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Best solution for wrangling the nighthand?

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A nighthand always wants to hide a part of its in the darkness for some (may be filthy) reason so once you meet one and wanna trap it, use moogle and build fences around it. The most important thing to remember is never bring any light source near its fencing or it will stop what it's doing and run. Good luck!


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I've never considered keeping a nighthand, but I do have the Stagehand around my base (in Starvania, anyway).  I call it Table.  Table is a part of the family.  It also inadvertantly helped lead me out of the swamp one night ('cos base was right near said swamp, and when I got close enough it ran towards my torchlight) so, it's even useful.

The Nighthand, however...I ilke making jokes about it when playing as Winona ("Really, sis?  REALLY?") but...


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On May 5, 2018 at 11:42 PM, Jason86JR said:

A nighthand always wants to hide a part of its in the darkness for some (may be filthy) reason so once you meet one and wanna trap it, use moogle and build fences around it. The most important thing to remember is never bring any light source near its fencing or it will stop what it's doing and run. Good luck!


Is this real? Lol it seems at daybreak it'd just disappear...

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Yeah, and that's not Moggle lighting in that picture, so obviously that picture was taken by a DIFFERENT player. Colour me confused as well.

As to how to wrangle the _Stagehand_...I don't, I just get it into my base and then it goes wherever the latest fire was.  However, as told in my last post here, sometimes that trait can be handy--as when I couldn't check my map while running through the swamp in the dark and the Stagehand was like "OOH FIRE!" and I was like "OOH BASE!"  :D


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Oh yeah...I remember seeing that mod. Also the recent thread about "How do I make insanity not look insane?" 

(smacks forehead)

...I dunno, as annoying as those effects are, I don't think I would ever want to turn them completely OFF.  When something potentially dangerous is happening, I wanna know!  Moggle effects aren't necessary--but having them off makes it confusing to remember when you've got the bloody things on or off, so you might run down the durability real fast without realising it.  Insanity warns you other ways, such as with sound and flickering shadow things that then start becoming more and more blatant.  But...freezing and overheating's first, milder effects are specifically TO give you time to do something about it before it hits the harmful part! And I like how the seasons all have their own special looks; if they lost those I'd miss it.  Everything would seem too samey.  (I live in a temperate area with all four seasons in real life for a REASON, dammit!)

But to each their own.  (shrug)


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