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  1. Past hour
  2. I feel kinda awkward at the fact that you can't interact with her at all. I'd like to at least have some kind of interaction like getting too close to her will trigger some shadow magic that will knock you back, kinda like the ones that were added to cave holes, and the ability to attack her, and getting as much result as when you attack fuelweaver when he is protected.
  3. How about putting a fish in the bait slot to catch the squid.
  4. You could try c_announce(c_select()) while hovering your cursor over the area to see what prefabs are there, if any. If there's something unexpected, you can use c_select:Remove() to delete it. I suspect it either has something to do with the moonstorm or there's just a random item dropped in the square that's hard to see. Turns out that's just how the pattern is layered for red mosaic turf on the map:
  5. "pfff, adding slipering mechanic is so pointless, it will never affect anyone". - me.
  6. Is there a way to find out what the hell is this thing that blocks structures? I'm in the stage hand/Chester biome I don't think anything invisible is supposed to be here. Why the ground purple? I used same red mosaic turf everywhere but this part is purple.
  7. Today
  8. just do the following things 1. reduce the scaling factor of all gem powers 2. make purple power more dangerous 3. reduce the health of claws 4. give it a 100% rain conch drop, same number of uses as pan flute 5. implement the unused festive skin because it looks really good
  9. then you should hold your opinions until you have the proper experience to discuss this... "issue"
  10. I ran into an issue. I beat Deerclops, Eye of Terror, Moose/Goose, Antlion, Bearger, Klaus, and Ancient Guardian. I thought about what I should fight next, and I realized something...a lot of these raid bosses suck. Dragonfly is the next thing that I'm thinking about trying to beat, but other than that and the Shadow Pieces, the rest of the raid bosses suck minus the Celestial Guardian and maybe the Twins of Terror. I have never fought any of these bosses below, I'm just basing it off what I heard and the guides I've seen. Malbatross - Garbage to find, garbage and not guaranteed loot, and a messy and boring fight. Bee Queen - Decent drops and easily accessible, but the fight itself is a load of garbage. This game's combat is at its best when it utilizes kiting to its advantage, a boss with a bunch of summons that you can't kite no matter how hard you try even more so with the honey that slows you down, unsurprisingly sucks. Rework the fight, and I think she'll be great. Crab King - The drops are garbage though I can understand it here because it's supposed to be a step toward the Celestial Champion and finding it is somewhat easy since most likely, you'll only really need to kill it after getting the Astral Detector. The problem is the boss fight itself, I like the concept of build you own boss, but instakills? Freeze attacks? Healing? Tons of health? In the Ocean? It's bad. Ancient Fuelweaver - The drops are really good, and while finding it is hard, it's supposed to be hard, my only issue is that there's no clue telling the players to create a skeleton in the Atrium. The boss itself is bad as it's a combination of Bee Queen and Toadstool's problems, it stops you from kiting him like Bee Queen, with the bone cage though I can kind of forgive it here since you can use a Lazy Explorer to get out, but I believe the attack itself should just be removed and like Toadstool, he has invulnerability and healing, I don't mind when a boss has invulnerability and tries to heal every now and then because it makes the boss more dynamic, but similar to Toadstool, the problem is that he spams it constantly which just makes the boss fight more tedious. Toadstool/Misery Toadstool - The health. Need I say more? Actually, yes there is a lot more to say, the fight itself isn't terrible on paper, dodging the mushrooms and trying to get as far away as possible when you have the spore thing on your head seems fun, add the ground pound to it and the fight is very dynamic. The problem stems from again, the health and as I mentioned in the Fuelweaver section, the defense increase from the trees, I actually like the idea of the mushroom trees and chopping them down to make him more vulnerable, but my god, he spams the attack way too much and when the fight already lasts so long because of the health, it's just really tedious and makes the fight unfun because it takes way too long. I think if you just reduce the health and make it so that he doesn't spam the mushroom trees, maybe add a couple more drops, it'll be a decent fight.
