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  2. Stategraphs and Custom Animations | Don't Starve Together Modding Guide
  3. Fuelweaver is my favorite fight, except for klaus, and I don't use the method grm preaches. Because I just never learned that method (i use weather pains). Crabking is probally the same way I have not tried any method except ice staffs. Dragonfly is also in that same vain however I have tried ice staffs and enjoyed the fight that way. I think the issue with the bosses is that when you find one method that works, you don't try to find another unless you like doing that kind of thing, and when you search crabking (atleast for me) the first thing you get is ice staff method.
  4. Unfortunately, I had missing lureplant and boat deck skins last night. All other skins ok at the mo, I don't know if the cache has become confused already and it will get worse over time, but I'd say the issue is still unresolved.
  5. Guardian horn is a nice qol for hound waves and is very much the only drop I care about from gaurdian after the first kill. Probally don't mean farming shadow peices but I like to kill alot for cc armor and weapons.
  6. I'm interested in knowing what client side games you are thinking of. I can't think of any.
  7. Today
  8. We started off on the steam marketplace, so server-side was a hard requirement. Client-side is a lot more work, especially as it's all effectively server-side anyway (the APIs the platforms provide are rightfully server-side, so we'd just be taking server-side data and copying it to the client) and it would be a support nightmare when client bugs corrupted people's inventories or they reformatted their computers and lost all their purchases/drops(!) I haven't seen any industry standardization around client-side, quite the opposite.
  9. Mine don't cramp cause the room of the repository ranch is open to the outside, and i said "if i don't need them" because i like dumping at least 4 grubrubs and sweetles in some of my farms, that way i am constantly renewing their populace, so if i don't need one egg at one moment, it goes to the drowning chamber.
  10. I decided that my colonization efforts were too slow with the small number of duplicants and I hate shuttling and not being able to take everyone home, so I made myself a rocket that crams in a nature reserve and a great hall within the 10x8 room that should be largely stable with two modes (landed and flight), requiring only minor modifications between the two modes that supports 7 duplicants (9 when landed). This is my fancy new definitely glitchless rocket design! This rocket achieves the goal by using wild planted dashasalt vines with one of them buried as well as a floating park sign. I also buried the bottom tile of the pneumatic door so that the dupes can get from the bottom level to the top level. I used the aerogel trick using pipe plumbing to create all the natural tiles except the one on the pneumatic door, where I had to use the hydroponic tile trick, as apparently bottles will not spawn on pneumatic doors when created by plumbing pipes. When in space, the dupes sleep on the floor and don't wash their hands. I will attempt to make a schedule where they use the bathroom significantly before eating so that the radiation can kill the germs. When landed, my dupes will build a bathroom outside the rocket and will replace the interior bathroom with a gas pump, controlled by the CO2 element sensor above the pneumatic door. In this configuration, this can operate as a 12 morale mini-base either permanently (assuming oxygen and food can be provided). When landed, the rocket control station can be removed and replaced with two more mess tables, allowing for theoretically 9 dupes to get 12 morale from this rocket interior if you can set it up so that the atmosuit dock can be disabled. Food should be non-spoiling and should be stored in the lower level of the rocket so that the dupes regularly enter the nature reserve to get their food. The only real flaw in this design is the incidental CO2 trap in the upper chamber and the fact that the rocket needs any re-configuring. I tried putting a smog slug in, but it wouldn't connect to pipes and eventually vacuumed out the bottom chamber.
  11. if cb is not required, no one would fight him, especially for that loot. if void walking was intented and as easy as it currently is, no one would search for tentapillers. if ancient key and shadow atrium were not behind shadow pieces and ancient guardian, no one would fight them for dark swords and night armors/guardian's horn (his loot chest is very good tho). The reward for these fights IS the afw and cc loot. It's just that the way to it has lots and lots of little things to do. I can't believe i'm saying this again but.. the very things most people here are complaining about (crab king, moving marbles) are the things I enjoy doing the most in-game. There is nothing better than obtaining that long long awaited Enlightened crown after allll the work and struggle to get there.
  12. This was all addressed in the roadmap. https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/154074-dont-starve-together-2024-roadmap/ Tomorrow marks our first "Intermission", which will be a Lore Trailer and some drops. Which means we are at about the halfway mark to the next update and between now and then we will be announcing more information about the update leading up to a stream and a beta.
