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How to cool your base?

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Any help on cooling my base?

Every time I start a new session I face this problem of overheating. Machinery, water from steam geysers and other stuff, heat just stays there. Gas and liquid cooling machines help little because they each hog 1200 watts and additional fertelizer or nat gas power plants  I build for them compensate for heat reduction. 

Plus, thermo regulator and aquatuners overheat instantly and either take overheat damage or stop cooling stuff. 

In the end meallice die because temperature becomes too high.

Also, I have no idea how to farm bristle berries because so far I have never managed to cool my base even to 35 celsium. Usually entire base is on 40+.

And waterfan is manually operated, so I never ever used it and never ever will.

Am I missing some crucial mechanics? How to create an enviromnent outside ice biome to farm steelwheat or bristle berries?

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Wheezeworts.  You find them in the cold biomes and can use the planters that you use for briars for décor.

They are the simplest heat destroying mechanism available.  Dig 'em up, plant 'em where you need them.  I typically use them next to the hydrolizers, they help move the pressure out of the machine and cool it down at the same time, so I've got a built in HVAC to my air creation.

Other options are available but the complexity increases drastically, and typically require some wheezeworts anyway.  Start with wheezeworts.

Bristleberries are basically a pointless crop with the amount of water they consume at the moment unless you use some glitches to keep water usage down to a reasonable level.  Go for shrooms.

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Yeah I have found them but they are finite and not that effective from my experience. I planted them in a farm room adn then they did nothing to reduce nearby heat.

Bristles ar eokay for me because geysers produce enough water forthem BUT they produce hot water and so bristle overheat. Plus, shrooms as well die from overheating and require constant slime fertilization, which is a manual task.

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Wheezeworts work best in hydrogen atmospheres, and you can use them to keep the thermoregulator and aquatuner cool.  Once you can get liquid oxygen, you can start using that to purify your polluted O2, oxygenate your base and keep it cool.  I've really had a dickens of a time doing it outside of a debug mode, but I'm gamely continuing on.  :) 

I started growing bristleberries because I was actually having too much water *L*  You can use falling and distance to cool the water, or directing it to the ice biome.  I tend to do my oxygen production there too for now.  (cools it, I pump it to the main base) It will eventually heat up the biome, but as it does, I move to a new section of the biome (I can usually make quite a few areas of cool O2 production before a single biome is melted.)  Hopefully, by the time you get through those all, you've been able to cool O2 to liquid.  As I was playing with the aquatuner I realized I could keep it in a hydrogen filled room (filled with the supercooled hydrogren from attempting to cool oxygen from the thermoregulator) that prevents it from overheating.  You prevent the thermoregulator from overheating by putting it in a hydrogen room with a wheezewort or two. 

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I think you're missing the fundamentals of thermodynamics. Everything in the game heats (or cools in the case of wheezeworts) the medium around them. That is the liquid or gas they're in. This medium then in turn heats their surrounding tiles, etc. When you used wheezeworts, were they in a high thermal conductivity gas, like hydrogen, at relatively high pressure, say 1000g/tile or higher? If not, then you're not using them correctly. Machines can also, for the most part, be water cooled by letting water drip on them and drain away.

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There's about 25-30 wheezeworts on any given map, usually plenty for most bases.  They aren't miracle workers, though, they get there eventually over time.  To increase their effectiveness, park them in a room loaded with Hydrogen to cool down HVAC machines like the thermo regulator.  A few sporadically around my base typically handles most of my heavy lifting though for a reasonable sized base.

Bristles overheat when you leave water standing in them.  You can feed them straight from a geyser if you valve each hydroponics farm and only give them exactly as much water as they need.  Sliming a massive mushroom farm isn't too bad if you get them all on similar cycles (halt and re-allow harvesting).

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Use abyssalite/insulated  tile for isolate your base from hot biome/room, always use abyssalite pipe for transport geyser water, and you HAVE to use a lot of wheezeworts for cooling your battery / power generator / hydrolizers

Wheezeworts are the key of temperature managing, adapt their placements over time.

When you are confortable on power ressource, you can use a aquatuner submerged into is own cooling oil in a close circuit. the cooling is very very slow but can reach -200c! do whatever you want with the oil through wolframite pipe for cool gas or your hot places


check where I placed them here : base.jpg.00f2b909ac8d7f10555e2e35afdcd06

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There are several way to handle heat in a base. For punctual needs, you can move hot water or ice (wether you want heating or cooling) from a place to another. There are a lot of hot things in hot biomes and cold things in cold biome that you can fetch to alter the temperature of specific spots.

For the long term needs, you will want to prevent continuous heating or cooling of your base. The most important word here is "insulation". For instance, if you pump 90°C water from a geyser and get it into your base using "normal" pipes, the water will heat the pipes and the pipes will heat your base. To insulate the pipes, build them out of abyssalite.

