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Robotics Upgrade!

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There are a few task in the game that requires dupes to operate the building.

Such as Nursing, Cooking, Refinery or Compost, and bottled products delivery/release.

You can't fully automate the base unless we have some robotics.

Would be great to have the research and tech  and ability to build  Robots.  R2D2 c3po. lol. Data.

They don't consume food or oxygen.  BUT they do need power (lots of it) and they need recharging.

Possibly different types of Robots,  The Drones, which requires a wifi network in which they operate, consumes low power.
A fully functional robot requires more power.   Need a charging station for them.   They may get stuck or power down and require dupes to go replace their battery or sweep them back into a docking station like exosuit delivery.

Just a suggestion for a future upgrade  OR future DLC.  :)


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I`d love robots that do basic tasks. They should need recharge docks similar to exosuit docks and have a limited work range. Maybe one robot could do only one task like only dig, deliver, operate (but not combat, we don`t want robots to take over the colony). They should be also movable by dupes in case one runs out of energy away from the dock.

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I think droids can open up all sorts of ideas on their functions. building different types.   limited mobility to the floor they're on like critters they can't climb ladders etc.

more advance droids require special AI components that can be found on other planets(require rockets to get it)  or secret lab?    (like weezewort but more rare/exclusive/limited)

could be fun addition to the game. 

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7 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

I`d love robots that do basic tasks. They should need recharge docks similar to exosuit docks and have a limited work range. Maybe one robot could do only one task like only dig, deliver, operate (but not combat, we don`t want robots to take over the colony). They should be also movable by dupes in case one runs out of energy away from the dock.

Letting them dig in the dangerous areas would be nice, they would have to work slower though to not make it too easy. 

They should also be on the schedule and also have sleep time but longer than a dupe (for charging). 


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I've been thinking of robotics and how it could not make robots more distinct from the duplicates. I mean not just make them "dupes who do not need oxygen and eat electricity".
1. Remote-conntrol station (RCS). Situation the metal refinary is in the cold biome far-far away. It takes a whole day (or a tone of plastic) to get there to press the damn button. This is where the remote-control station comes in. A dupe pushes a button on the remote-control station, attached to the drone near the building. The robot may like a pair of mechanical hands. And the RCS may look  like a set of vr goggles and gloves.
2. Waiter droid. No time to travel to the Great Hall? The droid will bring you a snack. And even feed you through a
exosuit if it's necessary.
3. Jet-pack. A quadricopter jet-pack. The jet-packs are stored on stations like
exosuits. Allow to travel like through the plastic tubes but without the tubes. Take MUCH energy and overheat the environment.
4. Desinfector carries a canister of Chlorine. A flying droid. Clears the air, hands, surfaces.

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1 hour ago, Rogue Witch said:

What if I tell you that the Dupes ARE the Robots ! The idea of having robots to do dupe stuff is null and void.

They are biological robot. They are made from 3d printer. Basically what this want is less upgraded version of Duplicant the robot, which, can only do chores and cant move.

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7 hours ago, Neotuck said:

Is the end game idea is to fully automate your colony so all the dupes can spend each cycle goofing off in the rec room?

YES!!! The goal of this game is obviously to make a luxury resort.  Why else would we have message tables or comfy beds.  My dupes demand that the goal be to reach the highest levels of luxury.  Everything they do is motivated by that goal.  That, and go to space and see the sights.

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I have a vision of the future, a future in which robots perform menial tasks like digging and cleaning while my highly trained dupes spend their time on more worthwhile pursuits like curing diseases and exploring outer space.  Make it happen, Klei.  Please.

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I was thinking it'd be cool  to have a "Repair Drone"  it flies around and does repairs (fetches the needed material and does the repair).
Currently dupes ignore repairing or don't get them done because it requires another guy to fetch the material which have 2 different priorities.

Another cool idea is a sweeper bot that acts like the vacuum bot that you can buy that just moves around the house sweeping stuff up. 
This could be vary useful considering people dig stuff along a hall way and setting up auto sweepers and rails just takes too much effort and it has such limited use after its done.   With a sweeper bot, you can put it on one floor and then move it to another floor.

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