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Overanalysing Curse of the Moon Quay Lore (Monkey Lore Monkey Lore Monkey Lore-)

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42 minutes ago, Danirex said:

Yo digo que si tuvieramos el maldito trailer pudieramos planetar más teorias PERO AHORITA PASAN 10 AÑOS Y NO ACABA DE SALIR!!!!!!!!!!!


Patience my friend, the trailer as well as the update will release this Thursday.

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8 hours ago, goblinball said:

the wagstaff portal has 4 “ends” to it, and the archives portal has 4 orange circles on it. This is probably just a coincidence, but it could be a sign that these portals are related.

Back when the update was new and we had the silhouette only of the Siphon there was a small leak that showed some of it with old unfinished art. I lost that when it happened but I do have this from one of the Dev Streams:image.thumb.png.65f37bbe8b659422e9dce783ba2d23d2.png

It's a gif of the Lunar Siphon being built over the Sealed Portal!
It's most certainly there for size reference but its use, exact matching shapes, and 4 matching "connectors" are all way too unique for me to consider a coincidence. 
Does this mean anything? No! Not really. Not without much more information, but damn is it fun to theory craft on the "who's" and "what's" of this.

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On 6/22/2022 at 4:09 AM, Phizzle said:

The unused inverted portal looks like a powered version of the Unnatural portal. 

That's what I'm most curious about!
The portal seems to be powered over the spikes surrounding the "sucking"-portal. It seems to be lunar energy, although I might be wrong (considering Wagstaff hasn't canonically acquired the Alter-Power when the world is created and the portal's already there).
It might be a "powered version" of the original portal (i.e. we could power it?) indeed. However, the original portal has sparks of energy coming out already, which is why I still think the unused portal is merely the black portal from the other side.

So what if the bolts of energy around the "sucking" portal imply that Wagstaff built a machine in the monkey-dimension powering the portal from four sides? 
Maybe Wagstaff, after many failed attempts, realized that his pragmatic "huge door"-design wasn't fit for interdimensional travel and concluded that gateways need more "stabilizing nodes" as seen in pretty much every other gateway.



I don't know how much merit that theory contains, especially since the portal-frame or whatever it was apparantly blew up anyways so idk.


"This world's fabric is frayed and torn." - Fuelweaver, Battlecry
"Your realm is a bit frazzled around the edges, hm?" - Shadow Trader, idle
"It cannot end like this." - Fuelweaver, Turning off the Ancient Gateway

I'm pretty sure curiosity is gonna kill the cat...

I think (and hope) the next arc focuses on the dimensional+temporal rifts and how the greedy (?) meddling of the Ancient King, Wagstaff and Us lead to huge consequences for the Constant and the whole multiverse.

And speaking of eldritch consequences, my favorite part about the monkey-update:

This update paves the way for more player transformations!!!!!
I have been suspecting that some kind of player transformation was bound to be introduced after Alter awakening (although I really didn't expect.. monkey-magic lmao).

History repeats itself and the past has shown that using too much magic (each kind of magic usually sourced from an eldritch entity in the sky), the magic source will awake and transform the inhabitants of the realm (turning them to shadows, to merms and maybe even to monkeys using the weird pink monkey-magic surrounding the new portal). The Monkey-Queen is somehow able to lift the monkey-curse. If the curse was indeed inflicted by another Magic God from another dimension, that could pave the way for temporary Lunar (and maybe even Shadow) transformations!

Imagine a showdown during the endgame with Alter awakening and cursing people! (It's always gone beautiful for plant-based organisms, but most living organisms didn't react too well to mutating..). Whether it would be comparable to Were-Curses, horrendous mutations or even somehow akin to Gestalts! I love that we can't feel too save about Alter anymore! And just imagine getting turned to some form of nightmare-creature at the "hands" of the dark shadow-eye with all the perks and drawbacks associated with it!
(Hide in the caves during full-moons after Alter awakes, or else....)

I don't think Alter awakening will only impact the color of the Moon in the HUD. And wildly transforming people seems to come naturally to these gods.

Consequently, I'm hyped for more rifts and maybe even more transformations

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1 hour ago, Lizardhiney said:

The Island kind of looks like the scientist from the WX short, no?

No nevermind, that's definetely Wagstaff

Or Wavey Jones. Ive seen isles that looked either as Wagstaffs head or Wavey Jones. Bug or feature? Wagstaff or Jones??? 

So many qustions

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On 6/20/2022 at 11:01 AM, Scypham said:

It has a distinct shape of two 'eyes', a mess of 'hair' and three docks which you can interpret as either teeth or a bushy moustache. This could be a stretch but it seems that the monkeys designed the island to look like Wagstaff.

You seem to have correctly noticed that the island is a face; however the short makes it appear more like a skull and less like specifically wagstaff. I’m uncertain if the island looking like a face has any meaning; there’s a chance the islands are supposed to look like wagstaff, and the artists just forgot or didn’t know.


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