If you can handle the geysers producting hot gases or liquids, your next main problem will be your very own building producing heat. Especially electric generator, but not only... batteries, water purifier, compost, etc. They all output heat when enabled. What you want is to prevent them from heating your living areas. You can conceal them in closed room made of abyssalite tiles. But they will slowly heat the room and be damaged when the temperature gets too high. You need a way to destroy heat. This is the second most important thing : how to destroy heat.

There are mainly three ways to destroy heat.

  1. Matter destruction. This happens a lot. This happens in hydrogen generator, in electrolysers, in showers and in hydroponic tiles. When feeding these building with something, they consume it and destroy it and the heat it contains. For instance, showers destroy the input water and create polluted water to output at a constant temperature, independent of the input temperature. Hydroponic tiles just destroy the incoming water.
  2. Wheezwort are just destroying the heat contained into a gas.
  3. Exploit the bug of dripping water.

I don't like the 3rd solution and it's likely that it will be fixed at some point. As you already stated, wheezwort are in a limited number. They are still pretty handy. So, personnally, i'm going with the first solution to destroy unlimited quantities of heat.

So, instead of dripping water (to avoid exploiting the bug, even if it's not intentional) I just let a bit of water flow on the ground. In my current base, I use several valves to let 50g/s of polluted water flow and cool my hydrogen generators, my natural gas generator and my batteries. At the end, I collect all the polluted water that have cooled these buildings. The collected water is then send to fertilizer makers which destroy the water and thus the heat. The temperature in there is still high (around 50°C) but not high enough to cause any damage.

I still use the wheezwort for other needs. For instance, I spread my electrolyzers in my base. I surrend them with weezwort : it cools the electrolyzer, the air it outputs and increase the beauty in the area. It's more compact and suitable for this usage.



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This might give you some ideas. I dug around for an ice biome and then created a reservoir for the polluted water below. Wheezeworts are not needed but certainly a bonus.

Right side is where power and oxygen production are.


Oxygen comes out at whatever temperature the Electrolyzer is. All machines built with Wolframite.


Here's the oxygen temperature.


Drip cooling is the easiest thing ever.


I just finished building everything on the right side so my base is a little warm.


Cool your Thermo regulators with drip cooling and/or wheezeworts all engulfed in hydrogen. Thermo regulators must be submerged in some type of liquid and surrounded by wheezewort plus hydrogen if you're not into steaming.


For your Bristle Blossom farm, you could build an upside down "U" over a liquid vent made of wolframite(or whatever you have available), fill it with hydrogen and then let it drip onto a wheezewort. Your starter water should be around 22 degrees Celsius so you could use that to cool your farm area and then let it drain out of the liquid vent I mentioned. You'll eventually notice your water supply getting colder and colder.

I haven't grown Sleet Wheat before but I'd imagine doing it with liquid oxygen. Thermo regulators would be the easier solution but liquid oxygen is much more exciting.

Water isn't a problem if that's something you're worried about. By converting polluted water(no germs) with the water distiller you'll have plenty of supply for your electrolyzers. Two electrolyzers is enough for 16 Duplicants. Then that leaves you with 2 Steam geysers for your farms. :D You'll want to create enough liquid oxygen to keep up with the steam geysers so they stay down to 20 degrees Celsius but that'll be for another day.


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4 hours ago, Exa said:

When you are confortable on power ressource, you can use a aquatuner submerged into is own cooling oil in a close circuit. the cooling is very very slow but can reach -200c! do whatever you want with the oil through wolframite pipe for cool gas or your hot places

Very slow? It takes a few cycles.

My Black Pink Heart takes less than 6 cycles to get from 70C to -210C. And that's not even optimized for efficiency but rather because I like how it looks. And really discount the first cycle as I made some mistakes and had to change it so it only cooled 40C so degrees in the first cycle.

Debug save file below.

Black Pink.png

Cold Black Pink Heart.sav

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7 hours ago, Technoincubus said:

Every time I start a new session I face this problem of overheating.

So it kind of sounds like your problem is shorter term, not the mega-long-term (thousands of cycles).  Assuming that's the case, in the short game prevention is the most important.  Figure out how far you want your 'core' base to go (best to keep it in the starting biome) and when you excavate a new area of your core, make sure you go all the way to your pre-determined border and put an abyssalite shell there.  This is especially important near hot biomes.  Try not to store stuff from hot biomes in your base core, as that stuff is also hot.  And make sure to use abyssalite for ductwork and piping from any hot source such as geysers or electrolyzers. 

Now speaking of electrolyzers, don't bother.   Not for a long time.  You've got more than enough algae to run a 20 dupe base for hundreds of turns, so long as you expand into slime and hot biomes at a decent rate.  Take advantage of offgassing PW and even slime if you're careful.  These take 0 power and generate 0 heat.  PW infected with food poisoning is a non-issue, as it will not survive in the air at offgassing rates.   Like algae, you've got hundreds of tons of sand, you can purify all the PO in the map with that sand. 

