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Ridding critters Idea

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I wish we could ride the critters and they would give small movement speed bonus so that it can cancel out the minor speed reductions for like items such as piggyback or a marble suit, but the catch would be you can't attack nor use items or pick up things while in ride mode in the critters. XD

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1 hour ago, Walk the Plank said:

Those poor pets would get instantly squashed! They are too small!

Can you just imagine a mighty wolfgang riding his tiny little vargling? Not a pretty picture to say the least!

If they're squashed they can't make annoying hungry noises.

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15 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

But that is walter's perk

it like Wigfird crafting helmet perk vs other character crafting football helmet :v
Walter's perk can be that he has a rideable pet from day 1 when every other character need to summon the pet and take care of them before they able to ride or do whatever with them?


I like the idea of rideable critters, maybe they can turn into a beast form like wobby if you take care of it good enough, this make Woby less out of place

tbh, Woby to me has away been a cheap, out of place perk for a character, nothing like it ever exists before, yet somehow a random kid found it in day 1, when a half human half spider child that live and die in the constant, a mad scientist that survived long enough to meet the former ruler, hell, even the former ruler of the constant doesn't even know or meet it before?, like whaaa?

but I think it also need a tweaks to make it not overshadow taming beefallo 

rideable critters can't run faster than normal beefalo (meaning Rider is better for traveling long distance)



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Honestly? Ever since I saw something in the game called Glossamer saddle I’ve wanted to be able to slap that on Glommer or glom glom and fly around the map on sort of a hovering mount, I Legit thought the saddle was FOR Glommer and not yet another saddle for a Beefalo.

X_x maybe someday… </3

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11 minutes ago, JeezSorry said:

It gets the best of us, just can't wait till I can actually do it


lets fly to lunar guys!

Uhh have you ever watched Glommer/Glom Glom’s actual animations? They don’t stay permanently in the air they bounce up and down on the ground- so the way it would work in actual gameplay (much like riding a Beefalo for a short distance before being bucked off) they would fly a few seconds then “bounce” back to the ground for a rest, so flying to lunar… wouldn’t be possible you would still drown.

BUT, I’ve always wanted to ride Glommer, it looks big enough to sit on and saddle, AND maybe just maybe I can tolerate it’s annoying noises if it did something actually cool.. 

From a gameplay perspective- it would probably just be a cleverly reskinned beefalo, that’s the lazy route: But if Klei wants to make it it’s own thing I would suggest being able to escape being surrounded by small mobs (like flying out of a group of spiders) or over walls.. short distances only before needing to rest of course.

Glommer is the only “critter” large enough to actually ride. And IF Klei gave me THIS as a Halloween skin for it..



It would be the only Mount I ever use again and I will neglect taking care of my Tamed Beefalo. (Sorry Dakota my fury pal!)

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