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если ты умираешь на 39м дне за Вурт, лучше возьми кого-нибудь попроще (например, Уилсона) и обучись основам игры.

ибо странная мода какая-то пошла - брать персонажа для продвинутых, не зная фундаментальных знаний.



if you play as Wurt and die at 39th day, better take a simpler character (e.g. Wilson) and learn basics of the game.

because a strange fashion has begun - to take a character for advanced players, while not knowing fundamental knowledge.


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12 hours ago, Spino43 said:

Spider Queens are probably one of my most hated mobs. Low-quality loot and annoying.

i like them. Good mechanic, so dangerous and the loot is fine: monster meat, silk, spider egg to make your own spider farm and spider hat that gives you the power of making spider wars (even agaisnt other spider queens) which is extremly useful to clean spider queen forests

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