found, if you have 2 pig friends, and cut a tree alone, and the beanstalk is onproximity, they cut the beanstalk, the good is after it the beanstalk bugs, and their loot reespawn, again and again and again...


Is impossible to craft the machine, because the thunderplanks needs him, and the condensed crystal too...


Is suposed to spawn overworld set pieces in the sky?

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Here is a bug i found, if you have 2 pig friends, and cut a tree alone, and the beanstalk is onproximity, they cut the beanstalk, the good is after it the beanstalk bugs, and their loot reespawn, again and again and again...


Is impossible to craft the machine, because the thunderplanks needs him, and the condensed crystal too...


Is suposed to spawn overworld set pieces in the sky?


I will fix the first and second ones asap.


As the setpiece one, I'm not sure what's happening there. Worst case I would expect cave setpieces to pop up. :/

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So the fix is simply to give the character's quotes for the wall objects.

That's only a partial fix because you can't add strings to all possible characters; any custom characters will still potentially crash.

The true fix would be to patch the GetDescription function until it gets patched by Klei (my code should work, but feel free to double check that it makes sense). GetDescription is just a global function so it's easy to override.

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That's only a partial fix because you can't add strings to all possible characters; any custom characters will still potentially crash.

Can't I?

----- Returns all characters. To be used as an iterator.local all_characters = (function()	local lists = {rawget(_G, "MAIN_CHARACTERLIST") or rawget(_G, "CHARACTERLIST"), _G.MODCHARACTERLIST}	local dlc_list = rawget(_G, "ROG_CHARACTERLIST")	if dlc_list then		table.insert(lists, dlc_list)	end	return function()		return coroutine.wrap(function()			coroutine.yield("GENERIC")			for _, list in ipairs(lists) do				for _, character in ipairs(list) do					coroutine.yield(character)				end			end		end)	endend)()
I implemented this function precisely in lib/addstrings.lua :razz:. It's currently only being used for quote adding, but it could easily be used in a more general sense. Provided it runs as a game/sim post init, it should catch all characters.

Of couse, I'd much rather have the vanilla bug fixed. But since the above method does not require overriding a vanilla function, I think I'll stick to it right now.

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I think I fixed it.

EDIT: by the way, @squeek, I tweaked the all_characters function to not return "wilson" and to be a little bit more efficient.

----- Returns all characters. To be used as an iterator.local all_characters = (function()	local main_list = Lambda.CompactlyFilter(		Lambda.Not(Lambda.IsEqualTo("wilson")),		ipairs(rawget(_G, "MAIN_CHARACTERLIST") or rawget(_G, "CHARACTERLIST"))	)	local mod_list = _G.MODCHARACTERLIST	local lists = {main_list, mod_list}	local dlc_list = rawget(_G, "ROG_CHARACTERLIST")	if dlc_list then		table.insert(lists, dlc_list)	end	local function all_characters_coroutine()		coroutine.yield("GENERIC")		for _, list in ipairs(lists) do			for _, character in ipairs(list) do				coroutine.yield(character)			end		end	end	return function()		return coroutine.wrap(all_characters_coroutine)	endend)()
The Lambda.CompactlyFilter at the top is simply creating a copy of the array MAIN_CHARACTERLIST or CHARACTERLIST where all instances of "wilson" have been removed.

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Note: Now, when being picked up by the gustflower, you play the sitting-and-holding-your-head-animation instead of frantically-looking-around-animation.


also the duckraptors are humongous.


I tweaked the duckraptors some, as well as some other things.

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just tried out the Spotlight Pre set build.


If you start the game with Winnie, Beefalo are following her even if she hasn't equipped the staff and also even if I put it on the ground. So it is not connected to the staff.








Also I fear the generation screen goes by pretty fast because it doesn't generate a really big map.


And I found Lionblobs.





But the preset is great I think and it is awesome to brew tea :grin:

Yay things are running!




- Cumulostones aren't stacking


- Cloudfruits aren't stackable and aren't cookable


- Are Dragonblood trees choppable yet?


- Gooses are pooping eggs all over the place (but this is known already ^^)




- Every Gustflowerseed planted, grants another seed immediately...we got a perpetuum mobile here




- I think the whirlwinds are killing my FPS really badly (but that maybe because the PC I'm currently using isn't the best)


- And can we get the crystal relict fragments for the cumulo thing already in our content?



It is fun!


Good god, I'm freezing. Brew quicker kettle pls. Arrghhhh. (Note. I survived ^^)



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Great points/catches all around. I fully agree, except with the worldgen screen duration you mentioned. It's the screen for survival worldgen, so... why does it matter?

I mean the cloudrealm generation. I would have to test it more often, but it was just a glimpse. Didn't even reached the static part.

And it isn't bad...just like missing our cool animation.

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I mean the cloudrealm generation. I would have to test it more often, but it was just a glimpse. Didn't even reached the static part.

And it isn't bad...just like missing our cool animation.

But the world size is set to medium! It's not that fast :razz:.

We could artificially increase the worldgen screen time, but... wouldn't that be frustrating for users after the first couple times?

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It seemed pretty fast to me. It's no big thing. Surely there is no need for plastic surgery to elongate anything. XD


I addressed all of the issues you pointed out. :grin:


Except the golden egg thing and the whirlwinds, anyways.


As for Winnie's staff, it's not nearly as reliable as it was now. Basically, the beefalo / sheep will follow you, but they're not your allies. They'll continue to follow you until they decide not to when you unequip the staff, although they're still just as easily annoyed. If you push them it'll break the follow, for example. I upped the follower threshold to 6, to compensate for the weaker effect. It's not a magically infinite free beefalo horn now. :razz:

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Bug report: is suposed to the shopmen, dont spawn? after some times ( 3 worlds , i don't find anything ) , or is a problem with his setpiece, i can help to create a new....  :highly_amused:

He spawns somewhere along the road, only when it is raining (but after you talked to him and started his quest, he doesn't despawn anymore).

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