Try to run all your heat producing machinery (this includes batteries and transformers) outside your base core, where the waste heat is not that important.  Use wheezeworts of course, but you can also stuff a locker full of ice (or limit it's capacity, if you want it to go longer without melting) and this will also have a strong cooling effect.  Just be sure there's a place for the melted ice to go.  a full locker will become 20+ tiles of water when it melts, which will all happen at once.

And ya, you can do the thermal and aqua tuners too.  You can experiment with them at a pretty leisurely rate, since you won't need them for ages.

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Some advice here is good, some is not so good. As some have said, you first need to identify the sources of your heat so you can understand how you're dealing with it. When I first started, I didn't understand that Electrolyzers output gas at a constant 70c and I just had them around my base cooking everything. There's also running hot geyser water through your base without abyssalite pipes that'll act like a hot water radiator.

Unfortunately, a lot of the really detailed information relies on ferreting out someone who knows or searching through random threads on these forums. Like how wheezeworts work best in hydrogen not just because it is conductive but because they pump 1000kg/s of gas in a well pressurized room and apply a static 5c reduction on the gas they move from their bottom cell to their output top cell. Hydrogen, because it takes so much energy to move it in temperature compared to other gasses means you are getting more cooling per second in terms of heat energy destroyed.

There is also knowing that some buildings, most notably carbon skimmers and electrolyzers can be fed with near 90c water and output constant temperature products like 40c polluted water from the carbon skimmer (which also destroyed the heat in the carbon it removed) and 70c gas from the electrolzyer.

Even more interestingly are the buildings that take inputs and produce outputs at variable temperatures to the temperature of the building itself. Like Natural Gas generators and Petroleum generators. You can cool these buildings to very low temperatures and use their output of polluted water and Co2 to cool other devices. You can even build a base that relies on zero wheezeworts and if you're not careful freeze out your base this way. Showers, and lavatories also work this way, so you can use it to help regulate temperature in a minor way by inputting geyser water with insulated pipe and outputting the waste water in conductive materials.

Another feature is that while there is no real convection in the game, cold has a very strong tendency to want to move down and warm up. If you put something hot at the bottom of your base insulated it will want to move up over your base and heat it up. Where as if it is toward the top of your base it will want to keep the heat there. This has value if you want to place something hot in your base for a period of time it can be prudent in moving it to the top to keep the heat contained if you don't have the insulation or means to do so otherwise.

Here is a thermal of my base, as you can see I am actually kind of dealing with the reverse problem of runaway cooling. I've only 2 wheezeworts up in a corner planted, which were originally placed to help cool down some adjacent slime tiles but they're hardly doing anything now. And 1 more in a small hydrogen room to liquefy unneeded chlorine as an experiment in storing slime.

But the main culprits in cooling are the polluted water and CO2 coming from my power generators. I had to install multiple spaceheaters to warm the co2 coming at my slicksters so they weren't frozen to death.

The slime biome on the left is nearly frozen out mostly due to unintended use of the water exploit in which relatively small amounts of cold water can cool large bodies. Since it has been used as drainage for polluted  water for me, the cold water generated by my petroleum generator has accidentally began to freeze the whole slime biome along with excavation of the ice biome above it.


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54 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

My Black Pink Heart takes less than 6 cycles to get from 70C to -210C

HAHA That is crazy insane! Started both at 46.9 Celsius


And within seconds down to 4.4 Celsius :D


-210 Celsius at Cycle 24


Started towards the end of Cycle 21 so about 2 cycles and a quarter LOL

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54 minutes ago, MidnightSteam said:

HAHA That is crazy insane!

You wanna know the really crazy part? You don't actually need the aquatuner. It just makes it a lot faster but the heat deletion bug with crude oil on sequential one tile drops is immense. And can cool it to basically absolute zero with just a pump.

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2 minutes ago, Saturnus said:

You wanna know the really crazy part? You don't actually need the aquatuner. It just makes it a lot faster but the heat deletion bug with crude oil on sequential one tile drops is immense. And can cool it to basically absolute zero with just a pump.

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly - every time your crude oil drops by one tile, it is losing heat?  I'm not taking advantage of this stuff enough  :) Especially because I hate myself if I use debug mode  *L*

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37 minutes ago, SusanMcO said:

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly - every time your crude oil drops by one tile, it is losing heat?  I'm not taking advantage of this stuff enough  :) Especially because I hate myself if I use debug mode  *L*

Yeah, about 0.1C but it adds up. Enough of those and the heat from the pump is eliminated. Even more drops and it's self-cooling.

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1 hour ago, MidnightSteam said:

@Saturnus LOL This is fun. :D

It sure is fun playing around with debug mode to find something you can build in game.

My mantra is that; if possible it should not only be functional, it should also have an artistic quality.

For example I like build to my natural gas geyser enclosures to look like pacman monsters. The chlorine geyser in the shape of a skull. The water geysers in the shape up drops. And so on. Be creative! In debug mode it costs nothing to mess around, and if you can find something that works in a survival game. Cool. :D

EDIT: I forgot that since the hospital room overlay is red, I make the hospital room in the shape of a cross. So it comes up as a red cross in the room overlay. :D

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