  13. English is the Lord's language that's why the Bible is in English
  14. This is what everyone does. It gets the most attention after all. Really every character is more powerful at something than others. Webber is a fast strong army and wurt is a slow strong army. Even wes is powerful. That speed balloon is epic
  15. And as I mentioned before, there is no problem with that. We may perceive this as issues, but they are just situational game designs. The sooner you realize this the better, the game was always like this. Now, to make you feel home with this item, I can give you my experience with it as an example : I unlocked football helmet and Hambat on day 3 and was omw to destroy pigs and spiders on the 3 forest biomes, then I realized I forgot to make a Log Suit before breaking my Alchemy Engine. So then I crafted a Grass suit, which guaranteed that I wouldn't have to place and break my machine only for a Log Suit. Similarly it did the job also, preventing my football helmets from breaking too fast. Sure, Log suits alone are great, and paired with a football helmet even better, but I wouldn't wanna lose resources and time creating another alchemy and then breaking it. So even thought the grass suit has LESS durability, it did the job on my situation. Sometimes you're willing to go back home for more pig skin when sailing. And sometimes you're too far away from the base. Sometimes you're on a server with lots of people, so pig skins are not that abundant. Sometimes you are closer to a salt formation than a pig house/village. It is as simple as this. Situational items may look bad when playing alone also, but on a group is a whole different story. I had a moment where we had an alchemy engine on a boat with 6 people, and it was raining as hell, but we didn't have pig skins for everyone, so we just parked at a giant tree and 3 of us made cookie cutter caps for raining protection. It's very specific, but it works. The idea is that you don't need neither a science machine nor an alchemy engine to craft it. How many times do you Ego and not equip armor cause you "think" you're not getting hit only to die day 1 trying to kill a tallbird with an axe. What is better, full damage or 60% reduction? On challenges like Scienceless ruins rush, the item is great. Sometimes you're looking for that perfect no-hit ruins rush, but consistency is imposible to achieve everytime. Sometimes your game lags, and sometimes your explorer opens randomly while playing and you die. That's the whole idea of the word "situational". The more you understand it, the better. Dst is a game full of options, and just because some of these options don't make sense in a progression/advancements perpective, it still shines where it should.
  16. I don't know the canonity of this but isn't it weird that Wormwood started speaking english before human contact. Same with pigs, who taught pigs english and if their english is bad then why aren't they speaking their native oink language? Is it Maxwells doing? Were pigs in the Constant before Max? Why don't merms or mants speak english? Is there magical mutual communication in the Constant? Does Wes even know english or just french?
  17. The people on this forum are losing their minds
  18. Expecting the next update to be the size of a paid dlc is a bit much. And the last update had a lot of other stuff besides the ocean to focus on.
  19. what does tight mean in this context? they're extremely simple and boring, you could easily do them 1st or 2nd try after seeing them we don't need more braindead "walk to the side instead of away to stun the boss for 10 seconds", keep lavaes, i don't use walls, it's a problem with people only doing the fight through 1 way without trying to find a more fun and efficient way burn them instead of chopping them then they didn't exist back when he got added, obviously he wasn't made to be countered by them, it's pretty obvious that you need to row away from geysers and kill claws, the only unobvious thing is requiring multiple things/syncing own attacks to cancel heal when he's pearled why am i having fun then?
  20. If it’s a big ocean update the same size and scope of shipwrecked dlc? Good.. if it’s something small and bite sized again like that shark boss, no thanks. There’s also only like what 6 characters yet to get skill trees? And if they’re doing 3 at a time they’ll have all those complete before the 2025 roadmap. If I had to take a wild guess I’m going to say that Klei intentionally left the ocean this mostly empty area of the game, because when they expand on lunar and shadow rifts, what better place to open portals than over the vast empty sea? They did say this years roadmap aims to focus updating ocean, more rift contents etc.. so yeah. That said… May/June is also the annual MidSummers Cawnival Event, so unless Klei has decided to back track on their original announcement that Cawnival was going to be an annual yearly event, it’s about time we got some new Cawnival games and the like.
  21. you might like to know we have confirmation of what the next update is, Ocean Qol + Skilltrees
  22. No they are not. They are actual bosses with tight designs. All the old boss designs are sloppy as f. Dfly, 90% of people just skip the larve mechanic of dragonfly. She is a fun enough boss but it would be better to remove the larve mechanic to rework her to give her more unique attacks instead. Toadstool is a tree cutting simulator. Klei be like "i know you probably have cut 1000 trees already to build your pretty base now its time to fight a boss that requires you to cut 1000 more trees or you can fight an even tankier version if you realllllly love cutting 10000000 trees" Crab king - If you didnt have the internet no one would know what the hell is going on with him. Are any ocean weapons useful for him, Cannons? Nope! Strident trident? Nope! Is there any reason to get cannons? Ancient fuelweaver is just too messy for the average player. Hes nearly perfect for an endgame boss but juggling nightmare creatures and unrelenting woven shadows just makes the fight tedious instead of fun.
  23. Klei’s biggest content update always for some strange reason or another releases in May (the Season Finale for Return of Them for example) So I’d probably expect something significant before the end of May. That’s just my guess though, don’t take my word on it.
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