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Sorry my art is awful but I wanted to scribble down an example is thing


Anyways I figured wormwood current skin selection isn't that big so why not toss some ideas into the pile. I though that wormwood could really do with a forge skin where he is all charcoal like and burn't because of the constant fire and lava around the arena and such. It could be like a type of hardened by fire thing. 


I can't write posts and I can almost guarantee that someone already had this idea and I didn't notice their post


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It's actually rather dull, just painting it black and turning the gem red.

I was thinking if wormwood ever gets a forge fire skin, it should look like these trees!


Lightning struck trees are really cool looking on the inside too!

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a burnt up magmatic skin would definitely be appropriate! though personally i would also love a forge skin for wormwood based on the living staff since im assuming when forge returns wormwood will be a healer/caster class 

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