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My Preparation for the update tomorrow!

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Let's see how smart those dogs are! My guess is they will squeeze right through the tree gaps and I will be trapped myself and they will slaughter me lol. I did leave one space in my fort for a quick escape. What do you all think? I know it is a little crooked and patched but oh well maybe it will get the job done!

Also, have the devs thought about putting the need for water in the game? Yes it may be more difficult but maybe they could put a lake in a biome and make it only available on one specific island, and make the island have a larger number of enemies to keep people from camping there? Sorry, just had some epiphanies earlier. lol

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Also, have the devs thought about putting the need for water in the game? Yes it may be more difficult but maybe they could put a lake in a biome and make it only available on one specific island, and make the island have a larger number of enemies to keep people from camping there? Sorry, just had some epiphanies earlier. lol

They apparently have plans for a third needs meter, but what it'll be is a mystery right now. I imagine that it's either sleep or thirst.

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Nice creative use of all the items. (Keep a burned or dead tree. If dogs get inside. You can quickly remove it to get out.)

It's so odd how the style of gameplay changes with the threat of dogs every day.

Do you think I should keep more than one spot to get out? I left that one crevasse to escape from, and I probably cannot burn just one without burning them all. And yes I was set for life with my constant supply of berries and produce, (berry bushes were to the north of my camp and bee supers to the east) and now I have to worry about dogs attacking at any point and killing everything I even lead Beefalo to my camp from three biomes away to have a constant supply of manure, and now they are probably going to get eaten!

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Beefalo to my camp from three biomes away to have a constant supply of manure, and now they are probably going to get eaten!

Trust me... I know how you feel. I trapped my beefalo in solid items. *rants*. Well if you have the crevasse i'd say you'll be fine. I'm still keeping my chin up that dogs won't be too overpowered.

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  • Developer

Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

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Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

lmao, this is hilarious.

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Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

Then people will just make walls out of chests/pigman huts/crock pots/whatever else is solid. :p

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Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

Then players would probably just use anything else that has a hitbox that can't be walked through instead.

Edit: Ninja'd by Full Metal Kirby. :p

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Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

Hahahahaha you would kevin! We still have chests and plenty of other solid walls :D

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  • Developer

Ha! You crock-pot turtlers! We need some enemies that can jump over things, or tunnel under them, or something.

Seriously, though - it's neat to see what people have come up with in terms of base-building, given that the game doesn't currently offer much to explicitly support that. It was unexpected!

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Ha! You crock-pot turtlers! We need some enemies that can jump over things, or tunnel under them, or something.

Seriously, though - it's neat to see what people have come up with in terms of base-building, given that the game doesn't currently offer much to explicitly support that. It was unexpected!

Crock pots, Kevin, are the keys to life. They are the things that give us life and allows us to live...in more ways then one.

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Holy crap.

You know, I've been holding off on putting in real buildable walls until we put in actual NPC pathfinding. Ha!

Maybe closely-packed trees should kill each other off?

Or hungry beavers should show up?

Termite plagues?

Ent moons?

We'll think of something :)

yes!!!! ive wanted fences for a long time. fences cant be destoyed by hounds/pigs and lesser beings but treeguards hate them and will attack them on sight :)

i dont think closely packed trees should kill each other off, they just should not grow to full ( or even medium) size.

but fences!!! fences!!!! i can see huge beefalo ranches :)

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well one werepig isnt a problem, you just face him headon and hes down quick. but 2 is tricky and 3 you might die even withh 100% logsuit. lets see how the rugbyhat preforms. also dont forget there are ranged weapons now and panflute is also always a good idea against multiple threats with its "AoE" :D

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Seriously, though - it's neat to see what people have come up with in terms of base-building, given that the game doesn't currently offer much to explicitly support that. It was unexpected!

I've been enjoying all these bases i have seen. I do hope to see real walls/pathways in the future ;) For now solid blocks flint/rock will do for my bases :)

Edited by Joyousterror
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yeah the flint pathways some guys have used to compartment their base and make roads are amazing.

me neither bogpad. i stay close to beefalos and far far away from pigs. when i need pigs i go to them. i need them mostly for deforrestation :) i dont use them for fighting spiders allthough its so much fun. but i wanna get all the loot and kiting spiders is very easy. tentacles same since they dont move.

i once walked into a pig village after a full moon and there were still 6 werepigs. good thing i had a panflute :)

anthing you need to know about pigs has been said in pulp fiction though :p

Edited by atarihuana
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