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What If Klei Started a Global Dedicated Server?

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So, my brother plays Minecraft, and I was seeing him. In the game, you can create a server and put all your "rules". So here is the deal:

What if Klei created a lot of global dedicated servers (so the players would only play and not have to create its own server) and in that global server, the put something like a "City" for players to trade things, or shops. 


Something like: In this area, a 10x10 square, no player can destroy, build, or set fire in anything, and it's full of chests. The player put something in the chest, like a Spear for exemple, and the other player need to pay one gold to retire the spear, like a shop.


That would be very nice. 


Later the players could pretect their bases too, like: I'm buying this 5x5 square. I'm the only one who can build or destruct things here. 


What do you guys think about that?

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I think it's a great idea. 


With the work we have done for server sharding, anybody could do this as it stands now, I believe. It would take a lot of work for sure, but Mineplex wasn't built in a day! =)


It's not likely something that Klei would be able to do because we are spending our efforts working directly on the game. But there is no reason why a group of players couldn't be working on this very thing right now.




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Ok, let's contact the modders and wait. It would be very fun to play in a town. Like: I have 4 eyeballs but i dont need them, so i will sell them and buy some other thing. 


Beside, how can I start to learn modding? Are there some kind of programs?

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  • Developer
But there is no reason why a group of players couldn't be working on this very thing right now.


There might be one or two small reasons why a group of players wouldn't be able to finish it (portal linking stuff, etc), but we'd be working on getting rid of those as any group doing this made us aware of them.

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