  11. none of this is needed. current bossfight is fine. Klei would have to completely change how boats work and the whole fight itself to make it anything close to a "great fight" in some people's eyes. If you think the current navigation system AND the fights are bad things, your critique is on the whole thing itself. It's kinda childish to demand a whole rework from Klei. It's like saying that you don't like the way they do things. Basically people don't like the game and want it their way, that's the only way I see it. The only thing I agree are even debatable or "bad" on ck fight is the gem system and claw HP. I already need to take care of a lot of things when fighting him. Having to paddle on top of that is just unnecessary work. And adding that to the fight as obligated would imply an even harder fight for no reason. And to not make it too hard, they would have to remove some mechanics JUST to add these little things which add to nothing. Most of these ideas are literally asking for a different fight, instead of FIXING current fight actual problems. When you try to see what's wrong with something, you come up with thousands of things that are not that big of a deal, and portray them as problems, just to have something to say. Until this day I cannot see anything remotely close to being a problem on his fight. ALL of it is skill issue. Again, if we could actually think and give suggestions on the way gems interact with him + actually experiencing the fight on weak characters, then we would be able to pinpoint exactly what most people don't like about him, and then change what's changeable instead of trying to make impossible suggestions.
  12. explain WHY he is annoying. His loot is basically the opening for enlightened crown and all things beyond celestial champion. Btw, there are posts IN THIS VERY FORUM of the beta from when crab king was released, and people's opinion on the strident trident were that it was good because it was simply a meme item. And his ability to uproot bullkelp and fish are unique things in the game. It basically costs 3 horns because of appearences. If you look at wigfrids commanders helm, it has probably the worst recipe i've ever seen based on the item design, so I don't want that repeating again. It's a lazy solution. Cookie cutters dropping more shells are already a gigantic buff to the ocean and prob enough to make the whole thing better, but it was an issue to lock pearl behind it with it's old drop chance to begin with, so they admitted that. Only thing the ocean needs is simply more setpieces and content, like sea creatures and hidden resources. Crab king is not a problem, the only thing that bothers me really is the fact that a noob trying the fight putting other gems would never be able to do it without a tutorial/wiki. Also, current fights without purple gems are extremely hard solo, so changing it so it gives different loot and is more enjoyable to fight in different situations is already a huge fix. First time I fought him it was hard and I died, But not at ANY MOMENT I thought it was unfair. It was simply skill issue and I knew that. It's the same as a souls-like type of difficulty and I wish klei doesn't make the fight too easy. If you can't fight crab king currently, just pick wolfgang on a test world until you're used to the fight, then go from him to wilson with an affinity, then without it, then wes. That's what I did, and that's what I think everyone should do to fight him easily, It's literally just a skill issue, not an "unfun fight". But if you can't fight him and refuses to, just cheese him like most youtubers do. People are exaggerating this way too much, it is not THAT big of a deal. The fight JUST needs some additions to loot and small numbers change and it's fine. The whole idea of completely reworking the thing from ground up on a QoL ocean update is the same as asking for a free DLC-sized update.
  13. The answer to the title question is NO and, at the same time, yes. Many people are looking at the symptom without realizing that the boss itself is not the problem, but rather what revolves around the boss. What do I mean by this? Among the methods used to kill him is the mechanic of freezing with the ice staff while he channels and then hitting him immediately after. The problem I see is that people find the methods involved in killing the Crab King () tedious, and I agree. Because when we think of maritime bosses, we think of battles actively using the boat and not just standing on a static platform hitting him. So, what I suggest is not to stay here on the forum suggesting that Klei delete the boss or start from scratch, as this is not likely and takes up space here with unproductive things. Instead, let's propose changes in the navigation system and small mechanical changes in the boss that enable maritime combat. Examples: - Boat collision with the boss will stun it (has cooldown time). - Boat collision protections now have additional uses. - Tridents have additional uses for their special, and their materials can be obtained less laboriously. - Island monkeys can be hired to operate the cannons.
