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What is so wrong with crafting tabs for characters? I can't really see what's so bad about them. 



Edit: I mostly remember from last year people were annoyed that characters kept getting one. I read a bit of Wolfgang rework thread and saw it mentioned again, even if not in exactly negative light. It just reminded me of when it was more common, but I don't have any specific links or anything. Maybe I just misunderstood the tone, wouldn't be the first time. 

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Did I miss anything ? I can't remind of any complain recent or not, even on suggestions (admitting I often just read topics I find interesting)... :( That would be cool if you could level that with a few links.

Other than that I have no issue with character tabs, I'm actually glad they're there for the most, I would rather complain about some others, but I'm not looking to suggest anything for now, it's not too critic.

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Your playing a game advertised and sold to you as a Survival Crafting Game & you complain when it gets more things to craft for your survival, yup makes perfect sense!

In a more serious light: I think people want characters to have crafting tabs that have cool stuff in them but that crafting tab not be the ONLY thing unique about them..

For example: Wortox wait no Wortox is probably a bad example.. uhm Webber/Wes- Both reworks had crafting tabs… BUT Webber’s rework added a whole new set of spider types to the game alongside him, spiders that have unique abilities of their own. (Cool healing spiders bruh..)

I think what people DONT want from Wolfgang is for his rework to focus “entirely” on a crafting tab- He should get one.. same as most everyone else has gotten- But he should get some cool abilities that don’t need the crafting tab either.

Similar to Woodie- Woodie has a Craftable Totem he can eat to turn into a cool head charging, butt stomping weremoose, That’s cool.. right?


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To be honest crafting tabs are the only viable way to do anything with reworked characters aside from straight stat buffs and clever gimmicks. Almost every character has their own tab or item that needs to be crafted from a tab of some sort. Without them then there's little room for directly acquiring items for that character aside from just starting with them, but that would also mean they couldn't be consumable items that aren't able to be refueled. Directly building with these resources instead of using a crafting tab would be a neat alternative, but hard to pull off in my opinion.

Characters in DST with their own personal crafting Tab: Wendy, Wickerbottom, Wes, Maxwell (Codex Umbra), Wigfrid, Wormwood, Winona, Warly (Seasonings), Webber, Wanda, and Walter.

Characters with a character-specific craftable in a different crafting Tab: Woodie, Willow, Wendy, Wigfrid, Warly, Wurt, and Walter.

That leaves only Wortox, Wilson, Wolfgang, and WX-78 as characters that don't have character specific craftables or their own crafting tab; but only 1/4 of these characters have been finalized, with the other 3 still needing reworks and 1 of them being reworked rather soon.

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