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What gamemode is best for a private server for friends?

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@TheKingofSquirrels, start in a default (preferably unmodded) survival server. Then, enter your controls and randomize EVERYTHING, just go through each control and bind it to a random key. Then start the server. Now you and the new player will die at the same rate and therefore gain the full experience of a new player.


... I regret never doing this... this is horrible hilarious.

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New players tend to die A LOT, and it can get tedious to stop what you're doing to revive them every day. The game stops being Don't Starve Together and starts becoming Telltale Heart Simulator. Since he's brand new, I'd recommend starting with Endless Mode so he can get the hang of at least some of the base mechanics. Once he gets gets a grasp of the basics, then start a Survival world.

If he wants to change characters mid-game, have him drop all of his stuff somewhere safe, then enter this on the console:


This will tell you his player number. You as the host are 1, he'll be 2 through 6 (depending on how many people are playing). One you have his number, enter this:


That will return him to the character select screen.

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He is new to Don´t Starve, so he might want to change characters after he choose



Proper initiations for new players, go god mode and let them play solo on survival.  See how long they last :-)


In reality though, I'd suggest an endless server (unless you wanna carry him in survival) with no server mods, for client mod's I'd recommend always-on status and status announcements by recezib.  Especially status announcements as it will help him quickly let you know how his stats are doing so you can help him out.


The reason I recommend endless is because for the first game, they should at least be able to do something in the event they die and you haven't gotten a gland yet.  Also, you might want to introduce them to all the seasons first before you decide to do a survival game.  Having to restart a survival game before someones even experienced a full year can be a little bit too overwhelming.  


Once you both feel confident you can handle survival switch the modes, though endless might be fun enough depending on your personal preference.


But if your friend enjoys the game enough and the two of you feel like experiencing the 4 seasons should be an ordeal that you must earn, then go ahead and do survival games.  In my play group we mostly do survival games, and we're pretty okay with the restart if we all happen to die.  The exciting part is when everyone is dead except for me, and I manage to go rambo for 4 days straight with ghosts breaking my sanity until I eventually manage to heal enough to revive everyone with hearts.  There's just something satisfying about saving the day like that.




For characters, in my opinion these characters are listed from the most beginner friendly to the most unfriendly.


Wickerbottom- New players usually don't sleep, and the immediate access to science machine items can prove very handy, especially considering they won't know what they might need on the field, with wickerbottom your friend can just make whatever they need on the field, without having to prototype it first.  Considering at the very beginning of the game you usually have to quest for gold or your stuck with very, very limited options. Wickerbottom can open up those options right out the gate, it's also a great character for teaching them certain things in the game, like the ability to dig up berry bushes and saplings and such to move them around and create a centralized base of survival.


Wigfrid- If your friend just wants to hit stuff, have them find a spider den and just kill spiders forever, cook monster meat and eat it for hunger, then kill more spiders to restore sanity.  Very easy 2 step process to make this character self-sustaining.  Additionally, this gets you lots of silk and glands for revivals.  Just be sure to inform your friend to not waste time grabbing anything but flint, sticks, and grass while searching for spiders, as you won't really need berries or carrots for a long time (until crock pot).  As combat can be difficult to understand at first (Use the F key), I'd suggest your friend avoids wigfrid as a "first" character, since berries and carrots are usually what you survive on in the beginning.


Willow- Generally well-rounded character, starts with a very long lasting light source that can be rebuilt, has a nightmare tanking teddy bear, and can cook food without the need for a campfire.  As long as you inform your friend that "Burning things is a very last resort thing" willow can prove to be a very fun explorer character for checking lots of things out without having to constantly stop at nighttime.  Her low sanity cap can be managed fairly easily, and lowering sanity actually helps during summer (If you live that long).  But you pretty much play like wilson when you play willow


Wilson- Good ol' wilson, don't underestimate this guy, he has no overbearing weaknesses and has a beard that can make winter survival super easy.  Just be sure to instruct your friend to always remember to wear armor, as dying resets the beard which makes most wilson's sad.  Once the first winter ends, let your friend know to shave it for that very useful beard hair.


Webber- If your friend knows what pigs and spiders are, let him know that webber is friends with spiders, but enemies with pigs.  Once they get that across, you basically are playing a low sanity wilson with a spider army that can usually handle any threat that comes at him (mostly hounds).  Be sure to let him know of good ways to restore sanity though, as webbers very low sanity cap means he will be dealing with nightmares rather frequently.  And spiders don't attack those.  Also supply him with football helmets.


WX78- Rain hardly every hurts WX that much, and in DST his health is around wilson's level, so he can pretty much do everything wilson can do, but also the added benefits of eating stale food without penalty, upgrading himself with gears, and getting a huge bonus when struck by lightning.  But remember to get your fridge and flingomatic before he goes a gear nomming.  The desert is WX's best friend.


Wendy- Wendy is actually a little less noob friendly in DST, abigail will only attack if wendy hits something, or gets hit.  And since wendy inflicts 50% less damage, she's practically reliant on abigail for fighting.  Also, forget about killing rabbits with boomerangs, she's just too weak to do it.  The sanity reduction at night should help him with maintaining sanity though.


Woodie- Werebeaver is wierd, your friend might like the character, but they might also get confused.  I'd avoid this character for beginning playthroughs, but once he gets into the swing of things, good ol' woodie deserves a shot.


Wolfgang- Wolfgang is quite possibly the hardest character to use before Wes.  What most players fail to realize is that while hes not in wimpy form, he's draining 2x-3x normal hunger.  This makes him a food vacuum that quickly burns through food supplies.  Most good wolfgang players understand this and play the game mostly in wimpy mode to preserve supplies, while also keeping food on hand to switch forms getting ready for a fight.  In wimpy mode you also suffer from Wendy's inability to kill rabbits with a boomerang (birds included) which can be a bit rough to deal with, along with reduced movespeed, and minimal health.  If that wasn't enough, he also suffers increased sanity drain from nighttime and nearby monsters, so sanity resources are going to get drained faster as well.  In the hands of a good player, Wolfgang can be a powerhouse.  But in the hands of a new inexperienced player, your just going to lose alot of resources needlessly.


Wes- I don't really need to explain this, wes is designed to make the game harder.  Aside from the balloon shenanigans, he's got absolutely nothing going for him.  Not for beginners obviously.


Also if your friend wants to ever try a new character while the game is going, just type c_despawn(2) in the console to despawn his character, this will completely erase his inventory and send him to the character selection screen.  Afterwards he will spawn at the portal as if he just recently joined.  This can be alot more convenient than remaking the server everytime your friend wants to try someone else.





This will tell you his player number. You as the host are 1, he'll be 2 through 6 (depending on how many people are playing). One you have his number, enter this:



You don't need to put AllPlayers[], the c_despawn command accepts numbers as well, putting in c_despawn(2) is the same as c_despawn(AllPlayers[2])


But yes, if you have more than 2 players in your server, then use c_listallplayers() to find out your friends number first before you despawn them, you wouldn't want to accidently erase someone elses valuable inventory.


In the event of an accidental oops, you can just rollback the server to a previous save.

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