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Walter, the humanoid bat

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What do you think of a bat character implemented in Hamlet. This character would be unlocked via experience or unlock. His name would be Walter

Health: 150
Hunger: 100
Sanity: 150

Positive abilities: his first and main ability would be to fly, like a bat, he could pass through the walls and he could fly over the water, some enemies could not attack him and when the character is motionless, he lands on the ground. folding his wings. He would be able to use echolocation (a natural sonar used by dolphins and bats), echolocation allowing him to detect remote enemies and his bat friends. During the waves, they will naturally befriend Walter, allowing him to attack hippos and protect pigs and other creatures. Walter drops the guano periodically from 3-7 days.

Negative Abilities: Pig guards will be hostile to Walter. Walter can not eat monster meat, he would consider it cannibalism. Walter has a small belly and will often be hungry, hunger will be more to watch. Walter can not attack bats.

Starting point: Walter started with a special tree seed, so he planted just 10 days and thanks to this tree, he could land on his branch to sleep upside down. Thanks to this, he gains a little in mental health but loses hunger.

Walter would be a normal bat at first, which would have been tested by a scientist. So he became a humanoid bat.

What do you think ? I tried to do it as balanced as possible.


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That... Is... GENIUS! Klei, if you read this, please add this. A character like this would add so many new possibilities. And just imagine how useful his flying ability would be in SW! Would he be able to befriend batilisks in RoG? As for the echolocation, maybe you would hear sounds when a hostile mob is nearby. I also have a few additions to make: since bats are accustomed to living in dark places, he would be able to see in the dark (caves, ruins, night) and his sanity would not go down in dark places. To counter that, he would be sensitive to light. His sanity would decrease during the day, everything would appear very bright (like moggles in the day) and he would slowly take damage similar to WX after getting wet. This would force him to seek shelter in the caves or ruins during the day. This seriously NEEDS to happen!

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58 minutes ago, SpoonyBardIV said:

C'est ... GENIUS! Klei, si vous lisez ceci, ajoutez-le s'il vous plaît. Un personnage comme celui-ci ajouterait tellement de nouvelles possibilités. Et imaginez à quel point sa capacité de vol serait utile en SW! Serait-il capable de se lier d'amitié avec des batilisks à RoG? En ce qui concerne l'écholocation, vous entendrez peut-être des bruits quand une foule hostile sera à proximité. J'ai aussi quelques ajouts à faire: comme les chauves-souris sont habituées à vivre dans des endroits sombres, il serait capable de voir dans l'obscurité (grottes, ruines, nuit) et sa santé mentale ne tomberait pas dans des endroits sombres. Pour contrer cela, il serait sensible à la lumière. Sa santé mentale diminuerait au cours de la journée, tout semblerait très brillant (comme des masques dans la journée) et il subirait lentement des dégâts similaires à ceux de WX après avoir été mouillé. Cela l'obligerait à chercher refuge dans les grottes ou les ruines pendant la journée. Cela doit sérieusement arriver!

OMG, the features you added are just great! Yes, Walter can befriend Batilisk, the sight for darkness and the mental health that does not go down is just superb, I like it a lot. The light that affects it and the mental health that compensates for the darkness are a good challenge. The sudden damage by the rain is just beautiful, it makes me very happy!

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While the character concept itself is pretty cool, it is WAY too powerful currently. He literally has no downsides besides the pig guards but since he can befriend hundreds of bats easily, this shouldn’t really be a proble. Anyways, if Klei actually created a character like this, it would need a LOT more penalties.

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10 minutes ago, Drewey09 said:

Bien que le concept du personnage lui-même soit plutôt cool, il est actuellement trop puissant. Il n'a littéralement pas d'inconvénient, à part les gardes de cochons, mais puisqu'il peut facilement se lier d'amitié avec des centaines de chauves-souris, cela ne devrait pas vraiment être un problème. Quoi qu'il en soit, si Klei créait réellement un personnage comme celui-ci, il aurait besoin de beaucoup plus de pénalités.

Although I have given him some pretty low statistics, I should lower sanity or health. Do you have ideas penalties?

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I don't mean to be rude, but it seems kinda redundant and unoriginal. we have 2 characters that already can befriend enemies.

Webber can befriend all spiders and make dens.

Wilbur can befriend monkeys and can sprint(in a sense an analogue to flying)

Having a character be a humanoid version of a mob is getting old. There are already 1 mob based player character for each DLC (wilba: pig, Wilbur: monkey, Webber: spider)

I'd much rather see unique human characters with skills that have drawbacks. Befriending mobs is getting old. 

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3 minutes ago, mr.Hazard said:

Je ne veux pas être impoli, mais cela semble un peu redondant et sans originalité. nous avons 2 personnages qui peuvent déjà être amis avec des ennemis.

Webber peut créer des liens avec toutes les araignées et faire des tanières.

