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I once had an artist named Kevin. Kevin worked so hard he forgot to eat. I tried to move, and teleport kevin over and over to where the food was but he refused to eat. He just kept going back to work over and over. Poor Kevin died of starvation from this non stop working. So the morale to the story is the endless work cycle bug....killed kevin.


Poor Kevin

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Unfortunately the current food serving logic is first-come-first-serve. So kevin might simply have been unlucky that somebody else was willing to take a meal as soon as food was available, while he was just continuing painting and sculpting.

This is very bothersome and you can manually workaround this issue by deselecting food for all non-starving dupes on the "consumables" screen and only enabling poor hungry kevin until he has had his well deserved calories.


I have tried to suggest a change to that logic in the past:


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