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Since we're in the off topic, I thought why don't I just make a topic for OFF. Off is a really good and well-written RPG made by Mortis Ghost. Quite old game that came out in 2008, made by RPG Maker. Undertale has its own topic, Binding of Isaac has 10 not to mention FNAF threads so... discuss. 


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I was always thinking if the Batter, the protagonist that we control is really the protagonist? I mean he has "purified" all the zones and killed literally everyone. Seems like an antagonist to me.
although, you have to consider that the world was corrupted. Elsens lived awful lives, the Queen did nothing to make the world a better place.

The best example of how the Off World was ruined, is Jephet. As narrated in the books you find in the library:

Drawing from his waning forces, he created the Library, more beautiful than ever before. Its height pierced the smoky clouds and there he stood.

Much like a guardian angel, he had done everything for them. He had brought them peace, security and entertainment. Such was his generosity.

For a while, that was all good and well for all, they enjoyed the new land with the innocence of a child. They were running down the streets, enjoying …

But the dynamics of the world soon drove the people mad. They forgot about their joys and eventually succumbed to their neurosis of fear and worries.

Meanwhile, the Flaming Winged Sovereign weeped on his throne, their joys saddened to have been forgotten by Man. He had no more time for their worries.

And so the Flaming Bird turned into a cat and the cat into a Ruler. Driven insane by his anger and sadness, he summoned forth a storm of evil spirits upon his subjects. His madness had ...

While the spectres were destroying the world he had created, he sought shelter (sic) at the summit of his most wonderful creation, the Great Library.

There was nothing else to be done but wait for the man who would rise forth to destroy him. For deep inside his soul, there was no doubt that what he did was Evil.

So am I saying what the batter did was right? No. But the batter is not to blame. He only exists to purify the world (the saviour): he couldn't control his own fate and had to go through his "sacred quest". So, who is to blame?

Maybe Hugo. As a child, his ability to rule over his own world is not good enough.

But actually it's all fault of the space monkeys

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