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Your source of emotional support?

Terra B Welch

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When you're feeling down, who or what do you turn to in order to help yourself feel better?

For me, it's my glommer plush, I've had my glommer plush for 4 years and have given him alot of hugs in that time.


As you can see, glommer is a bit worn, that happens after over 4 years of hugs, but my glommer is still happy to get hugs and help me fight off sadness.

Who or what do you turn to for emotional support?

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my dreams, i think of something great to dream about and then i will dream the good things and i am in full control of my dreams, makin them good, no matter what will happen, or sometimes i just imagine an conversation and how it could go whit the talk, simulating what the other would say whit my response, this makes me feel good for some reason, or i will look at art i or many other people have created, its a fine way to pass the time

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I used to have a girlfriend but due to circumstances we grew apart and ended terms amicably

I suppose part of why we grew apart is because I used her far too much as an emotional crutch and once she and I began teaching me to love myself, I began to grow less attached and that amplified the other reasons why resentment built 

Now I usually listen to violent music pieces that embody my rage and fury when I work, and play games to ease stress otherwise. There is a great deal I have to deal with alone and admittedly I am growing weary of it all again, but she taught me to love myself at the least and that i shall do my best to do so to honor our time together regardless of what happened. 


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My best friends and my parents (or just family in general), always
I only would go for my best friends who really care about me, not my other best friends that are just there to do stuff with

Sometimes I go on Steam and play Just Shapes and Beats, as I am a huge fan of it, it calms me down with all of the music and fun within

Also, From a lesbian's perspective, girlfriends are also an awesome source of emotional support! (Don't quote me and puke at this comment)

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