Wilbur peut se lier d'amitié avec des singes et peut sprinter (un peu comme un vol)

Avoir un personnage être une version humanoïde d'une foule vieillit. Il y a déjà 1 personnage de joueur basé sur la mob pour chaque DLC (wilba: pig, Wilbur: singe, Webber: araignée)

Je préférerais de loin voir des personnages humains uniques dotés de compétences présentant des inconvénients. Se lier d'amitié vieillit. 

I understand, however, the flying ability does not make Walter any faster than other characters. I think there are a lot of human characters and not enough humanoid characters. In a way, Wilba reads friends with pigs, or rather, it is the other pigs who make friends with her. But I can remove the ability to befriend, and if the bats are neutral to Walter, they are useless. :/

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33 minutes ago, Drewey09 said:

While the character concept itself is pretty cool, it is WAY too powerful currently. He literally has no downsides besides the pig guards but since he can befriend hundreds of bats easily, this shouldn’t really be a proble. Anyways, if Klei actually created a character like this, it would need a LOT more penalties.

Have you forgotten that he is DAMAGED BY LIGHT? Think of this: when playing as this character, the effects of light are similar to the effects of the gas forest (i.e you take damage). So you take 5 dps during the day, 2 dps in the evening and none at night. Maybe the character could craft a special item called the Sunglasses, which are made with 2 nightmare fuel, 2 papyrus and some Slurtle shell fragments. The item would only last 2 days, but would reduce damage from light to 0.5 dps. Walter would start out with a pair of Sunglasses to let him locate a cave entrance without taking too much damage. 

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My art making process as an art student (critique). A character should be balanced. If you add too many positives to the character there will be a lot of negatives which makes the gameplay confusing. I.e a character that is super simple like Wilson with 1 ability "Grows a beard" -> beard hair is used for resurrection, insulation, a fuel, and make a teddy bear (Bernie) OwO. Simplicity really makes a character be better because you can do many things with it. With detailed character, you can only do so much because it can only fit one task. I really like how Klei really push simplicity to get people to think creatively to solve problems. I.e combining elephant cactus and flower to make butterfly farms, etc. 

Also, think about how you would make the ideas to come true. Flapping over water needs work on animation etc. The planning process is important because it makes the production press easier. Your idea is possible but it takes more effort to make things right. 

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5 hours ago, Codina said:

Mon processus de création d'art en tant qu'étudiant en art (critique). Un personnage doit être équilibré. Si vous ajoutez trop de points positifs au personnage, il y aura beaucoup de points négatifs, ce qui rend le gameplay déroutant. C'est-à-dire un personnage très simple, comme Wilson avec 1 capacité "Pousse une barbe" -> les poils de barbe sont utilisés pour la résurrection, l'isolation, un carburant et la fabrication d'un ours en peluche (Bernie) OwO. La simplicité rend un personnage meilleur parce que vous pouvez faire beaucoup de choses avec. Avec un caractère détaillé, vous ne pouvez pas en faire plus car il ne peut s’adapter qu’à une tâche. J'aime vraiment la façon dont Klei pousse vraiment la simplicité pour amener les gens à penser de manière créative pour résoudre les problèmes. C'est-à-dire combiner des cactus d'éléphants et des fleurs pour créer des fermes à papillons, etc. 

En outre, réfléchissez à la façon dont vous concrétiseriez les idées. Le fait de palpiter au-dessus de l'eau nécessite des travaux d'animation, etc. Le processus de planification est important car il facilite la production. Votre idée est possible mais il faut plus d’efforts pour bien faire les choses. 

I understand, I have already asked the question so that Walter can fly and it would be obviously more difficult to conceive than for the other characters. Personally, I do not like simple characters or so I'm neutral to them, I prefer WX-78, Maxwell, Webber and Woodlegs. The example of Wilson's beard was well found, its growth is a simple mechanism, the character itself is simple to use, with a characteristic. But this unique feature makes it possible to make many things in the game.

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1 hour ago, Wyulliam said:

J'ai aimé le concept. Je laisserais aux développeurs le soin d’équilibrer les choses, mais comme il n’aime pas la journée, ce serait une façon assez différente de jouer, ce qui est agréable.

Postez ceci sur le fil de suggestion, de sorte que les développeurs le verront probablement :D

Thanks, that's what I did but no answer

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Don't Starve has many humanoid characters. One per DLC is actually enough. Also the abilities of this Walter are so dull and unoriginal that nobody would play him because he would be doing the same thing that Wilbur and especially Webber do.
And flying? Really? That skill would be so useless and would need so much work that there is no way Klei would add something like that. And there is no sense in making a character that would be hated by Pigmen when we have Webber.
You just created Webber v2.0.

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9 minutes ago, inferjus4 said:

Don't Starve a beaucoup de personnages humanoïdes. Un par DLC est en fait suffisant. De plus, les capacités de ce Walter sont si ennuyeuses et sans originalité que personne ne le jouerait parce qu'il ferait la même chose que Wilbur et surtout Webber.
Et voler? Vraiment? Cette compétence serait tellement inutile et aurait besoin de tant de travail que Klei n’a aucune chance d’ajouter quelque chose comme ça. Et il n’a aucun sens de faire un personnage qui serait détesté par Pigmen quand on aura Webber.
Vous venez de créer Webber v2.0.