  14. I'm primarily looking for coders, but if they can draw that's a plus. Though I definitely won't refuse artists who aren't proficient in scripting too, as art takes a while and it'll shave off a lot of asset work I would have to do. Which is a lot ;A;
  15. I think peoples problem with Crab King is WHY would they want to fight him? If it’s for a once and then done Pearls Hermit home quest fine… but why for a boss that’s so annoying does his loot rewards feel so highly underwhelming? From my understanding of Dragonfly fight people sometimes fight her exclusively for green, yellow or orange gem chances, But aside from the tribute, what reason does anyone have to fight Crab King? Antlion will destroy the game world with large ground craters that increase in intensity the longer you ignore fighting her. But this is an Ocean QOL that’s coming, not a boss fight rework that just so happens to be on the ocean.. So I’d much rather Klei focus on making general ocean exploration and activities more exciting. I can careless about a boss I’ll kill ONCE for a Quest then ignore exists forever..
  16. Just. Tell. Me. Why. There is no reason to. Klei makes an amazing update, everyone hates it because it is uncompromising, and then now klei will probably nerf this to oblivion, making the whole thing useless to be added anyways because only a portion of people don't like it. I like it, it gives me a reason to find moonquay AND a reason to find pirate stashes in the mainland to recover my stuff. btw, don't wanna deal with pirate monekeys anymore? just bundle bananas from ruins in a bundling wrap and leave it on your boat, then place 1 on the boat when pirates come and fix the hole they made/use kelp protection. It is actually so easy to avoid it is disgusting you're asking for a further nerf to it. salt box doesn't need a buff. it would defeat the whole purpose of the thing being in the ocean to begin with. that would make one of our storytelling trailers useless since the characters are suffering from heat in a boat. Also that shouldve been the thing from the beggining, it is impossible to apply this currently.
  17. You can simply place an endothermic firepit or fail rows with a wooden paddle to get wet. Also you can just build an ice box with thermal stones in it. You can also make an ice cube for 8 days protection against summer COMPLETELY.
  18. Yesterday
  19. The ocean needs more mobs, well to be much more specific.. the ocean needs underwater invisible spawners that spawn mobs. The oceans mobs need to be a mix of completely passive & aggressive mobs. The aggressive mobs should make us interact with the deck of our cookie boats.. here are a few examples-
  20. It's in the game , you can summon it through the console and it works fine , apperantly they are reworking them somehow we still have no info on it . but def not gone forever
  21. My initial impression was the same, hammering stuff for 100% materials back seems too strong, but after thinking about it, I've changed my mind. Most of what you use a deconstruction staff for is items not structures. You can't hammer items so this is not nearly as powerful as an infinite deconstruction staff. Of all the OP's suggestions, this one is actually my favorite. It is simple and it would be great for base building. One thing it might be too good for is structures that spawn mobs, like pig houses or bunnyman hutches, since it would potentially mean an infinite amount of those mobs for the low cost of hammer durability. Maybe tuning it down to 75% rounded up would address that problem. At 75% rounded up, anything that would take 3 or fewer materials would still return 100% of the cost, so it would still mean that you could relocate things like chests for free.
  22. Yes. That was my point. The unique limitation is unnessesary because they're already much more effort to grow and move than other ways to prevent wildfires; bar maybe the Crystaleyezer. Stonefruit is good. I've never really used Banana Bushes, but stonefruit is good. But it's more the outlier than the rule. Summer is the "Cave Season" in the same way that November is McRib season. There's really nothing connecting the two, but tempatures (and pork prices) are low so you may aswell.
  23. Does this mean you can have the help of artist who doesn't know how to code or you're looking for a coder and if the coder is an artist too it's even better ?