I find it very funny, the flight would allow him not to be attacked by some enemies (I'm still looking), you forgot his starting point that I find interesting, I did not add but he can not sleep in a tent or sleeping bag. In addition there is the sonar that I find rather interesting, green for friends, and red for enemies, it would prevent enemies we would not hear, otherwise it is true that it looks like Webber, but Webber 2.0? He can not eat monster meat (and the dishes that contain it, including meatballs) and can not attack bats, so no wars between them.

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13 minutes ago, Philsam said:

I find it very funny, the flight would allow him not to be attacked by some enemies (I'm still looking), you forgot his starting point that I find interesting, I did not add but he can not sleep in a tent or sleeping bag. In addition there is the sonar that I find rather interesting, green for friends, and red for enemies, it would prevent enemies we would not hear, otherwise it is true that it looks like Webber, but Webber 2.0? He can not eat monster meat (and the dishes that contain it, including meatballs) and can not attack bats, so no wars between them.

So he has unmovable tent and sonar that detects enemies which you can just clearly see on the screen. Those skills are useless, they are just garbage. And not being able to eat monster meat and making bat fights does not mean he is not Webber v2.0. Most of Walter's skills are useless and those useful ones are just copied from Webber and Wilbur.

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40 minutes ago, inferjus4 said:

Il a donc une tente et un sonar inamovibles qui détectent les ennemis que vous pouvez voir clairement à l'écran. Ces compétences sont inutiles, elles ne sont que des ordures. Et ne pas être capable de manger de la viande de monstre et de faire des combats de chauve-souris ne signifie pas qu'il n'est pas Webber v2.0. La plupart des compétences de Walter sont inutiles et celles qui sont utiles sont simplement copiées de Webber et Wilbur.

But why are you talking about Wilbur? It has nothing to do with Walter, if you talk about theft, it does not make it faster. While he can not eat monster meat, or dishes that contain it and has a small belly plus a hunger that goes down faster, it can be a fun challenge. I repeat but I really like his tree seed. The sonar allows him to detect enemies with multiple screens (4-5), for example it could prevent the beetles that are very dangerous and that we can not avoid sometimes flytraps, swarms of gnats, when you hear the sound of the enemy whom you do not see, do you know where he is coming from? This disadvantage is a fun challenge (as each inconvenience) and sonar is useful in some situations. Wilba can eat monster meat without penalty, has low mental health, like Webber, yet she is not Webber 2.0, because she does not befriend mobs to be hostile. Otherwise I could take away Walter's friendship with the bats, but that would not interest the waves of bats. So one of his terrible drawbacks would be that bats are hostile to him because they consider him big compared to them, so they hate him. I like the idea.

Il y a 47 minutes, inferjus4 a déclaré:

Il a donc une tente et un sonar inamovibles qui détectent les ennemis que vous pouvez voir clairement à l'écran. Ces compétences sont inutiles, elles ne sont que des ordures. Et ne pas être capable de manger de la viande de monstre et de faire des combats de chauve-souris ne signifie pas qu'il n'est pas Webber v2.0. La plupart des compétences de Walter sont inutiles et celles qui sont utiles sont simplement copiées de Webber et Wilbur.

Sorry for Wilbur, I forgot the guano

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All of his skills are useless. Why would you need to detect enemies with sonar when you can just come closer, see if they are here or not and move further or avoid them (not even mentioning that would take a lot of time to create mechanic liek that)? Like I said before, making him not eating monster meat does not make him brand new character and giving him a perk that makes him get hungry faster is another unoriginal and boring idea. And unmovable tent is just pretty bad, new players could not make normal tents because they would be useless (Walter can sleep only in his tree-tent) and they would have to be using only Walter's tent and pro players do not even use a tent so they would never pick Walter in the first place! And making guano every few days is just worse Wilbur's passive skill.
I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to tell you Walter has stupid and unoriginal mechanics and skills and he will never be implemented to the game bceause of how similiar to Webber he is.

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1 hour ago, inferjus4 said:

All of his skills are useless. Why would you need to detect enemies with sonar when you can just come closer, see if they are here or not and move further or avoid them (not even mentioning that would take a lot of time to create mechanic liek that)? Like I said before, making him not eating monster meat does not make him brand new character and giving him a perk that makes him get hungry faster is another unoriginal and boring idea. And unmovable tent is just pretty bad, new players could not make normal tents because they would be useless (Walter can sleep only in his tree-tent) and they would have to be using only Walter's tent and pro players do not even use a tent so they would never pick Walter in the first place! And making guano every few days is just worse Wilbur's passive skill.
I am not trying to be rude, I am trying to tell you Walter has stupid and unoriginal mechanics and skills and he will never be implemented to the game bceause of how similiar to Webber he is.

I agree with you now, I know you're not tough, we're in a debate, you give your opinion, and I just respect it

1 hour ago, Szczuku said:

Also I don't think Klei really considers players' OCs as possible characters. They listen to the feedback about characters they've made but they'll probably never add any player-made characters

It's true

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