  24. Ok so first of all, I read everything like it was Klei doing it so I can get an 100% unbiased opinion. I don't like this. It would defeat the purpose of the character. We only craft things in mass every once in a while anyways. The quick crafts when in danger are the actual benefits from this perk she has. I don't like trusty tape having charges as it doesn't make sense. But I do enjoy it requiring papyrus instead of grass, however it then had to be buffed, not nerfed. I think I'm confused here because some of the things you listed are already true so.. The turning on and off of the gemerators and generators makes SO much sense. Storing energy is a MUST for her. So many times I wasted charges just because the boss died too quickly. And in multiplayer it's even less impactful. I prefer catapults hp regen currently. Not cool to have to manage it's hp during a fight. The lightstick sounds interesting, but it has to be a lunar perk and make it so it makes the enlightened crown light range bigger. That would be a small perk. Like an upgrade from a lunar winona. The better versions sound awesome. Would be cool to have slighty higher durability on regular tools, specially gold ones. A tool rack is also MUCH needed in the game. In pubs the amount of tools dropped on the ground because of how little space the chests have contribute to the lag and the unorganized bases. A tool rack specific for her would make her way more necessary and impactful in groups, but also alone AND as a swap character. It's a win win. I don't like increased mining chopping or hammering efficiency by her. But if it was added, I wouldn't complain, the character would feel way stronger to play. The speed is useless imo. There are way better options in the game, and it's not like every rock or pighouse require 50 uses anyway, you're only there for some time. trusty tape perks has to be the most useless thing ever haha. Sorry but I would hate this. It's taking space for other more creative ideas that could be implemented. increased damage is kinda nice, but I would prefer if some of it was planar. That would already be great. Like 50 regular + 10 planar. 100% materials would make the deconstruction staff completely useless and it really is a horrible idea. Less materials? That would throw the balanced all the way to the roof. Character would simply turn stupid broken in an unfun way completely for no reason whatsoever. Green amulet??? Infinite tent by her would also defeat the whole purpose of having normal tents. And, if it had higher uses it would then be useless. I wouldn't mind using a regular tent if this was added. I think I gain nothing from it. Spacious chests for a skilltree would make the current elastispacer very underwhelming. It would also imply them making skins for every chest again. Btw we already have the dfly chest so this becomes even more useless. Walls that don't break from catapults would be a very bad way of fixing this issue I think. first one is a great addition. Reduced energy is very unnecessary. Again, it would be a missed opportunity for a better, more creative perk. That lighting perk sounds like it would be very situational. Maybe for an added character perk yes, but for a point in a skill tree? no. Power cells sounds very great. Potato generator sounds super cool, but in practice is lackluster. I would much prefer a giant potato having a specific thing that only that structure can do. Only giving energy sounds lame, it's even worse than a regular generator. New lantern and minerhat sounds very great. This perk alone would make her a very great character, specially if it's not that expensive or lasts longer. That's already too many perks with generators, I would much prefer new things be added rather than just more generators. I would prefer if the "battle prod" had a different name. I think that if it looked something similar to a scrapyard weapon would be great also. Shadow power cell is the lamest thing possible, sorry but it just sounds soo lazy. We don't need more thulecite gear, nor better ones, SPECIALLY locked behind 1 character skill tree. that trap sounds weirdly good. It would have to be very well placed to not sound too op or useless. what effects? another lazy thing that would not be very impactful. And if it is, locking it behind a skill tree is again a bad idea IMO. I would like if she could upgrade existing gear like the miner hat and lantern. That for me was the best idea. It's also crazy to me how she has the biggest potential for both sides. She can side with her own sister or her biggest idol. But for affinities, I would much prefer if Charlie had mercy on her and gave her the best affinity in the game, like 20% damage against lunar creatures, then roses appear on shadow weapons to represent her sister. Would be cool if her main shadow perk was a shadow thurible perk, where charlie reveals the night for her while holding it, making so winona has some control over the constant. Like a lesser queen. For lunar, she definitely needs a way to absorb/change/manipulate moon shards, moon rock etc.. As I said, she has the biggest potential of all characters when it comes to affinity, so Klei must make her one of the last ones imo.
  25. Not without a counter to deal with them when fishing. Hazourdous ocean is where it will spawn.
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